Venus in Astrology - Meaning, Signs and Birth Chart

In Greek mythology, Venus is Aphrodite, the goddess of love. This planet regulates love and desires, lust, art and pleasure.

In Greek mythology, Venus is Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love. Venus regulates the world of love and desire, lust, artistic expression, and the pleasures of life. It represents one of humanity's most basic drives: the need to relate. That's Venus in Astrology.

Glifo Vénus

"The glyph of Venus is represented by the circle of spirit that atops the cross of matter, symbolizing union and love."

Astral Characterization

  • Primordial Quality - Cold and Wet
  • Element - Water
  • Temperament - Phlegmatic (sensitive and reserved personality, with a strong emotional motivation)
  • Rules/ Dignity - Taurus, Libra
  • Day of the Week - Wednesday
  • Color - Blue, pink , white, purple, green, turquoise, pastels
  • Detriment/ Conflict - Aries
  • Exaltation - Pisces
  • Fall - Virgo
  • Virtue - Love
  • Vice - Lust
  • Number - VI
  • Obstacles of Past Life - Inability to love, misuse of attraction sexual
  • Associations - Arts, color, love, social life, female universe, jewelry, adultery, bedding, white wine
  • Keywords - Affinity, love, lust, aesthetic, attraction, female sexuality, beauty, vanity, intimacy, erotic, sensual, desire, mystery, ambition, jealousy, discretion, relationships, complicity, self-image, rivalry, satisfaction, greed

Brief Astronomical Facts about Venus

The planet Venus is the second from the Sun. It is roughly the size of Earth and is therefore often considered its twin. Viewed from our planet, Venus is the third brightest celestial body, surpassed only by the Sun and Moon.

Since its orbit is closer to the Sun than Earth's, it is only possible to observe it a few hours after dusk or a few hours before dawn, as with the planet Mercury. This led to it being popularly nicknamed “Morning Star” or “Afternoon Star”. 

Venus planet takes 224.7 Earth days to make a turn around the Sun. But, as the rotation on itself is quite slow, it needs 243 Earth days to complete a turn on itself. That is, it takes longer to complete a circle on itself than it does to circle the Sun. Venus travels in the opposite direction (from east to west) to most other planets in the solar system (a feature it shares with the planet Uranus). In Western culture, Venus is associated with love. 

Venus in Mythology

In Greek mythology, Venus is Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, whose name derives from the word aphrodisiac. Venus represents the feminine, the woman's world, lust, physical desire, lustful seduction. In Roman mythology, Aphrodite is Venus.

Daughter of the gods, Venus protected and blessed lovers who lived tragic and impossible loves. Together with Apollo, she represented the ideal of beauty for the ancient Greeks.

Venus in Astrology


Like Mercury, the planet Venus lies between the Sun and the Earth. It is never more than 48º from the Sun and, therefore, in the horoscope, it is either positioned in the same sign as the Sun or in one of the two previous or following signs.

Venus is synonymous with relationships, encounters, acceptance. Therefore, in the astral map, this planet indicates, on the one hand, the potential of affinity and intimacy with others and, on the other hand, the ability of the person to relate to himself.

Venus represents the potential for self-esteem and reminds us that those who do not esteem themselves are unable to maintain healthy relationships with others. Those who don't like themselves are not able to receive or give affection or establish intimacy.

Venus in Astrology - Influence on the Astral Chart

The position of Venus in the birth chart indicates the things a person appreciates, whether they consider themselves worthy of being loved and whether they deserve to be happy. Venus symbolizes the need for a person to find themselves through external relationships. This planet also reveals the type of personality for which they feel the most attraction and harmony.

In both males and females, the position of Venus on the chart represents sensuality, the ability to give and feel pleasure. It represents the erotic personality, the object of desire and how desire is made. It's the attraction, the physical appearance, the physical attraction, the need to satisfy the most intimate desires.

In a man's chart, the position of Venus suggests what he is attracted to in a woman, the qualities he is looking for, what turns him on, and what he wants in a relationship. Venus is your ideal image of a woman. Your object of desire. The achievement of your life.

In a woman's birth chart, Venus symbolizes how she presents herself to the world, her body language, what she values in herself and how she feels as a woman. It expresses the need to feel beautiful and wanted.

Venus in Astrology - Emotional Fulfillment, Fulfillment with Life

Venus personifies the beautiful, the pleasure, the simple and light life. In terms of personality, it portends a gentle and loving nature, someone peaceful and sociable. Fun and desire, emotional satisfaction, self-acceptance. All of this coexists in the universe of Venus.

Venus in Astrology - Disposition in the Astral Map

In the astral map, positioned in a compatible sign, Venus favors free and easy relationships. In an incompatible sign, it can indicate an apparent coldness or superficial relationships that mask the difficulty of intimacy.

How is Venus Expressed Through the Signs?


Venus in Aries

It wants attention and praise. Erotic, passionate, hedonistic, idealistic. Venus in Aries falls in love quickly and is attracted to domineering partners.

Learn more about Aries


Venus in Taurus

It wants sexual satisfaction. Affectionate, passive, faithful, possessive, jealous. Venus in Taurus takes place emotionally in marriage. It is attracted to sensual partners.

Learn more about Taurus


Venus in Gemini

Wants intellectual stimulation. Sympathetic, frivolous, emotionally distant. Venus in Gemini falls in love and quickly leaves. It is attracted to smart partners.

Learn more about Gemini


Venus in Cancer

It wants emotional satisfaction and stability. Sensual, dependent, melancholic, possessive. Venus in Cancer thinks a lot about romantic options and doesn't fall in love easily. It is attracted to partners with material possessions. 

Learn more about Cancer


Venus in Leo

It wants worship. Erotic, sensual, romantic, dramatic, demanding, vain. Venus in Leo falls in love instantly. It is attracted to strong personalities.  

Learn more about Leo


Venus in Virgo

Wants perfection. Reserved, sensual, controlled, critical. Venus in Virgo doesn't fall in love easily. Looks for the perfect match.

Learn more about Virgo


Venus in Libra

It wants a partner. Sympathetic, cordial, consensual, unrealistic, romantic. Venus in Libra falls in love quickly. It is attracted to seductive personalities.

Learn more about Libra


Venus in Scorpio

Wants intensity and drama. Passionate, dramatic, jealous, erotic, manipulative. Venus in Scorpio is permanently in love. It is attracted to fatal personalities.

Learn more about Scorpio


Venus in Sagittarius

Wants fellowship. Sociable, flirtatious, generous, independent. Venus in Sagittarius falls in love as quickly as it falls out of love. It is attracted to communicative and cheerful personalities. 

Learn more about Sagittarius


Venus in Capricorn

Wants respect. Reserved, faithful, rational, methodical. Venus in Capricorn gives in more quickly to physical pleasures than it gives its heart to passion. It's attracted to personalities that bring it social status.

Learn more about Capricorn


Venus in Aquarius

It wants emotional freedom. Sociable, rational, magnetic, communicative. Venus in Aquarius fights passions at first sight. It is attracted to original personalities.

Learn more about Aquarius


Venus in Pisces

It wants spiritual union. Romantic, seductive, conciliatory, dreamer. Venus in Pisces quickly indulges in the idea of being in love and physical pleasures. It is attracted to an ideal, to Prince Charming.

Learn more about Pisces

Planets in Astrology

Each planet has its domain and symbolism. Modern Astrology also considers, in the elaboration of the birth chart, the newly discovered planet Chiron. In Astrology all signs are masculine or feminine. Find out more about the symbolism of each of the planets in Astrology, by selecting the planet to consult below:

  • The Sun - Identity, Individuality, the Father
  • The Moon - Instincts, Subconscious, Mother
  • Mercury - Mentality, Communication
  • Venus - Love, Values, Female Universe
  • Mars - Action, Man, Desire
  • Jupiter - Wisdom, Expansion
  • Saturn - Challenge, Moderation
  • Uranus - Originality, Revolution
  • Neptune - Spirituality, Illusion
  • Pluto - Transformation, Underworld
  • Chiron - Integration, Healing

Each planet dominates a specific aspect of our life. Your Sun Sign, that is, the sign of the Zodiac where the Sun was positioned at the time we were born, governs the most intimate facet of our "I". However, the remaining planets in the Solar System also contribute to the characterization of our Astrological Personality. For example, if Mercury, the planet that governs communication, was positioned in Leo when you were born, your communication style is likely to be passionate and enthusiastic - characteristics traditionally attributed to this sign.