Libra Zodiac Sign - Personality, Energies and Attitudes

Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. Member of Cardinal quality, Male and Air element.

Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. Member of the Cardinal quality, Masculine, and Air element. Libra's symbol is the Scales of Justice and its ruling planet is Venus. The Sun enters the sign Libra around the 24th of September, leaving around the 23rd of October. This is the first month of autumn in the northern hemisphere when daylight hours decrease compared to nighttime hours. Libra's personality and nature reflect the falling leaves and return to the earth to enrich them, preparing them for a new growing season. In Libra, in the middle of the Zodiac, the soul is ready to relate, to find itself in another. It is at this point that the soul learns to live and adapt.

Characteristics of the Sign Libra

  • Date - September 24th to October 23rd (+/-)
  • Keyword - I BALANCE
  • Descriptors - Romantic / Undecided
  • Attributes - Pleasant, assertive, cultured, needy, calm, civilized, charming, critical, diplomatic , dual, balanced, elegant, charming, strategist, extravagant, gracious, generous, harmonious, indecisive, fair, loyal, meticulous, practical, persuasive, seductive, sophisticated, strict, thoughtful, romantic, vain.
  • Impulse - Love and be loved
  • Anatomy - Buttocks, pancreas, kidneys
  • Ruling Planet - Venus
  • Symbol - Scales of Justice
  • Duality - Male
  • Polarity - Positive
  • Element - Air
  • Quality - Cardinal
  • House - Seventh
  • Color - Pink Color
  • Crystals - Opal, pink tourmaline, pink quartz
  • Opposite Sign - Aries

Libra - The Punisher

The Libra native, at his most positive, has the most refined, civilized, and diplomatic personality in the entire Zodiac. It is charming and persuasive. It is a bridge-builder and a strategist who, through commonalities, seeks to end disagreements and reach compromise. It is a dual sign, that is, extremely adaptable, with two distinct character facets.

On the unfavorable side, Libras can sink into criticism and intolerance. This makes them in need of approval from others, extravagant and superficial.

Libra in Mythology

The main myth of Libra revolves around the Greek goddess Astrea, represented by the constellation Virgo. The sign is represented by the scales of justice, held by Astrea, goddess of justice, innocence, and purity. Astrea symbolizes harmony and balance in everything and the importance of weighing all situations. She is sometimes represented blindfolded, a symbol of impartiality due to magistrates.

Positive Energies of the Sign Libra

The native of the sign Libra can go on for hours arguing and hesitating in his decisions. All this to try to be fair and make the right decision. She is a seductive and romantic person who lives surrounded by friends and family. He loves the attention to detail and has everything in mind to make an informed decision. In unfavorable mode, this can limit his scope and lead to indecision.

His great need for peace and harmony makes him seek to cement the balance between other people. He is a bridge builder and strategist who, through commonalities, seeks to end disagreements and reach compromise.

But he doesn't like the so-called "rotten peace". For this native, relationships must be clear and frank. Honest. As it does not know how to move in hostile and highly competitive environments, it feels unhappy when it has to constantly fight for its position, in a disguised game of power struggle.

The search for balance is also reflected in their taste for beauty. Enjoy an art exhibition, a good film, a music concert. This strong aesthetic sense is also reflected in the way they take care of their appearance. Always impeccable, from head to toe. They are unable to go outside without being at their best. They have a sure-fire eye for choosing what suits them best. They are meticulous about appearance and spare no effort (or time) to look good.

Libra is one of the most romantic signs of the Zodiac and doesn't refuse a game of seduction. Also in its favor is the fact that it is able to bring out the best in each person. Its generous spirit makes it want to share its well-being with whoever is in its life. Calm, thoughtful and understanding, it is a faithful friend and a devoted companion.

Harmonic Potential

Pleasant, assertive, peace-loving, attention to detail, beautiful, cultured, calm, civilized, charming, committed, diplomatic, balanced, elegant, charming, strategist, extravagant, gracious, generous, harmonious, fair, loyal, meticulous, moderate, practical, thoughtful, persuasive, seductive, sophisticated, transparent, rigorous, refined, thoughtful, romantic, vain.

Negative Energies of the Sign Libra

On the unfavorable side, Libras can sink into criticism and intolerance. This makes them people lacking the approval of others, extravagant, prejudiced, and superficial. The negative exponent reveals itself in the unsympathetic assessment by appearance and the issuing of derogatory value judgments.

On the negative side, Libra evaluates everything by appearances. Physical appearance, lifestyle, profession. Everything is done to attract the attention of others. This fact can lead the native of this sign to fall into superficiality. Everything becomes banal and meaningless. Friends and lovers quickly disappear when the things that attracted them disappear. Relationships are frugal, with no room to flourish and become meaningful. 

Some Libra natives can't stand being alone either. They prefer to surround themselves with false friends or weak lovers than go through the ordeal of living alone. This makes them attract people who do not interest them or do them good

The need to weigh everything can cause them to fall into indecision. Excessive comparison of pros and cons of a situation and postponing a decision leads to the loss of opportunities and causes confusion in other people. On the other hand, the need to live in harmony can result in avoiding confrontations and becoming too passive. Over time, this attitude makes them even more unhappy, because they will always find someone who pushes them to the limit.

Disharmonic Potential

Needy, critical, indulgent, indecisive.

How to Improve?

If you are a native of the Sign Libra

  • Avoid rash judgments. Don't hesitate to give it a second chance.
  • Think before you speak or make a less sympathetic comment.
  • Accept the difference.
  • Avoid prejudice and less your own comments, which you may later regret.
  • Don't judge others by their appearance. Sometimes the outer layer that some people wear doesn't let you see the wealth that protects the inside.
  • Don't value the opinions of others so much. Do more for yourself and less for the need for recognition from others.
  • Believe in your value and ability to achieve.
  • Learn to listen to your inner voice. Talk to yourself.
  • Learn the pleasure of being alone. 
  • Don't be intimidated. Make a decision and defend your position.
  • Don't sacrifice yourself in favor of others' acceptance. No one can please everyone.

Living with a Native of the Sign Libra

  • Help your Libra friend set realistic goals.
  • Try to help him see beyond the superficiality of relationships.
  • Don't fall for manipulations.
  • If the conversation falls into easy criticism, try changing the subject.
  • In case of personal or professional insecurity, try to demonstrate how your friend's vision is skewed by the need for others' approval.
  • Don't attract attention in public.
  • Remind your friend that what we do to others we receive double.

The Sign Libra in Love

The natives of Libra are fickle and very indecisive beings. But when they are balanced, they produce a perfect harmony between their rich intellect and their affectionate, compassionate heart. In love, they are romantic, seductive, and sensual people, and expect to be treated the same. They appreciate the attention, affection and small gestures of kindness. 

In a negative way, they are materialistic, superficial and frivolous. They expect their partner to look good and don't care if it means futility. Libra natives tend to create exaggerated expectations in relationships, having some difficulty accepting reality. They hate to be alone and can be too needy, which can lead to estrangement from the loved one. 

The Child of the Sign Libra

The Libra babies look like real angels. Apparently calm, they are a delight for visitors. When they smile, they light up the entire room. Cheerful and in a good mood, they seem to know how to maintain elegance from the cradle. 

Your Libra child hates making decisions. Make your life easier by giving you one choice at a time. But apart from the difficulty in making decisions, what they hate most is being rushed. Get up early, give them a task and time (a lot) to calmly decide where to start. For you, the more impatient you become, the more frustrated and confused your child will be, resulting in more wasted time.

Astrology Zodiac Signs - Dates, Meanings and Compatibility

  • Aries - March 21st to April 20th
  • Taurus - April 21st to May 21st
  • Gemini - May 22nd to June 21st
  • Cancer - June 22nd to July 22nd
  • Leo - July 23rd to August 23rd
  • Virgo - August 24th to September 23rd
  • Libra - September 24th to October 23rd
  • Scorpio - October 24th to November 22nd
  • Sagittarius - November 23rd to December 21st
  • Capricorn - December 22nd to January 20th
  • Aquarius - January 21st to February 19th
  • Pisces - February 20th to March 20th

Your Sun sign is the sign of the Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, etc.) in which the Sun was at the time you were born. The start and end dates for the 12 signs are approximate, as the day of the month when the Sun enters the various signs can change from year to year. On the other hand, it is impossible to pretend that everyone who is born on the same date has the same personality, thinks alike, or has similar relationships and experiences. The star sign is a clue to unveil the nature and the most relevant traits of the personality, while being generic and partial. Only your birth chart will allow you to obtain individualized information about your way of being and potential for development.