

Numerology is an ancient technique. The ancient Egyptians already had their own numerological system, with occult powers attributed to each number: even then, Numerology was used to understand human psychology. In the Christian tradition, numbers have great symbolic spiritual significance. Pythagoras, established the basic principles of Western Numerology, and created the system for calculating personal numbers that is still used today. Numbers play a fundamental role in our lives; from the outset, by the date of our birth. Throughout life, we collect a series of identification numbers as citizens, students, taxpayers, the house number, the car registration number and so on.

One of the basic principles of Western Numerology is based on the assumption that everything in the world vibrates with energy. Numbers are thought of as symbols of the circle of energy and are believed to reveal the patterns of life itself. Each Number has its own unique energetic vibrations, and represents specific strengths and opportunities.

For Numerology, the Numbers assigned to each of us, especially through birth date and name, form the energy model of our life. What Numerology tells us is that, from the knowledge of its powers and principles, we can discover how to alter the energy around our life in order to achieve a harmonious vibration and reach our maximum potential.

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