The Planets

The Planets

In Astrology, the planets, a word that derives from the Greek planetes, which means "traveler", represent the motivation while the signs of the Zodiac show how a person directs or uses that motivation. Astrology considers ten planets, or celestial bodies. The basis of the astrological knowledge system lies in the study of the symbolic characteristics of the Signs of the Zodiac, the Planets and the Astrological Houses. These three elements will be joined by the Ascending Sign. Based on the combination of astrological information, and the symbolic meanings attributed to each of these three elements, it is possible to trace the astrological personality of each one of us.

To the Astrology, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the Planets is to recognize that each star has its own domain of influence and symbology over each of the Sun Signs. With this information, it is possible to unravel the different astrological profiles and, thus, identify personality traits and find out more about how we seize opportunities, face challenges and live our daily lives.

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