Uranus in Astrology - Meaning, Signs and Birth Chart

In Astrology, Uranus represents rebelliousness, revolution, mill, and the ability to break with limitations and resurface with a new sense of freedom.

In Astrology, Uranus is related to society, the good of all, technology, and machinery. He is in conflict with Leo, the sign of individual creativity and artistic gifts. Uranus represents rebelliousness, revolution, mill, and the ability to break with limitations and resurface with a new sense of freedom. He proposes a new concept of "I", which encourages us to reinvent ourselves, to trace new paths, and reminds us of the importance of authenticity. So it is Uranus in astrology.

Glifo Úrano

"The glyph of Uranus has two faces; a turn to the past and one for the future. The dual mind of humanity is separated by the cross of matter, linking the human world to the divine. The mind is supported and energized by the circle of the Spirit."

Astral Characterization

  • Primordial Quality - Not assigned
  • Element - Not assigned
  • Temperament - Not assigned
  • Rules/ Dignity - Corregent of Aquarius
  • Day of the week - Not assigned
  • Colors - Electric blue, patterned, checkered
  • Detriment/ ConflictLeo
  • Exaltation - Scorpio
  • FallTaurus
  • Number - IV
  • Obstacles of Past Life - Inability to initiate revolutionary processes, misuse of science, misuse of magical powers
  • Associations - Electricity, science, technology, machinery, chaos, revolution, coins, baths, danger, inventions
  • Keywords - Chaos, change, vibration, originality, nonconformism, deviation, revolution, superior mind, research, genius, wear, liberation, invention, technology

Brief Astronomical Facts About Uranus

Uranus is one of the “modern” planets, together with Neptune and Pluto. This expression refers to planets that were unknown in antiquity, at a time when it was not possible to glimpse them with the naked eye. 

Uranus was discovered in 1781 by British astronomer William Herschel (1738-1822). Its name was suggested by the the German Johann Bode, based on the name of the father of Saturn and grandfather of Jupiter.

It is often dubbed the “Frozen Giant” because 80% of it is made up of frozen methane, water, and ammonia. It has 27 moons and very faint rings compared to other gas giants. 

Uranus in Astrology


The symbolism of Uranus in modern Astrology is quite independent of myths linked to classical mythology. Uranus is related to riots and revolution. Its discovery sparked a revolution in the cosmos known to antiquity and medieval times and threatened to overturn the traditional symbolism of Astrology and Numerology. Instead of the seven sacred planets, there was now an eighth, not sacred. Around the same time, political revolutions swept America (1775-1783) and France (1789). 

Uranus takes 84 years to completely circle the Sun and about seven years to move through a single sign. Therefore, his influence is felt for long periods of time. All people born within the same seven-year period have the same sign on this planet, influencing the behavior of an entire generation.

Uranus in Astrology - Revolution and Transformation

Uranus is the planet of revolution, of unconventional ideas. It drives change, questioning the status quo. Uranus makes us want to exceed the limits and borders, opening new paths.

It is made of rebellious energy that steps away from the past to create new thoughts and ways of acting. The position of Uranus on the astral map indicates the area of ​​life where the soul must free itself from restrictions or where you feel most restless. But the House it occupies can also reveal sudden changes, the end of relationships or a personality who has arrived to awaken consciences.

When Uranus' energy circulates without barriers, it creates chaos. His biggest challenge is creating a new order, carrying the best of the past into the future, transforming deep and fracturing crises into opportunities for development and harmony.

Uranus in Astrology - Higher Mind

Uranus is an intuitive and illogical planet, so you can jump to conclusions. It acts for the good of all and not so much for the individual good. Symbolizes independent thinking, the impulse for change and inspires the revolution.

The orbit of this planet is quite different from other planets in the solar system. It is an eccentric path, which rotates on its own axis at a right angle, giving the impression of having the poles where the other planets have the equator.

Uranus travels in the opposite direction (from east to west) to most other planets in the solar system (a feature it shares with Venus). These bizarre characteristics have led Astrology to associate this planet with everything that is marginal, misadapted, and genius.

Uranus is the planet of technology, innovation, wanting to do things differently, and invention. No limits. No boundaries know. You only see new possibilities to evolve, to always go further.

The Uranian Personality

People influenced by the energy of Uranus are visionaries and fearless. They are not afraid to rise up against what is established and to question the traditionally accepted currents. They are innovative, nonconformists and rebels.

Although it does not feel the need to be socially accepted, it has a deep social conscience and acts with the common good in mind. The Uranian personality fights for social justice and fights for the oppressed.

Uranus in Astrology - Astral Map Arrangement

Whether it's good or bad, Uranus maintains its tendency towards chaos and eccentricity. A well-placed Uranus is imaginative and revolutionary, while a poorly-placed Uranus is rebellious and unstable.

How is Uranus Expressed Through the Signs?


Uranus in Aries

In Aries, the energy of Uranus is a bomb ready to explode. The will to change, combined with a rebellious and independent spirit, makes this personality an agent of change.

Learn more about Aries


Uranus in Taurus

Positioned in Taurus, Uranus is confronted with the practical spirit. They live in the tension between the will of revolution and pragmatism.

Learn more about Taurus


Uranus in Gemini

In Gemini, Uranus becomes highly intuitive, unpredictable, and inventive.

Learn more about Gemini


Uranus in Cancer

In Cancer, Uranus seeks emotional independence from the family and the need to stop worrying about the opinions of others. It can be emotionally unstable or erratic.

Learn more about Cancer


Uranus in Leo

Uranus in Leo can give rise to a charismatic leader or supreme arrogance. Indicates creative and original ideas.

Learn more about Leo


Uranus in Virgo

Uranus in Virgo promotes new approaches in the field of health. It advocates alternative medicine and unconventional healing methods. Attempts to revolutionize antiquated practices.

Learn more about Virgo


Uranus in Libra

Uranus in Libra encourages a revolution in relationships, whether personal or social.

Learn more about Libra


Uranus in Scorpio

Uranus in Scorpio seeks a new understanding of life and death from a metaphysical point of view. It can be cruel and emotionally unstable.

Learn more about Scorpio


Uranus in Sagittarius

Uranus in Sagittarius feels the urge to express new values and to break with hypocrisy in relationships.

Learn more about Sagittarius


Uranus in Capricorn

Uranus in Capricorn wants to transform social values and government agencies. You can dedicate yourself to creating new economic and organizational systems of society.

Know more about Capricorn


Uranus in Aquarius

Under Aquarius, Uranus wants to revolutionize humanity, ensure that all have access to the same guarantees and rights.

Know more about Aquarius


Uranus in Pisces

Uranus in Pisces indicates a strong intuition that, mixed with uncontrolled strong emotions, leads to confusion and lack of strategy. It seeks a new perception of reality through a rupture with pre-established notions.

Know more about Pisces

Planets in Astrology

Each planet has its domain and symbolism. Modern Astrology also considers, in the elaboration of the birth chart, the newly discovered planet Chiron. In Astrology all signs are masculine or feminine. Find out more about the symbolism of each of the planets in Astrology, by selecting the planet to consult below:

  • The Sun - Identity, Individuality, the Father
  • The Moon - Instincts, Subconscious, Mother
  • Mercury - Mentality, Communication
  • Venus - Love, Values, Female Universe
  • Mars - Action, Man, Desire
  • Jupiter - Wisdom, Expansion
  • Saturn - Challenge, Moderation
  • Uranus - Originality, Revolution
  • Neptune - Spirituality, Illusion
  • Pluto - Transformation, Underworld
  • Chiron - Integration, Healing

Each planet dominates a specific aspect of our life. Your Sun Sign, that is, the sign of the Zodiac where the Sun was positioned at the time we were born, governs the most intimate facet of our "I". However, the remaining planets in the Solar System also contribute to the characterization of our Astrological Personality. For example, if Mercury, the planet that governs communication, was positioned in Leo when you were born, your communication style is likely to be passionate and enthusiastic - characteristics traditionally attributed to this sign.