The Moon in Astrology - Meaning, Signs and Birth Chart

The Moon in Astrology is about basic needs and the most basic survival instincts. These needs are so essential to our physical and psychological well-being that we often don't even think about them.

The Moon in Astrology is about basic needs and the most basic survival instincts. These needs are so essential to our physical and psychological well-being that we often don't even think about them. It is also the planet of habits we are firmly attached to and our instinctual reactions. Attitudes and behaviors are so natural in our personality that we may not even notice them. It is the planet of feelings and emotions.

Glifo Lua

"The glyph of the Moon represents the crescent of the soul. It connects spirit and matter and creates the shape of the womb, guardian of a new life."

Astral Characterization

  • Primordial Quality - Cold and Wet
  • Element - Water
  • Temperament - Phlegmatic (sensitive and reserved personality, with a strong emotional motivation)
  • Dignity - Cancer
  • Day of the Week - Monday
  • Colors - White, cream, silver
  • Detriment/ Conflict - Capricorn
  • Exaltation - Taurus
  • Fall - Scorpio
  • Virtue - Chastity
  • Addiction - Envy
  • Number - II
  • Obstacles of Past Lives - Emotional excesses and aspects related to the mother figure
  • Associations - Mother, ancestors, emotion, resurrection, cycles, tides, baths, motherhood
  • Keywords - Emotion, fluctuation, feeling, instinct, protection, motherhood, moods, reflection, receptivity, habits, childhood, cycles, shyness, security, home, kindness, unconscious, intuition, past, inheritance, family, pregnancy, fertility

Some Facts About the Moon in Astrology

The Moon is the largest satellite in the solar system. The Earth and Moon are gravitationally bound to each other, the period of rotation of the Moon around its axis coincides with its orbital period around the Earth (27.32 days). This means that we always see the same face of the Moon and its opposite side is out of our field of view from Earth. 

Moon in Astrology - Subconscious

Over time, different symbolisms have been associated with the Moon by many cultures. The Sun and Moon are a celestial duo linked to the succession of day and night. Each one reigns half the day and, with each one, myths and meanings have been associated.

The Sun and Moon rise and set in place of each other, following time. Over the centuries, the Sun has been associated with the upper world and the Moon with the lower one. The Moon's function as a regulator of the menstrual cycle (in Latin mensis, “month”) made it linked to the fertility of women and crops. The Moon was linked to the feminine universe and the Sun to the masculine, although this was not the case in all cultures. 

In astrological and psychological symbolism, the Moon represents the subliminal realm - the calm, tranquil light of the unconscious, in contrast to the brighter light of the conscious mind.

The Moon in Astrology - Instincts and Survival

In Astrology, the Moon is a receptive and passive planet. It reflects the experience of life and exerts a great influence on the tides and human emotions. The Moon is associated with our most basic needs and survival instincts .

It is the planet of ingrained habits and instinctual reactions, feelings and emotions. It represents the instinct of life, combined with the continuity of the traditions. The Moon's influence on the personality reinforces the aversion to change and the need to be accepted by others.

Linked to emotions, all the signs of the Zodiac are influenced by it. Positioned in a controlling sign, the expression of feeling can be blocked. In a Water sign, the influence of the Moon can generate emotional outbursts, even in signs associated with a calm and tranquil temperament.

The Moon in Astrology - Physical and Emotional Security

Linked to the basic needs of human beings, lunar security can be reflected both in emotional stability, in being recognized and needed. In the astral map, the Moon indicates the area of ​​life, the “home”, where the need for security is felt most intensely.

In an Earth sign, security is a physical issue. In the signs of Water element, it is an emotional issue. For the latter, above physical integrity is affective, being recognized and esteemed. For the signs of Fire and Air, safety is reflected in being free from responsibility and being the master of oneself.

The Moon in Astrology - Food for the Soul

The Moon's presence in the personality also reflects the ability or inability to understand and meet one's emotional needs. In addition to physical well-being, the placement of the Moon in the astral map reflects how a person responds and takes care of his own emotions and feelings.

Depending on the sign where the Moon falls, emotions can be more:

  • Sensitive, temperamental, deep, complex (like when the Moon falls in a sign of the Water Element - Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces);
  • Objective, analytical, externalized, versatile (as when falling into the signs of the Air Element - Gemini, Libra or Aquarius);
  • Pragmatic, contained, stable, conservative (like when it falls into the signs of the Earth Element - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn);
  • Direct, simple, true, frontal (as when it falls in the signs of the Fire Element - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

The Moon in Astrology - Conception and Pregnancy

The way in which pregnancy takes place and the emotional experiences of childhood, create memories and shape behaviors that can last a lifetime. Whether in the professional career or in affective relationships, the personality that is shaped into adulthood, and the set of experiences accumulated along the way, influence the way one relates to others and the level of individual resistance to frustration.  

The Moon in Astrology - The Mother

The Moon represents the maternal instinct and the beginning of the cycle of life. But the position of the Moon in a child's birth chart can also help define the type of mother that can best help her fulfill her potential. Like this:

  • Moon in Water Element Signs - they need an empathetic mother with their emotions and who knows how to stimulate the imagination.
  • Moon in Fire Element Signs - they need an affectionate and outgoing mother figure , that encourages them to explore the world.
  • Moon in Earth Element Signs - they need a responsible mother, capable of structuring a good routine that transmits regularity and security.
  • Moon in Air Element Signs - they need a communicative mother who likes to talk and read stories, and who encourages free expression.

The Moon in Astrology - Birth Chart Arrangement

When the Moon is well positioned, the mood is homely and affable, with a touch of shyness. When the Moon is misplaced, the mood is lazy, lethargic, and unfulfilled.

How is theMoon Expressed through the Signs?


Moon in Aries

Emotionally headstrong and self-centered. Courageous, affectionate, and sensitive. Moon in Aries demands immediate satisfaction, wants to be admired, and hates authority.

Learn more about Aries


Moon in Taurus

Emotionally repressed. Faithful, possessive, and unimaginative, with firm habits and maternal instinct. Moon in Taurus hates change and is obsessed with safety.

Learn more about Taurus


Moon in Gemini

Emotionally shallow and frivolous. Flexible, changeable, and intuitive. Moon in Gemini rationalizes feelings, represses emotional needs, hates routine, and does several things at once.

Learn more about Gemini


Moon in Cancer

Emotionally reactive. Empathetic, affectionate, fickle, possessive, vulnerable, and very motherly. Moon in Cancer has a huge need for security and doesn't give up anything.

Learn more about Cancer


Moon in Leo

Emotionally proud. generous, confident, dominant, and cheerful. Moon in Leo doesn't like to be criticized and likes to feel special and recognized.

Learn more about Leo


Moon in Virgo

Emotionally demanding. Inhibited, self-critical, altruistic and insecure. Moon in Virgo analyzes feelings, is fair, and appreciates gratitude for the services she provides.

Learn more about Virgo


Moon in Libra

Emotionally dependent. Peaceful, courteous, diplomatic, emotionally false and critical. Moon in Libra hates conflict, does everything to please, and needs a partner by its side.

Learn more about Libra


Moon in Scorpio

Emotionally intense. Shrewd, impulsive, secretive, spiteful and jealous. Moon in Scorpio fears rejection or abandonment.

Learn more about Scorpio


Moon in Sagittarius

Emotionally restless. Independent, frank, free, kind, adventurous, and impulsive. Moon in Sagittarius needs freedom and doesn't like emotional dependency.

Learn more about Sagittarius


Moon in Capricorn

Emotionally controlled. Self-sufficient, diligent, responsible, authoritative and insecure. Moon in Capricorn needs to feel that it controls everything and everyone.

Learn more about Capricorn


Moon in Aquarius

Emotionally unpredictable. Independent, supportive and free. Moon in Aquarius prefers friendship to intimacy.

Learn more about Aquarius


Moon in Pisces

Emotionally sensitive. Liar, compassionate, receptive, empathetic, imaginative, irresponsible, influenceable, and self-indulgent. The Moon in Pisces has escapist tendencies.

Learn more about Pisces

Planets in Astrology

Each planet has its domain and symbolism. Modern Astrology also considers, in the elaboration of the birth chart, the newly discovered planet Chiron. In Astrology all signs are masculine or feminine. Find out more about the symbolism of each of the planets in Astrology, by selecting the planet to consult below:

  • The Sun - Identity, Individuality, the Father
  • The Moon - Instincts, Subconscious, Mother
  • Mercury - Mentality, Communication
  • Venus - Love, Values, Female Universe
  • Mars - Action, Man, Desire
  • Jupiter - Wisdom, Expansion
  • Saturn - Challenge, Moderation
  • Uranus - Originality, Revolution
  • Neptune - Spirituality, Illusion
  • Pluto - Transformation, Underworld
  • Chiron - Integration, Healing

Each planet dominates a specific aspect of our life. Your Sun Sign, that is, the sign of the Zodiac where the Sun was positioned at the time we were born, governs the most intimate facet of our "I". However, the remaining planets in the Solar System also contribute to the characterization of our Astrological Personality. For example, if Mercury, the planet that governs communication, was positioned in Leo when you were born, your communication style is likely to be passionate and enthusiastic - characteristics traditionally attributed to this sign.