Pisces Zodiac Sign - Personality, Energies and Attitudes

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. Member of the Mutable quality, Feminine and Water element.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. Member of the Mutable quality, Feminine, and Water element. The Pisces symbol consists of two fish, joined at the center that swim in opposite directions. The ruling planet is Neptune. The Sun enters the sign Pisces around February 20th and leaves around March 20th. This is the last month of winter in the northern hemisphere and the nature and characteristics of the sign Pisces are associated with the promise of spring that does not tarry. Arriving in Pisces, the cycle of the Zodiac closes. The soul wants to merge with the whole it came from - or escape the vicious circle.

Characteristics of the Sign Pisces

  • Date - February 20th to March 20th (+/-)
  • Keyword - I REDEEM
  • Descriptors - Imaginative / Moony
  • Attributes - Artistic, affectionate, believing, calm, creative, counselor, dual, spiritual, empathic , kind, ingenious, genuine, intuitive, idealistic, imaginative, inspirational, original, listener, romantic, respectful, sensitive, sensitive, dreamy, serene, caring, fearful, tolerant, visionary
  • Impulse - Personify unconditional love
  • Anatomy - Feet
  • Ruling Planet - Neptune (in Modern Astrology)
  • Corregent Planet - Jupiter
  • Symbol - Two fishes joined at the center that swim in opposite directions
  • Duality - Female
  • Polarity - Negative
  • Element - Water
  • Quality - Mutable
  • House - Twelfth
  • Color - Turquoise
  • Crystals - Aquamarine, fluorite, lapis lazuli
  • Opposite Sign - Virgo

Pisces - The Altruist

The natives of Pisces are sensitive people, who can "read" the emotions of others like no other sign of the Zodiac. They are dreamers and truly original people. It is a privilege to have the friendship of Pisces. One of its main features is creativity. They are dreamers, looking to make their vision come true. It is a dual sign, extremely adaptable with two distinct character facets.

Pisces lives their emotions (and everyone else's) in an intense and profound way. If, on the one hand, this causes them to feel everything (the good and bad energies), on the other hand, this ability gives them extra sensitivity to the needs of others. Excellent listeners and good advisers.

Pisces in Mythology

According to Greek myth, Pisces is associated with Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, and her son Eros (god of love). One day, Gaia (the Earth goddess) sent the mighty monster Typhon to Mount Olympus to attack the gods. To protect themselves from their onslaught, the gods transform themselves into animals. Aphrodite and Eros were bathing on the banks of the Euphrates River and did not hear the warning cries.

When Typhon suddenly appeared in the waters, the two gods turned into fish in order to escape the monster's fury. Later, two fish were placed in the sky as the constellation Pisces to celebrate the salvation of love and beauty. To the Romans, Venus was the name of Aphrodite representing the spiritual dimensions of Venus' realms of love and art.

Positive Energies of the Sign Pisces

Pisces shines in environments rich in creativity. Material wealth, social status, power, and leadership mean little or nothing to a typical Pisces person. This is not to say that it does not recognize the value of material goods, just that it does not live in terms of what it has or does not have. Nor does it classify anyone by their social status or what they appear to have or not. Pisces is kind and solicitous to a beggar in the street as it is to its bosses. For them, what matters is the respect that the person in front of them deserves. 

Pisceans are spiritual and sensitive. These are people who feel a genuine call to help and serve others. They seek to make the world a better place for themselves and others. They are people so sensitive to the emotions of others that they should avoid being around people with negative energy, angry and conflicted. They seem to absorb everything that goes on around them and their moods vary depending on the vibrations of others

The strong empathy of this sign makes the natives of Pisces know exactly what to say when someone looks for them. They can quickly read between the lines and figure out how to help. On the other side of the coin is the use that some less well-intentioned people make of this positive Piscean characteristic. Oftentimes, a Pisces person needs to know how to impose limits to prevent others from trampling them. 

No other Zodiac Sign is so good at creating its own fantasy world. Their sensitive and creative personality makes them engage in activities related to artistic expressions, such as painting, music, dance or theater. When they focus all their creative skills on the real world, they achieve great things. Their ease in understanding the big picture and sensitivity in human relationships allows them to earn enormous respect and loyalty in the business world.

Harmonic Potential

Artistic, affectionate, believing, calm, creative, counselor, spiritual, empathetic, kind, ingenious, genuine, intuitive, imaginative, inspirational, original, listener, romantic, respectful, sensitive, dreamy, serene, solicitous, fearful, tolerant, visionary.

Negative Energies of the Sign Pisces

The Pisces native is very sensitive and suffers from it. In fact, in order for you to understand others, you have to experience their emotions. This aspect can be extremely draining on an emotional level. On the downside, this can lead them to play the victim and blame others for what goes wrong. 

In general, Pisceans don't have much willpower. This can lead to them not meeting their goals or not being able to develop their full potential. On the opposite side, when they become aware of this fact, they become controlling and adverse to compromise.

Their extreme sensitivity and the need to escape painful feelings can lead them to avoid reality and take refuge in their fantasy world. For children, it's games and cell phones, for adults other more harmful habits. For the more self-aware natives, overcoming this question is a daily effort of self-talk. 

When taken to extremes, the natives of Pisces are furious. Normally calm, they are completely altered and can wreak havoc. It's not easy to make a Piscean lose his mind, but it can happen. In that case, prepare for the worst.

Disharmonic Potential

Volatile, shifting, fickle, little committed, difficulty setting boundaries, irritable.

How to Improve?

If you are a native of the sign Pisces

  • Make commitments and keep them.
  • Don't make promises you can't (or aren't willing) to keep.
  • Get a schedule to organize your day and discipline yourself.
  • Learn how to manage your time better.
  • Go out of your comfort zone.
  • Take responsibility for your failures rather than blame the world. This change in attitude can be truly liberating.
  • Avoid toxic people and environments that undermine your need for a calm existence.
  • Practice Yoga or Meditation to find inner peace and balance your emotions.
  • Face problems calmly but with determination.
  • Learn to protect your emotions. Set limits and create a space where you feel safe and take time to be alone.
  • The sea has a truly healing effect on itself. Try to hear the sound of the waves before bedtime or when you need a moment alone.

Living with a Native of the Sign Pisces

  • Help them understand that when they fail to make their commitments, they undermine the performance of others.
  • Learn to detect signs of anxiety and help your Piscean friend coping with situations instead of running away.
  • In front of an angry Pisces, walk away. Not too much. Not for long. Just enough to calm down and be able to hear them. Then calmly explain your point of view.

The Sign Pisces in Love

At their best, Pisces people are dedicated lovers: they do everything they can to make life easier for their partner and are dedicated to making them happy and making the relationship progress smoothly. They are typically detached but, depending on who they choose to open their hearts to, this can lead to them feeling that they are being abused if the loved one does not engage in the relationship. 

Having a stable relationship with this sign is not easy. Pisces lives intensely the early stages of courtship, but when they fall into the reality and monotony of a lasting relationship, they tend to withdraw. For some natives of this sign, an open and uncommitted relationship is the best solution.

The Child of the Sign Pisces

Your baby Pisces is a dreamer. It lives in its fantasy world, in fairyland. Its sweet little eyes melt when someone talks to it with affection and tenderness. But it doesn't let itself be fooled. Little Pisces is anything but a delicate little thing. It'll get it all but without the screams of Aries or the stubbornness of Taurus. Its strategy is seduction, a sweet smile, and captivating manners.

Schedules and routines are the natural enemies of the Pisces child. They can get up two hours in advance and still be late. It's no use. There are so many things that demand their attention and so little time! Your Pisces child will always need a lot of attention. To share its thoughts, to have someone to listen to it and to have lots of friends to play with as it hates loneliness.

Astrology Zodiac Signs - Dates, Meanings and Compatibility

  • Aries - March 21st to April 20th
  • Taurus - April 21st to May 21st
  • Gemini - May 22nd to June 21st
  • Cancer - June 22nd to July 22nd
  • Leo - July 23rd to August 23rd
  • Virgo - August 24th to September 23rd
  • Libra - September 24th to October 23rd
  • Scorpio - October 24th to November 22nd
  • Sagittarius - November 23rd to December 21st
  • Capricorn - December 22nd to January 20th
  • Aquarius - January 21st to February 19th
  • Pisces - February 20th to March 20th

Your Sun sign is the sign of the Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, etc.) in which the Sun was at the time you were born. The start and end dates for the 12 signs are approximate, as the day of the month when the Sun enters the various signs can change from year to year. On the other hand, it is impossible to pretend that everyone who is born on the same date has the same personality, thinks alike, or has similar relationships and experiences. The star sign is a clue to unveil the nature and the most relevant traits of the personality, while being generic and partial. Only your birth chart will allow you to obtain individualized information about your way of being and potential for development.