Birth Chart

Birth Chart

In Astrology, the birth chart is a physical representation of the position that the celestial stars and planets occupied in the sky at the exact moment of someone's birth. It's like a photograph that astrologers take to the sky, fixing the elements in a unique and exclusive moment. Therefore, the birth chart is a fundamental astrological instrument for those who want to know their astral personality and the way in which celestial energies are reflected in each person's personal profile.

Studying the natal chart allows us to lift the veil on personality tendencies and behaviors. It shows our innate emotional, physical, and energetic tendencies, and how we face and resolve everyday challenges. This self-discovery does not answer all the fundamental questions of life, but it can help to clarify some of them. This greater knowledge, of ourselves and of others, allows us to understand not only our way of being but also the world. The birth chart is, in short, a representation of our truth, our self-image and the way we present ourselves, face and interact with the world around us.

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