Tarot Cards Meaning

Discover the origins of the Tarot of Marseille and the symbolism of the cards in this deck, from Major Arcana to Minor Arcana.

Even being a beginner in the art of Tarot, you have certainly noticed that there are different versions: the Egyptian Tarot, Marseille Tarot, Tarot Rider, Belline Tarot, Esoteric Tarot, among others. Traditionally, the Marseille Tarot deck contains 78 cards, grouped into 22 trumps (the Major Arcana), and four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles), for a total of 56 cards, which form the Minor Arcana. Although the images may be different, the symbolism of the cards is always the same. In this article, we will learn about Tarot cards meaning, origins and symbolism.

Historical Origins of the Marseille Tarot Cards

The Tarot of Marseille, also known as "the Marseilles" or the "French", is one of the oldest versions of the Tarot and perhaps the most traditional. It is also known as "the Tarot of the imaginaries of the Middle Ages". Due to its name, its origin is associated with the French city of Marseilles, although there is no certainty about the effectiveness of this link.

Some experts assume that the Tarot was born in the Nile River. area of ​​Egypt or Asia Minor, and that it reached Marseilles via the trade routes of the Mediterranean Sea. However, there is another version which suggests that this deck actually appeared in Marseilles in the 18th century.

The Tarot of Marseille is probably the most famous of all the decks. The cards have simple and powerful images outlined in primary colors, which reveal secrets or truths of great depth and universality. The older decks had roman numerals and later the names of the Major Arcana were written in French, although the Italian suits of Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles (Minor Arcana) continued to be used. Using this deck is a wonderful experience when you have more practice due to the depth of reading it allows you to perform, considering the richness of the meaning of its various archetypes.

The Tarot of Marseille

The Tarot of Marseille is composed of 78 cards, which are divided into two groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana (or Trumps) are 22 and the Minor 56.

The Arcanas, or archetypes, represent essential aspects of the path we have to walk once released into the world. It is up to us, as pilgrims of life, to ensure that it is enlightened and that the journeyman and the path meet as complementary parts of the same reality.

The Tarot cards meaning is based on tradition and presents various aspects of the human psyche. Its reading can be on a spiritual, psychological or practical level, depending on the interpretation that is made of the symbology of each of the cards together with personal circumstances.

The Major Arcana Tarot Card Meaning

The Major Arcana are made up of 22 illustrated cards, each of which represents a character or a symbolic scene. At the top of each card, there is a square with the order number and at the bottom, another square with the name of the arcane that reveals the hidden meaning of the card.

However, there are exceptions. One of them is illustration number 13, that of The Death (also known as the "Unnamed" perhaps because of the anxiety and fear it arouses when placed on the reading table), which does not have the name written on it. Another exception is The Fool, which doesn't have the square of the number. Some fortune tellers put The Fool at the beginning of the deck and others at the end. The first give it the value zero and the second the value 22.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot of Marseille predict important events in people's lives. They are considered archetypes because they are taken to be universal or mythical. If you notice the name of the cards below, they all reflect widely recognized concepts, regardless of beliefs or cultures. Knowing the symbology of these cards is particularly relevant for Tarot practitioners.

The Major Arcana are subdivided into two blocks: the first, starts at The ​​Fool (zero) and ends at The Wheel of Fortune (10); the second begins with The Strength (11) and ends with The World (21).

The Tarot cards represent the different stages of a person's evolution through their life path. It's like the journey that each one makes throughout their lives, representing the different phases they go through throughout the process.

The Fool represents the birth, the initial moment, the starting point from which the person is guided and relates by pure instinct. With The World, the last card, a person reaches his full self-realization, the maximum level of his spiritual evolution. Cards I to X represent the earthly lessons while cards XI to XXII represent the spiritual lessons .

The 22 Major Arcana in the Tarot of Marseille

0 - The Fool Meaning

The figure's face expresses innocence. It is the image of a traveler or pilgrim of life who returns to his father's home. In its freedom it reflects eternal love and power. As "zero" card, it represents the end and the beginning.

  • Upright - Innocence, new beginnings, free spirit.
  • Reversed - Recklessness, taken advantage of, inconsideration.

I - The Magician Meaning

It sports a magic wand that allows you to open all the doors of the unconscious. The dagger at your disposal allows you to fight the shadows and conquer the light of universal wisdom.

  • Upright - Willpower, desire, creation, manifestation.
  • Reversed - Trickery, illusions, out of touch.

II - The High Priestess Meaning

Presented as a stout woman who, with her imposing appearance, seems to defy male supremacy. It is the ancient goddess of the female universe who transmits tranquility and wisdom.

  • Upright - Intuitive, unconscious, inner voice.
  • Reversed - Lack of center, lost inner voice, repressed feelings.

III - The Empress Meaning

Symbol of work and efficiency radiates resolution and determination. Persuasion, affection, vanity and seduction are some of the associations to this archetype. It brings together all women: the mother, the wife, the daughter.

  • Upright - Motherhood, fertility, nature.
  • Reversed - Dependence, smothering, emptiness, nosiness.

IV - The Emperor Meaning

Represented by a middle-aged man, leaning on the throne, cross-legged, from where he observes his kingdom with a posture that emanates security and mastery. Its crown is humble, because it doesn't need to flaunt its power or rank.

  • Upright - Authority, structure, control, fatherhood.
  • Reversed - Tyranny, rigidity, coldness.

V - The Pope Meaning

This character holds a triple cross, symbol of the creative force in the divine, intellectual and physical domains. It represents the bridge between heaven and earth, between God and men.

  • Upright - Tradition, conformity, morality, ethics.
  • Reversed - Rebellion, subversiveness, new approaches.

VI - The Lovers Meaning

Represents the essence of love and affection that binds human beings. It also expresses the desire of the other as a stimulus for self-knowledge and the conflict that the person must resolve within himself.

  • Upright - Partnerships, duality, union.
  • Reversed - Loss of balance, one-sidedness, disharmony.

VII - The Chariot Meaning

In this archetype, there is the figure of two horses that seem to want to move in opposite directions. Symbolizes restlessness, anguish and also the negative and the positive.

  • Upright - Direction, control, willpower.
  • Reversed - Lack of control, lack of direction, aggression.

VIII - The Justice Meaning

Despite not appearing with the blindfold on, this Charter represents the ability to distinguish between what is fair and what is unfair, in an impartial way. Your reason is not troubled by temptation and envy. In Tarot Rider, this Arcane is equivalent to The Strength card.

  • Upright - Cause and effect, clarity, truth.
  • Reversed - Dishonesty, unaccountability, unfairness.

IX - The Hermit Meaning

Represents an old and serene man, blessed with the wisdom granted by age. It is the archetype of the figure who is willing to share his spiritual knowledge to guide others.

  • Upright - Contemplation, search for truth, inner guidance.
  • Reversed - Loneliness, isolation, lost your way.

X - The Wheel of Fortune Meaning

Symbolizes the perpetual cycle of life. It is energy in continuous evolution. Represents the beginning of a new cycle. Everything passes, everything repeats.

  • Upright - Change, cycles, inevitable fate.
  • Reversed - No control, clinging to control, bad luck.

XI - The Strength Meaning

This archetype symbolizes the fusion of the conscious with the unconscious, but also the force of feminine power. In Tarot Rider, this Arcanum is equivalent to The Justice.

  • Upright - Inner strength, bravery, compassion, focus.
  • Reversed - Self doubt, weakness, insecurity.

XII - The Hanged Man Meaning

Symbolizes salvation and redemption. This figure's eyes are open and his gaze is alive and attentive, observing and knowing everything around him.

  • Upright - Sacrifice, release, martyrdom.
  • Reversed - Stalling, needless sacrifice, fear of sacrifice.

XIII - The Death Meaning

This archetype symbolizes all the fears and negative superstitions associated with the number 13. Death blinds without compassion everything that comes before it. To evolve it is necessary to die and be reborn. But after death there is always rebirth.

  • Upright - End of cycle, beginnings, change, metamorphosis.
  • Reversed - Fear of change, holding on, stagnation.

XIV - The Temperance Meaning

Represented by an angel who pours the liquid from the amphora he holds in his hand, without spilling a single drop. Symbolizes discipline and self-control. The spilled liquid is the essence of life, just as the past flows into the future through the present.

  • Upright - Middle path, patience, finding meaning.
  • Reversed - Extremes, excess, lack of balance.

XV - The Devil Meaning

Instinct and desire, in their most perverse and luxurious forms. This archetype is associated with human suffering, debauchery and addictions and can be an omen of misfortune.

  • Upright - Addiction, materialism, playfulness.
  • Reversed - Freedom, release, restoring control.

XVI - The Tower Meaning

Symbolizes the past that suffers destruction and changes. There is a fall, but there is also a release. This card has different names in the various Tarot games like The Hospital, The Destruction, The Tower Wounded by Lightning or The Tower of Babel.

  • Upright - Sudden upheaval, broken pride, disaster.
  • Reversed - Disaster avoided, delayed disaster, fear of suffering.

XVII - The Star Meaning

The trees and the bird symbolize a new life and open possibilities for the future. The water that the girl pours announces the appearance of new ideas. It is the present impregnated with the future.

  • Upright - Hope, faith, rejuvenation.
  • Reversed - Faithlessness, discouragement, insecurity.

XVIII - The Moon Meaning

This card shows the dogs that bark at the moon. This one shows an artificial light that symbolizes the strength and dangers of the world of appearances, rumors and scandals. Symbolizes the imaginary world.

  • Upright - Unconscious, illusions, intuition.
  • Reversed - Confusion, fear, misinterpretation.

XIX - The Sun Meaning

Represents reason, reflection and objectivity. Its luminous and warm rays are a source of positive energy that gives rise to a feeling of satisfaction and pleasure.

  • Upright - Joy, success, celebration, positivity.
  • Reversed - Negativity, depression, sadness.

XX - The Judgement Meaning

Symbolizes the expiation of the negative actions of the past, being, at the same time, a warning for the future. The greater the regret, the greater the satisfaction.

  • Upright - Reflection, reckoning, awakening.
  • Reversed - Lack of self awareness, doubt, self loathing.

XXI - The World Meaning

The double-ended wand that the figure symbolizes infinite power, plenitude, inner harmony and altruism in love. It is the encounter with the real "I".

  • Upright - Fulfillment, harmony, completion.
  • Reversed - Incompletion, no closure.

The Minor Arcana Tarot Card Meaning

The Minor Arcana of the Tarot of Marseille designate more complete, more practical situations. They are composed of 56 illustrations , which are divided into four groups of 14 cards each. These different groups can be compared to the suits in the deck: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles.

The combination of the Minor Arcana is based on the four primordial elements (also considered in Astrology to define the archetypes of the Signs of the Zodiac), and on the four psychic functions establishing a relationship between them:

Suit of Wands

  • Fire Element
  • Intuition
  • Relationship with the idea of ​​power, fire and trust.

Suit of Cups

  • Water Element
  • Feeling
  • Cups contain liquids and water is related to emotion.

Suit of Swords

  • Air Element
  • Intellect
  • Swords are a weapon and what leads to discord and inner conflict is intellect, thought.

Suit of Pentacles

  • Earth Element
  • Sensations
  • Money, material goods allow relationships between people and action in the material world, together with the physical dimension of the body and tangible things.

Each suit of Minor Arcana contains 10 cards numbered 1 to 10. This order is related to the 10 levels of the Hebrew Kabbalah Tree of Life. Each suit ends with four characters: King, Queen, Knight and Page. The Tree of Life symbolizes human life and its different phases. Its branches rise towards the sky to receive the light and energy of the Sun. The roots burrow into the soil, a source of food but also a source of security, pinning it to the ground when storms arrive.