Astrological Houses - Ruler Planets, Zodiac Signs and Birth Chart

In Astrology, the 12 Houses are the basis for the study of our astral personality. Each one of them represents a phase, a step, a stage in our journey of spiritual life.

In Astrology, the 12 Houses are the basis of the study of the astral personality. They are the "where", each focusing on a particular area of ​​life. It is in the Houses that the different energies of the planets work. The Zodiac Wheel symbolizes the journey that each one of us has to make in his passage on Earth. Each House represents a phase, a step, a step in this journey.

Houses in Astrology, Planets and Signs

The horoscope is based on the analysis of three central elements: planet-sign-house. Houses are considered by some astrologers to be the truly individual element of the birth chart.

After all, all people born on a certain day have the same planets in the same signs while the placement of the Houses depends on the moment of birth of each one. This individuality makes them the central point of map reading.

Astrological Houses

House Division System

There are many systems for dividing Houses, that is, ways to artificially divide the space around the Earth in order to organize all the celestial elements in the birth chart.

The most popular was discovered by Placidus, around 1688, and is based on the time each degree of the ecliptic (imaginary or apparent movement of the sun around the Earth) takes to pass from the Ascendant sign to the Midheaven. It is, therefore, considered a time-based system.

Other systems used are Regiomontanus, Campanus, Porphyry, or Morinus, but the oldest is the Equal House System. In the latter, the Ascendant is defined as the cusp of House 1 and all Houses are the same size (exactly 30°). 

The 12 Houses Journey

The 12 Houses are not astrological entities separate from each other, isolated, as independent segments of life. The life of each one of us begins with birth, in the Ascendant. Until that time, we are not aware of ourselves as a unique and individual being.

Gradually, House by House, through a series of steps, phases and changes, we build our identity, until we become part of a reality that transcends us. We reach the end of the cycle of personal growth and return to the origin of all things.

Symbolism of Houses in the Astral Map

Each of the twelve Houses represents a sphere of human life. Therefore, it is through the use of the Houses that Astrology discovers in which area of daily life the movement of the planets affects us.

  • The Planets represent motivation;
  • The Zodiac Signs show how we are going to direct or use this motivation;
  • The Houses show in which sphere of life this motivation and effort will manifest itself.

In the interpretation of the birth chart, some Houses are more important than others and give more strength to the planets in them. The main focus is on the first, fourth, sixth, seventh, tenth and twelfth Houses and the one where the Midheaven is located. However, all Houses can reveal important information depending on the area of life under analysis and are, therefore, an object of study.

In the birth chart, Houses may be empty, unoccupied by planets. However, the spheres of life they cover are nevertheless important: the sign found in the House must be analyzed as well as the ruling planet of that sign. This information gives a good indication of how the person reacts to matters relating to the House in question.

What Houses Represent

The first six Houses have a traditional application while the rest relate to more external issues and to other people. The first House is the most personal, and the seventh, for example, represents the attitude of people towards their partners. The fourth house relates to the home and the tenth to matters outside the home, career and ambition. Each House is ruled by a sign and a planet.

Casa 1

House 1 or First House

  • Domains/ Concerns - Starts the Zodiac and covers all beginnings: first impressions, ego, physical appearance, physical body, the "Me" feeling.
  • Sign connected to this House - Aries
  • Planet connected to this House - Mars
Casa 2

House 2 or Second House

  • Domains/ Concerns - Material resources, everything you call “mine”. Possessions, material possessions, properties, even the prospect of earning or accumulating more money. Capabilities and concern for personal safety.
  • Sign connected to this House - Taurus
  • Planet connected to this House - Venus
Casa 3

House 3 or Third House

  • Domains/ Concerns - Communication, learning, thinking, gadgets and services. Brothers and sisters, neighbors, travel, local means of transport, short trips, basic education, teachers.
  • Sign connected to this House - Gemini
  • Planet connected to this House - Mercury
Casa 4

House 4 or Fourth House

  • Domains/ Concerns - Home environment and home life in general. Home, roots, country, privacy, personal safety, children, caring skills, relationship with childhood.
  • Sign connected to this House - Cancer
  • Planet connected to this House - Mars
Casa 5

House 5 or Fifth House

  • Domains/ Concerns - All types of leisure activities. Self-expression, drama, creativity, ideas, fun, games, parties, hobbies, relaxation, vacations, anniversaries, romance, lovers, sex, pregnancy, children.
  • Sign connected to this House - Leo
  • Planet connected to this House - Sun
Casa 6

House 6 or Sixth House

  • Domains/ Concerns - Health and service to others, professional relationships or another function that involves relating to the social sphere. Personal health and/or illness. It includes doctors and hospitals, as well as nutrition and health.
  • Sign connected to this House - Virgo
  • Planet connected to this House - Mercury
Casa 7

House 7 or Seventh House

  • Domains/ Concerns - Loving partners, business partners and all relationships that require a lot of cooperation on a regular basis. The focus is on others, the kind of people with whom the native's affinities are greatest.
  • Sign connected to this House - Libra
  • Planet connected to this House - Venus
Casa 8

House 8 or Eighth House

  • Domains/ Concerns - Ability to share (particularly money and personal property). Sexual relationships, shared feelings and any kind of beginning and end, like birth and death. Major changes in lifestyle or ways of thinking.
  • Sign connected to this House - Scorpio
  • Planet connected to this House - Mars or Pluto
Casa 9

House 9 or Ninth House

  • Domains/ Concerns - Expansion of horizons at all levels: spiritual, metaphysical, educational. Traditionally known as the "House of the Higher Mind".
  • Sign connected to this House - Sagittarius
  • Planet connected to this House - Jupiter
Casa 10

House 10 or Tenth House

  • Domains/ Concerns - Status, career, personal goals. The ego is at the center of everything. In the birth chart, the cusp, or boundary, of this house is called the Midheaven (MC) and gives clues about the professional path.
  • Sign connected to this House - Capricorn
  • Planet connected to this House - Saturn
Casa 11

House 11 or Eleventh House

  • Domains/ Concerns - Friendships, group activities, originality, eccentricity, unexpected events, surprises, invention, astrology, fiction, social values, political beliefs, social justice, rebellion and humanitarian causes.
  • Sign connected to this House - Aquarius
  • Planet connected to this House - Saturn or Uranus
Casa 12

House 12 or Twelfth House

  • Domains/ Concerns - Loneliness, sacrifice, what is lost to us, mysticism, karma, ulterior motives, undisclosed intentions, secret enemies, ego destruction, ambushes. It rules the imagination, creativity, arts, newspapers and the subconscious.
  • Sign connected to this House - Pisces
  • Planet connected to this House - Neptune or Jupiter

The 12 Houses in Astrology