The Sixth Astrological House - Work, Health, Exercise

In the Sixth Astrological House, the will to create, to materialize, gives us this belief that there are no limits to the expression of our “I”. This House corresponds with Virgo energy.

Our journey through the Houses continues and we reach the Sixth Astrological House. In House 1 we just are. In House 2, we discover that we are unique. In House 3, we externalize our personality, in House 4 we discover our identity and in House 5, we reveal ourselves to the world. After the need for self-expression of House 5, where our “I” needs to stand out, shine, and be recognized, we arrive at House 6. Here, we no longer believe that we are “everything” but we still believe that we can be or do anything. Everything is within our reach. The desire to create, to materialize, gives us this belief that there are no limits to the expression of our “I”. 

The Sixth Astrological House

  • Sphere - Service, health and small animals
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Sign - Virgo
  • Element - Earth
  • Quality - Mutable
  • Polarity - Female
  • Position - Candent
  • Physiology - Intestines and abdomen
  • Places - Hospitals, workplace
  • Color - Dark brown
  • Keywords - Work, service, employment, co-workers, efficiency, occupations, vocation, daily routine, health and small animals

House 6 - Our Vocation is to Be Ourselves

In House 6, we are led to think about the need to go back down to earth. Gradually, we reach out to others. It is time to remind ourselves of our natural limits and the inevitability of better defining who we really are.

At this stage, we realize that our real value is not outside of us, in the recognition we find in others, but rather, inside us. In our inner nature and in what we are (with ourselves and with others) and we practice it every day. Our vocation is to be ourselves

The Sixth Astrological House raises the following question: although the expression of creativity (object of House 5) is necessary and fundamental to personality development, do we do it intelligently? The time has come to think about whether our desires are realistic and whether what we do also takes into account the interests of others.

House 6 represents yet another ladder in the evolution of personality. It's great to want to create, but do we do it with a purpose? Or is it just to satisfy our ego, ending up being redundant and inconsequential? House 6 invites us to make this inner reflection: what are our priorities? Are we making good use of our power and capabilities? Do we know how to recognize the true nature of our personality and the limits of our humanity? 

House 6 shows us how we can develop what we really are and make us unique. If we don't really know each other, we act against our nature. We get frustrated, stressed, and unwell. They're the kind of emotions that tell us something isn't right. Alerts that indicate the need to rethink options and, perhaps, change the course of our lives. That it may be necessary to make adjustments to find the desired harmony. 

House 6 explores the way how our “being” relates to the outside world and integrates the experiences that it provides. How to express yourself (namely, through work). How our mind and our feelings adapt to the stimuli and reality of everything external to us.

Although we all subject ourselves to mundane tasks from which there is no way to escape, there is a sense of mission that we create for ourselves. The Sixth House tells us how our deepest “I” finds that fragile balance point and adjusts to what comes from the outside that can have some kind of impact on who we are and what we want for us. 

The Sixth Astrological House - Work and Employment

Our relationship with work can be more or less positive. For some people, a professional career is a priority and it is in this field that they are carried out. Others go to work every day because that's how they make a living. In any case, the routine inherent to the performance of a profession allows us to structure the day-to-day. It forces us to make plans, review priorities, and make decisions. In social terms, it is this collective workforce that makes the world evolve and allows us to do new things. 

The alignment of the planets and the signs in House 6 suggests the occupations for which we can be more naturally inclined, according to the talents recognized by Astrology for each of the signs and the type of planetary energies present in the astral map.

Mars and Aries, for example, suggest independent personalities, who prefer to be self-employed and dedicate themselves to professions such as car driver, insurance agents, or psychologist. Sun and Leo, denote talent for professions where they can exercise authority, such as a judge, teacher, manager or lawyer. Venus and Libra, in turn, can extend the passion for aesthetics to the professional field in occupations such as interior decoration, fashion or design. In the description of each sign, you can find further information about this topic. 

But, in addition to describing talents and possible professional opportunities, the placements of planets and signs in the 6th House also suggest the attitude towards the work. It's not just what we do but how we do it. Some astrological personalities are more independent and happier when they have decision-making power (Aries, Taurus, Leo), while others do not need leadership positions (Capricorn, Pisces). 

On the other hand, the Sixth Astrological House shows us how we are at work: dominant or subservient, fair or inattentive to the needs of others, impartial or we play according to which side we are most comfortable with. Of course, as in all aspects of Astrology, this is not about making value judgments or pointing fingers, but about self-knowledge. Recognizing here some personality traits that we do not objectively identify with (or that we are not aware of), we can reflect and change. Adjust our mode of action to our way of being. 

House 6 - Relationships and Environment

House 6 serves as preparation for the relationships we will establish in House 7 by describing how we relate to those we serve and with whom it serves us. Humility and hard work are the qualities that stand out the most here.

The way we use our time and the kind of environment that makes us happy is another facet of this House. The planets and signs that line up in this House show what we most value in our home and workplace. While Mars, for example, has enough energy and resourcefulness to tidy up the house, Neptune can easily get distracted by the details and get to the end of the day with almost everything to do.

The Sixth Astrological House and Health

Work and health are often intertwined. Health is another concern of House 6. Having an occupation is an important part of building our personality. The professional activity provides personal evolution, recognition and utility.

If, on the one hand, overwork negatively affects health, its absence leaves us indifferent and lazy. Lack of employment deprives us not only of a source of livelihood but also of a sense of value and purpose.

The 6th House encourages us to keep our body and mind, healthy. The harmony between emotions and physical health allows us to carry out the tasks that we are in charge of on a daily basis but, above all, to live in peace.

House 6 also values technical skills. After all, it is your domain that allows us to perform our work competently. At the same time, good performance is reflected in better career opportunities, greater learning, better monetary compensation, and a decent standard of living.

House 6 and Small Animals

Small animals are also shown in Sixth Astrological House. Many people adopt domestic animals and find in their presence great comfort and friendship. In some cases, the relationship they establish with them is so strong that they take care and dedicate a lot of time and effort to their well-being. For some people, pets are real companions that alleviate loneliness and the feeling of uselessness. For those who have such a strong bond with their pets, death and loss can be a very traumatic experience and trigger a series of less desirable psychological consequences.

Beginning of a New Stage of Personal Growth

Up until now, the goal of our journey through the Astrological Houses has been to get to know ourselves. Understand who we are, what is important to us and our personal fulfillment, how we deal with and see other people who are important to us, and how we put our talents into practice. From House 7 on, we join others.

The 12 Houses in Astrology