The Eleventh Astrological House - Friendship, Electronics, Technology

In the Eleventh Astrological House, the soul goes beyond its self-centeredness to become even greater than what it already is. It gains social awareness of the whole in which it is inserted.

From not being aware of oneself to the fear of being forgotten until one is recognized as someone: this was the path taken by the "I" from the First to the Tenth House. By the Eleventh Astrological House, the ego is fully defined and is properly recognized (by itself and others). The necessary conditions are met that allow the "I" to enter a deeper plane. In this House, we go beyond our self-centeredness to become even greater than what we already are. That is why it is called the "House of Hope", the "House of Goals", the "House of Desires" or the "House of Objectives".

The Tenth Astrological House

  • Sphere - Community
  • Planet - Co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus
  • Sign - Aquarius
  • Element - Air
  • Quality - Fixed
  • Polarity - Male
  • Position - Successive
  • Physiology - Legs and ankles
  • Places - Social gatherings, venue work
  • Color - Strong yellow
  • Keywords - Group activities, society, friends, hopes, desires, aspirations , social conscience

Associated with the sign Aquarius and corrected by Saturn and Uranus, the 11th House represents the ego's attempt to decenter itself in order to become greater. This social awareness, on the whole, is possible only now. After your journey from the First House, the "I" recognizes itself and is recognized. It is ready to launch itself in a new stage of its development as an entity that lives in society.

House 11 - From Individual to Collective Consciousness

First, the "I" becomes aware of who it is. Then it organizes life with and around the people closest to you: family, friends, co-workers. Create your value systems, beliefs, and ideologies by which you govern your life. It becomes part of the system, the collective, the society.

When we live in society, we influence and are influenced by it. All individual actions have an impact on the collective. It is a living system, where everything relates to everyone. Gaining this community awareness allows the ego to consider the needs of others as well, and to act with the common good in mind. Therefore, it represents an evolution of consciousness and a way to clarify its place in the world. To find such a meaning for life.

Influence of the Ruler Planets on Eleventh Astrological House

House 11 shows how we integrate and how we function as part of a system. Ruled by two planets, this House expresses itself in two ways, which reflect the intrinsic characteristics of each of the ruling planets.


Saturn seeks security, a feeling that can be achieved or reinforced by being part of a group (social, political, religious, etc.), with which we identify - is the so-called "sense of belonging".

This need can be seen in those people who are focused on having the right group of friends, on being seen in the right places, and who align their opinions according to the groups they belong to.

The negative aspect of Saturn is pronounced in intolerance of difference, in the rejection of contrary opinions, in racial prejudice.


Uranus seeks identity, in a deeper and more philosophical sense. It represents people who defend the unity of the individual in a harmonious way with everything that is external to it.

The Uranian personality has a strong social conscience but does not necessarily seek social acceptance. It is always ahead of humanity and, as such, runs the risk of being misinterpreted. They fight against injustice, fight for the oppressed and defend great causes, those that seek to change the world.

House 11 and Development of Social Consciousness

Eleventh Astrological House is where a person sees himself reflected by the actions of others and takes his place in society. This House seeks cooperation as a means of achieving a greater good. The development of social awareness is seen not only as a goal to aggrandize the ego but, above all, as the ability to step out of ourselves, from our private and individualistic sphere, to become part of something bigger, with more meaning.

From this concept comes something greater than identification with our reference groups. House 11 speaks of Humanity, of the path we walked as a species. This House makes use of the vital energy tendency to move towards greater associations, communication, cooperation and knowledge - it is the basic principle through which the Eleventh House operates.

Having recognized ourselves as a separate and distinct personality, there is now a call to connect with everything that we previously differentiated ourselves from. Interdependence, unity and collaboration allow for achievements that, individually, would not be possible.

Likewise, this extended collaboration expands knowledge and horizons. It opens up new opportunities. Allows the exchange of ideas and knowledge, with a view to a global result much bigger than the sum of the parts. Proof of this is the speed with which everything spreads in today's world. The positive and the negative things.

The interdependence is evident. It is practically impossible that actions taken in a distant country do not affect us. This refers to communication, health, the dissemination of ideas and opinions, economic concentration, social inequalities, stock market fluctuations, global disasters or environmental issues.

We live in a bubble where everything impacts everyone. It is no longer possible to live outside the collective, isolated and closed to the world. This is the call to attention of House 11.

The "I" 's Contribution to the Evolution of the Collective Process

The way in which we could participate and contribute to the evolution of the collective process is presented by the planets, signs and aspects positioned in Eleventh Astrological House.

In House 5, our energy is applied to shine. To distinguish ourselves from others and to increase our sense of worth and enhance individual qualities. In House 11, our energy can be channeled into pursuing the causes in which we are involved.

While in House 5 we act as we please, in order to achieve our goals, in House 11, we can choose between abandoning or reconciling our ideologies, time, or amenities in favor of the group's needs.

Uranus, one of the co-ruler planets of this House, also translates into the need to be different or subversive. The appeal that some feel to take to the last consequences the defense of certain disadvantaged social groups may be influenced by the presence of this planet.

The 11th House and the Way we Act in a Group

Besides just describing the type of groups to which we tune our interests, the signs and planets present in the 11th House also symbolize how we behave and act in a group situation.

  • Sun or Leo - may indicate the need to stand out, leadership, leading to great personal involvement with the cause.
  • Mercury or Gemini - may indicate an involved, enlightened person and a potential spokesperson or general secretary of the group.
  • Moon or Cancer - can indicate a person who is happy to serve others, to prepare the place, open doors and provide what is needed for people to meet or for services to develop.

But House 11 also gives clues about the way we integrate into groups.

  • Venus or Libra - naturally sociable, they create friendships with ease.
  • Saturn or Capricorn - has a shy personality and may well feel out of place or intimidated in the within a group.

The Eleventh Astrological House and Friendship Relationships

Our group of friends is one of the greatest achievements we can create in a lifetime. It is with them that we share our joys and sorrows. With whom we identify best and share our experiences.

The planets and signs in the 11th house describe the kind of friends we are attracted to. The qualities that make us feel more sympathy for some people than others. The friends we make can also be a projection of qualities that we would like to have but that we do not see in ourselves. If we are, for example, rash in decision making, as is the case with Aries, we can seek advice from a friend Libra to help us curb the instinct to do it soon, without thinking about the consequences.

House 11 also suggests how we make friends. Mars can make friends almost compulsively, whereas Saturn is more shy and cautious.

This House also shows how we relate to others and what kind of energy charge we awaken in friendships. Venus is easy to get along with but is in no hurry to make friends. Pluto attracts complex situations and complicated plots that can end friendships.

In the 11th House, we want to transcend our ego. We feel the call to create more meaningful and lasting relationships. To get involved in bigger causes that can make sense of our daily actions. This House is also the domain of hopes and desires. It is what we project and aspire to for the good of society. For those who have developed social consciousness, dreams are for the good of society and not just for the "me".

That's why this House was called "House of Hope", "House of Goals", "House of Desires" or "House of Objectives". While we want to belong to something greater than ourselves, we try to grow as "I", with the wealth provided through the contract with others (emotional, intellectual, metaphysical).

The planets, signs, and aspects present in the 11th House sensitize us to the ideas and thoughts that circulate around us. In this House, we discover what unites us to our family and friends, but also to society and to humanity as a whole.

The 12 Houses in Astrology