The Seventh Astrological House - Love, Romance, Marriage, Social Activities

The Seventh Astrological House represents the relationships of all kinds that we have with others. The “I” learns that it cannot develop alone and, therefore, this is the House of Relationships.

Arriving at the Seventh Astrological House, the "I" is ready to start relating to others. In this House, the personality learns that it cannot develop alone, and so this is the House of Relationships. House 7 marks the Descending sign, the westernmost point of the astral chart, that is, the sign that was setting itself on the western horizon at the exact moment of birth. With the 6th house, the last of the "Personal Houses", the personality knows exactly what it is like and what distinguishes it from the others. Recognize that you are unique. From the First to the Sixth House, the personality evolved and honed through work, service to others, humility, and the attention it paid to the world around it.

The Seventh Astrological House

  • Sphere - Relationships and partnerships
  • Planet - Venus
  • Signo - Libra
  • Element - Air
  • Quality - Cardinal
  • Polarity - Male
  • Position - Angular
  • Physiology - Groins
  • Places - Marital home
  • Color - Blue-brown
  • Keywords - Relationships, union, other people, interaction, known enemies, divorce, political or commercial affairs, diplomacy, lawsuits

The 7th House is also known as the "House of Marriage" and the "House of Sworn Enemies". Here, "marriage" is understood to mean any type of relationship that implies a commitment over time, such as marriage itself, a business relationship, partnerships, contracts, negotiations, diplomacy, agreements, and declared enemies. 

The Seventh Astrological House also governs business with foreigners, relations between countries (friendly or hostile), political or commercial affairs, divorce, litigation, and diplomatic affairs in general.

Descendant and House 7

The Descendant Sign is the cusp (initial line) of the 7th House, the third angular house of the birth chart, and the opposite point to the Ascendant Sign.

The Descendant, the westernmost point on the birth chart, disappears when we are born. So it seems to hide what's inside of us. It reflects what we think we are not, what we don't want to admit exists in our personality. For Astrology, the qualities we look for in the relationships (described by the planets and the signs present in the 7th house), represent what we reject in ourselves but which, somehow, we need to integrate into our personality to feel complete.

So, since we don't recognize them in ourselves, let's look for them in others. In the people we look for to relate to. For example, if we have an entrepreneurial spirit but don't have a vocation for numbers, we will tend to look for a business partner with a recognized capacity for calculation and finances.

It is a compliment, an appreciation of our abilities, of looking for someone to complete us and help us to evolve and achieve our goals. After all, when we cooperate with others, make contracts and partnerships, we are also helping ourselves.

In traditional Astrology, the Ascendant Sign is considered as "self-awareness" and the Descendant Sign as the "awareness of others". The Seventh Astrological House describes our relationships, the qualities we look for in our partner (love, friendship, work), and the experiences we need to live to understand the meaning of others.

Studying the Descendant sign allows us to discover the kind of people that appear in our lives with whom we tend to make real connections, or the qualities we would like to see in ours.

Planets and Signs in House 7

Through the study of the planets and signs present in the 7th House, astrologers indicate the type of people we are attracted to. What qualities do we value and look for in others.

For example, a person with the Moon in the 7th House might suggest that they look for a caring partner and take care of them. A person with Mars in the Seventh Astrological House may value other qualities in a partner, such as strength, dynamism, and the capacity for action. It can also mean that they are looking for someone to make the decisions, who guides them through life.

In situations where there is more than one planet positioned in House 7, the reading is more complex since there are multiple features of different planets exerting influence on the same House. A person with Uranus and Saturn in House 7 may indicate the search for someone who provides stability and security (transmitted by Saturn) but also an individualistic and unpredictable person (characteristics of Uranus).

The Seventh Astrological House - Complementarity and Confrontation

In addition to describing the nature of the partner, the signs and planets positioned in the Seventh Astrological House suggest the types of relationships that the person seeks or with which he most identifies. 

Given that House 7 is on the opposite side of House 1, what we look for in the other reflects what we are, our own personality. In this sense, the two Houses are related in terms of relationships, and this axis is highly considered when reading the astral map. We tend to look to others for what we consider to be our main qualities (sometimes unconscious), or the qualities that we consider complementary to our own way of being.

For a relationship to be successful, whether in love, friendship, or work, we tend to relate to people we identify with. Frequent coexistence, joint decision-making, negotiation of interests presupposes a set of values and an aligned vision of life. Otherwise, it is difficult to reach a consensus and compromise or even understand the other's position and options.

The presence of Saturn may indicate a relationship based on duties and obligations. Mars is more prone to "love at first sight", to precipitation of the relationship, to spontaneous decision-making, to stormy and passionate relationships. Jupiter reveals the possibility of multiple relationships.

From the Seventh Astrological House to the 12th House, the personality goes from its individuality, from the awareness that it is unique, to connect with others.

House 7 and the "Declared Enemies"

If the 7th House reflects the attributes that we don't want to see in our personality, because we find them unacceptable or unpleasant, we won't like to see them in other people either. This conflict generally leads to enmities and confrontations. From this notion comes the connotation of the 7th house as being the purview of the “declared enemies” - the public enemies, those enemies we know how to recognize.

However, we can also reject certain positive qualities that exist in our personality but are reflected to us by others. That's why we fall in love, to feel complete. Qualities are often so projected onto the partner (in love or in business) that we can cancel each other out. We were only half a person.

For example, a person with Mars in the 7th House may not be in touch with their own power and look for a person where recognize that quality. Project your own being in search of the other in an attempt to complete yourself. However, this person may get tired of taking orders, and soon they will start giving them themselves. Discover Mars itself. Thus, the qualities we look for in the other end up integrating into our own personality.

House 7 and the "I" Identity

Relating to others is an innate need. We cannot (or is extremely painful) live in isolation. Living with others is a factor in personal evolution. We improve as a person when we interact with others. When we act on behalf of others.

This question can pose a dilemma for personality (once again, it is called the axis of House 1 and House 7 ). How to reconcile my “I” with the “I” of others? To what extent can the personality abdicate what it wants or its identity for the benefit of the other? Cooperation or affirmation? How is the ego in the middle of this situation?

House 7 gives us the task of finding a balance between what we are and living with each other. Others are our other half and the way we relate to them, mirrors who we are. More or less tolerant, more or less loving, more or less devoted.

The 12 Houses in Astrology