Free Online Tarot - Marseille Tarot 3 Card Game

Are you looking for an answer or need advice on something? The Free Online Tarot gives you a simple and immediate answer. Focus on your question, select a Letter and let yourself be guided by the wisdom of this millenary oracle.

Focus on the question you want to get the answer to and turn just one Letter from the options below:

Free Online Tarot

Looking for an answer or need advice on something? The Free Online Tarot gives you a simple and immediate answer. Focus on your question, select a card and let yourself be guided by the wisdom of this millenary oracle.

The Tarot is currently seen as a tool for self discovery and personal knowledge. Through its symbols, we discover different aspects of our personality, which gives us the possibility to reflect and act upon them. In the face of uncertainty, an important decision or the need to understand the profound meaning of events, the reading of Tarot helps us to ponder on the different options and decide the best route.

Questions to Ask a Tarot Reader

To help you formulate your questions, we have prepared some suggestions about love, work or life in general that you can ask to the AstralGossip Free Online Tarot - the answers are all already out there and waiting - you just have to access them. Some questions for your Tarot spread:

Love & Relationships

  1. What should I do to find the love of my life?
  2. How can I strengthen the relationship with the person I love?
  3. What is the relationship's current energy?
  4. Will my lover come back to me?

Self-knowledge & Spiritual Life

  1. What should I focus more on in my life right now?
  2. What area of ​​my life needs more attention right now?
  3. What’s my next best step today?
  4. What spiritual lesson do I need to learn now to move forward?

Job & Career

  1. What’s my current career energy?
  2. What obstacle do I need to overcome?
  3. What’s my career calling?
  4. How do I move closer to this calling?

How to Frame Questions for the Tarot Cards

Before reading the Tarot cards, take a few minutes to think about what, exactly, it is you want to know. If there’s something specific you want to know, you just need to ask. If you don’t know what it is you’re looking for and you just want to see what the cards will reveal.

  • Think of a specific question or topic for which you are looking for an answer;
  • Concentrate for a while and pick a card;
  • Use your intuition to interpret the card message. Even if this isn't the one you like best, don't draw another card for the same issue. Try to understand if the card's message makes any sense in your current life and if it gives you clues to resolve your dilemmas and find the guide you are looking for.

Think about the questions you want and make a new Tarot query, selecting a new card.

Also try our Free Daily Tarot and discover the message that this oracle has in store for you today.

DISCLAIMER - The analysis of the Tarot Online Reading by AstralGossip is based on the principle of randomness. That being, they reveal interpretations according to the selected card. The AstralGossip services do not constitute, in any situation, legal, psychological, medical, corporate or financial guidance or of any other type.