The Houses

The Houses

The Astrological Houses are mathematically calculated locations in the birth chart. Therefore, they represent positions in the sky. There are twelve Houses, each of which is governed by a different Sun sign. In Astrology, Houses constitute the "where", that is, the area of life where planetary energies act.

The Astrological Houses are the areas of life where we direct our energies. As with the signs, each House has its domain, such as creativity, money, marriage, career, spirituality, health, among others.

Symbolically, the Zodiac is much more than the Sun's trajectory across the horizon. It represents the journey of the human experience. It reflects the path of the soul (the Sun), throughout the various stages of life from conception, through childhood and culminating in old age.

On the Ascendant, or cusp of the First House, the soul is incarnated and assumes an ego, gains self-awareness. As it passes through the Houses, the soul undergoes a symbolic progression that culminates in Pisces, where it merges with the whole and returns to the origin of all things.

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