Life Path Number Calculator

Life Path Number is determined according to birth date information. Find out how it can be calculated and know its meaning in Numerology.

To calculate the Life Path Number (also called Life Number, Life Lesson Number, or Birth Number), you only need to know the full birth date. This Number represents and reflects the inner potential of each person. When we feel insecure or lost, our Life Number can help us find the right path. This Number also reveals a person's innate talents and abilities.

What Does the Life Path Number Mean

Our Life Number represents the inner potential of each one of us. It reveals our innate talents and abilities, our life mission and the opportunities and challenges we encounter along the way. It is the underlying force behind everything we do, what motivates us in our actions, and reveals what we can explore and discover in our earthly passage.

Calculate your Life Path Number

Life Path Number Calculator

Find out your life purpose, skills, interests, motivations and challenges.

Your Birth Date

How Knowing the Birth Number can Help

Knowing your Life Path Number will give you a better understanding of yourself, where you come from, what really motivates you and your basic instinctual nature. This self-knowledge can be very helpful when you have to make important decisions in life. If you know your true inner nature, it will become easier to choose between different options and, even if you are forced to go with a second option, you will know what you need to do to adapt and be flexible.

In addition to being able to determine your basic nature, calculating the Life Path Number of other people also allows you to get an overview of their nature, as long as you know their birth dates. Knowing what motivates others, in the professional and even affective field, will make relationships more fluid, strong and harmonious, in general.

Calculating the Life Path Number

The Life Number is calculated based on the date and time of birth.

To calculate the Life Path Number add the day, month and year of birth, separating all the digits. For example, if you were born on April 2, 1971, calculate as follows:

2 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 1 = 24

Then, reduce the result to one digit:

2 + 4 = 6

In this example, the Life Number would be 6. For Numerology, this number represents character, instincts, duty, and karmic lessons (see Karmic Astrology), genetic inheritance, personality traits and defects, and the direction of life. If your birth number is 6, you are romantic, idealistic, sociable and outgoing.

Life Number Explanation

Now that you know the numerical value of your Life Number, know how it represents and reflects your inner nature:

  • Number 1 - Ambitious, Innovative, Creative
  • Number 2 - Affable, Inventive, Intuitive
  • Number 3 - Energetic, Talented, Independent
  • Number 4 - Stable, Practical, Rebel
  • Number 5 - Excited, Impulsive, Entrepreneur
  • Number 6 - Reliable, Affectionate, Communicative
  • Number 7 - Spiritual, Lucky, Restless
  • Number 8 - Stubborn, Individualistic, Intense
  • Number 9 - Active, Determined, Courageous

Together, the Life Path Number, the Full Name Number and the First Name Number can be represented by a set of three digits, such as 4-5-7 or 9-3-1. There are 729 possible combinations of these three numbers.

Astrology and Numerology are similar systems in that both techniques are used as tools for self-knowledge and to reveal the mysteries of life. Both are based on complex mathematical calculations and interpretation systems, which have been systematized over millennia.

For Astrology, everything that exists on Earth and in Heaven is interconnected in a spiritual and energetic relationship. Knowing our personality will allow us to be better people and fulfill our destiny in the best way possible.

For Numerology, interpreting the numbers we are related to can give us important clues about who we are, the impression we leave on others and how they see us, and about our life mission. The energetic charge we bring at birth, what we can do to express our full potential and what characteristics of our personality prevent us from evolving.

Numerology, Astrology and Self-Discovery

The Number assigned to each of the signs of the Zodiac is determined by its ruling planets, it is the Personality Number. Planets are the active principle of Astrology and symbolizes the universal characteristics that human beings possess. Each planet corresponds to a certain type of astral personality, and this information also serves as a basis for the characterization of Numbers by Numerology.

According to Astrology, everything that exists on Earth and in Heaven is interconnected in a spiritual and energetic relationship. In this way, when we are aware of who we really are, with our weaknesses and strengths, we can better explore our spirituality, discover the answers to the big questions that trouble us and find ways to live with passion, determination and serenity. Numerology offers the possibility of getting to know our inner Self, our individuality, and, based on this self-knowledge, trace a concrete path that makes sense for life.

The Primary Numbers, which comprise the sequence of numbers from one to nine, are the foundation of the Pythagorean System and serve as the basis for the analysis of Numerology. Each Number has its own unique energetic vibrations and represents specific strengths and opportunities.