Numerology Meaning of the Number 4

Meaning and symbolism of Number 4 in Numerology: what it reveals about the native's psychological profile and personality traits.

The Four belongs to the group of Primary Numbers (from 1 to 9). It represents the planet Uranus, as well as the four seasons of the year, the cardinal points and the four Elements. It is considered the lucky number, the reliability, and the stability. The Zodiac sign associated with it is Aquarius. Get to know the meaning of Number 4 in Numerology, what reveals about the psychological profile and personality traits of the people who live under its influence.

The Number 4 in Numerology

  • Name in Numerology - QUATERNION
  • Polarity - Yin
  • Element - Earth
  • Quality - Cardinal
  • Regent Planet - Uranus
  • Zodiac Sign - Aquarius
  • Day - Wednesday
  • Color - Green
  • Meaning - Stable, practical, patient, rebellious, unconventional, isolated
  • Key Attributes - Logic, hard facts, sobriety, long-term success, hard work, honesty, solidity
  • Characteristics in Relationships - Persistent, fair, faithful, dedicated, cautious
  • Social Aspects - Lonely, unconventional, introverted, reserved
  • Positive Aspects - Persevering, firm on purpose, hardworking, enthusiastic
  • Negative Aspects - Cold, impatient, reckless

Number 4 is associated with the sign Aquarius and is ruled by Uranus, the planet of originality, renewal and revolution. Four is action, achievement, stability, security, firmness, justice, honesty, and organization. People with this Number are down-to-earth, strong, tough and robust. They appreciate the finer things in life and like to pamper themselves, despite their little interest in accumulating material goods.

The interpretation of Numbers, based on mathematical calculations and complex interpretation systems systematized over millennia, helps us to discover who we are, to unveil the impression we make on others and to understand how they see us. The energy of our Dominant Number reflects our life mission, suggests how we can raise our potential, and enumerates the characteristics of our personality that keep us from moving forward.

Number 4 Personality

In Numerology, the meaning of the Number 4 represents the foundations. Indicates work and fatigue before getting what you want. The Four personalities are fundamentally conservative, solid, and rational. They are good at processing abstract thoughts and turning them into logical and sensible opinions.

Worker and Disciplined

People influenced by the energy of Number 4, dedicate themselves unconditionally to work. They distrust everything that is new, but once they understand the meaning of the novelty, they accept it without reservations or conditions. They are persevering, firm on purposes, like rules, discoveries, achievements, and power.

Pragmatic and Tough

People with this Number are practical and simple. They hate what is frivolous, light, superficial, and useless. They love peace, tranquility, solemnity, deep thoughts, the company of intelligent and highly spiritual people. They have enough courage to face any kind of situation and manage to keep their spirits up in the face of situations that seem to have no more hope. They hold on when others feel desperate.

Intimate and Introverted

The personality of Number Four enjoys its own company and can be lonely. It doesn't bother you to be or do things alone. It has no patience for nonsense or for getting involved in petty matters or in the lives of others. Fours may have only a few close friends rather than many acquaintances. Extremely loyal, they are seen as trustworthy people.

The Negative Side of Number 4

The meaning of Number 4 also refers to a negative side: lack of versatility, limited vision, fear of the new, conformism, rigidity, greed, and excessive attachment to the past. It is apparently unstable, extremely methodical, sometimes it lacks creativity, which makes it possible to be surpassed. They tend to become obsessed with work and forget about themselves and their most basic needs.

Numbers in Numerology

Find out what they mean and what they reveal about your personality.

  • Number 1 - Ambitious, Innovative, Creative
  • Number 2 - Affable, Inventive, Intuitive
  • Number 3 - Energetic, Talented, Independent
  • Number 4 - Stable, Practical, Rebel
  • Number 5 - Excited, Impulsive, Entrepreneur
  • Number 6 - Reliable, Affectionate, Communicative
  • Number 7 - Spiritual, Lucky, Restless
  • Number 8 - Stubborn, Individualistic, Intense
  • Number 9 - Active, Determined, Courageous
  • Number 11 - Idealistic, Intuitive, Vibrant
  • Number 22 - Optimistic, Entrepreneur, Inspired

Numerology, Astrology and Self-Discovery

The Number assigned to each of the signs of the Zodiac is determined by its ruling planets, it is the Personality Number. Planets are the active principle of Astrology and symbolizes the universal characteristics that human beings possess. Each planet corresponds to a certain type of astral personality, and this information also serves as a basis for the characterization of Numbers by Numerology.

According to Astrology, everything that exists on Earth and in Heaven is interconnected in a spiritual and energetic relationship. In this way, when we are aware of who we really are, with our weaknesses and strengths, we can better explore our spirituality, discover the answers to the big questions that trouble us and find ways to live with passion, determination and serenity. Numerology offers the possibility of getting to know our inner Self, our individuality, and, based on this self-knowledge, trace a concrete path that makes sense for life.

The Primary Numbers, which comprise the sequence of numbers from one to nine, are the foundation of the Pythagorean System and serve as the basis for the analysis of Numerology. Each Number has its own unique energetic vibrations and represents specific strengths and opportunities.