Numerology Meaning of the Number 3

Meaning and symbolism of Number 3 in Numerology: what it reveals about the native's psychological profile and personality traits.

In Numerology, the meaning of Number 3 is associated with family, success and completion. It belongs to the group of Primary Numbers and represents the planet Jupiter and the signs Sagittarius and Pisces. People with this Number love freedom, are strong, organized and optimistic. They never give up in the face of adversity and work hard to achieve their goals and complete tasks. Get to know the meaning of Number 3 in Numerology, which reveals about the psychological profile and personality traits of the people who live under its influence.

The Number 3 in Numerology

  • Name in Numerology - TERN
  • Polarity - Yang
  • Element - Air
  • Quality - Mutable
  • Regent Planet - Jupiter
  • Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius and Pisces
  • Day - Tuesday
  • Color - Yellow
  • Meaning - Energetic, disciplined, talented, successful, independent, controlling
  • Key Attributes - Energetic, successful, talented, punctual
  • Characteristics in Relationships - Controller, energetic, independent, teacher
  • Social Aspects - Sociable, talkative, outgoing
  • Positive Aspects - Friendly, generous, optimistic
  • Negative Aspects - Proud, controlling, nosy

Number 3 symbolizes action on the plane of Nature. It is aligned with the signs Sagittarius and Pisces and has Jupiter, the star of wisdom, vision and expansion, as the dominant planet. 

In Antiquity, Three was considered the perfect number, as it represents time, matter and space; length, width and depth; solid, liquid and gas. It is also linked to the triangle, symbol of logic, intellect and reason. Three is also the Success and Completion Number.

The interpretation of Numbers, based on mathematical calculations and complex interpretation systems systematized over millennia, helps us to discover who we are, to unveil the impression we make on others and to understand how they see us. The energy of our Dominant Number reflects our life mission, suggests how we can raise our potential, and enumerates the characteristics of our personality that keep us from moving forward.

Number 3 Personality

The Three is the sum of the One (perfection) and the Two (union), having a personality adaptable to any situation. The numerological influences of Number 3 have to do with everything that shapes a form: artistic expressions, personal achievements, the quest for perfection. It is the number of wisdom, valor, tenderness, perfect love and soul strength. Represents fertility and commitment. The Three personality likes to stand out from the rest, whether by the way it dresses, the alternative lifestyle, or the good taste with which it decorates his home.

Success and Ability to Achieve

The Number Three is communication, expression, creativity, artistic talent, sociability, cordiality, optimism, good taste, outgoing, witty and intelligent. It has a great capacity for implementing ideas and projects. He is committed and always meets deadlines, is energetic and disciplined. It is independent and is not intimidated by the obstacles that arise. When you set your goals, you work hard and efficiently to achieve them.

Communicator and Generous

Three are careful in how they express themselves. They are careful in word choice and speech. Optimistic, sociable and fun, they love social life and relationships, and they know how to cultivate them. However, they are still ruthless people when they are determined to achieve something. They are also physically attractive and have a friendly, magnetic personality.

The Negative Side of Number 3

The downside of the number Three is exhibitionism, ostentation, superficiality, futility and excess vanity. They tend to be chatty and prone to small talk about others.

Numbers in Numerology

Find out what they mean and what they reveal about your personality.

  • Number 1 - Ambitious, Innovative, Creative
  • Number 2 - Affable, Inventive, Intuitive
  • Number 3 - Energetic, Talented, Independent
  • Number 4 - Stable, Practical, Rebel
  • Number 5 - Excited, Impulsive, Entrepreneur
  • Number 6 - Reliable, Affectionate, Communicative
  • Number 7 - Spiritual, Lucky, Restless
  • Number 8 - Stubborn, Individualistic, Intense
  • Number 9 - Active, Determined, Courageous
  • Number 11 - Idealistic, Intuitive, Vibrant
  • Number 22 - Optimistic, Entrepreneur, Inspired

Numerology, Astrology and Self-Discovery

The Number assigned to each of the signs of the Zodiac is determined by its ruling planets, it is the Personality Number. Planets are the active principle of Astrology and symbolizes the universal characteristics that human beings possess. Each planet corresponds to a certain type of astral personality, and this information also serves as a basis for the characterization of Numbers by Numerology.

According to Astrology, everything that exists on Earth and in Heaven is interconnected in a spiritual and energetic relationship. In this way, when we are aware of who we really are, with our weaknesses and strengths, we can better explore our spirituality, discover the answers to the big questions that trouble us and find ways to live with passion, determination and serenity. Numerology offers the possibility of getting to know our inner Self, our individuality, and, based on this self-knowledge, trace a concrete path that makes sense for life.

The Primary Numbers, which comprise the sequence of numbers from one to nine, are the foundation of the Pythagorean System and serve as the basis for the analysis of Numerology. Each Number has its own unique energetic vibrations and represents specific strengths and opportunities.