Birth Chart - Everything You Need to Know

Find out what the birth chart is, what it says about your astrological personality and how the signs, planets and houses relate to each other.

The birth chart is a circle that represents the position of the stars in the sky at the exact moment of their birth. This circle is divided into twelve Houses, each representing different areas of life. Outside the cycle are the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

The astrological map is inserted in the celestial sphere, that is, in the astral environment that surrounds us when, from Earth, we look at the sky. In the geocentric system (which considers the Earth at the center of the solar system, being the system used by most astrologers), the person is at the center of the map, represented by the Earth.

The Birth Chart in Astrology

In the birth chart, in addition to the Sun, the Moon, and the Ascendant, it reads which planets are on which Houses, how their trajectory intersects, and the degrees between them. For example, House 1 represents "I" consciousness and House 7 the discovery of the other.

Through the study of the birth chart, Astrology becomes a tool that lifts the veil on behaviors and patterns of personality. The map shows the innate emotional, physical, and energetic trends, and the way we face and solve everyday challenges.

This self-knowledge (and that of others when we apply the principles of astrological knowledge to them) certainly does not answer all the questions, but it does help to clarify some of them. This greater knowledge, of ourselves and others, allows us to understand not only our way of being but also the world.

The first records of Astrology appeared in the Middle East, with the Chaldeans (Semitic people of southern Mesopotamia), where there are records of the first astral chart from History, made in the year 410 BC. This map is an image of the stars, as seen from Earth, at the exact moment of birth. It's like a photograph that astrologers take to the sky, fixing the elements in a unique moment. That's why it's so important to know the time and place of birth in addition to the date of birth.

The Birth Chart and the Astrological Personality

The relationship between the planets, signs and Houses in our birth chart, allows us to get a unique and personalized view about who we are. It is about our individuality. How we face the various aspects of life, how we see ourselves, how we communicate and relate to each other.

By traveling through the 12 Houses, you have the possibility to understand which area of ​​life is more important to you, what challenges or difficulties you encounter along the way and what qualities you see in yourself to overcome them.

The birth chart is, therefore, a representation of your truth, your self-image and the way you present yourself, face and interact with the world around you .

Why is the Earth at the Center of the Birth Chart?

Birth Chart AstralGossip

In the birth chart, the person being analyzed is in the center. We know today that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and not the other way around, as was believed in the past, but, for Astrology, the Earth remains in the center of the map and, for this reason, it does not appear there.

For the branch of Astrology that continues to base its studies on the system geocentric, it is on Earth that people exist and define their reality. For this reason, our planet continues to be represented in the center of the map.

In this conception, the person is at the center and the astrological elements revolve around him. For the same reason, the Earth, despite being a planet, is not considered in astrological analysis. The Earth is the center of the map.

However, some astrologers may base their analysis on the heliocentric system (with the Sun placed at the center of the solar system). In this case, the Earth is represented on the map by a circle with a cross inside it.

What Areas Are Featured on the Astral Map?

Based on the study of the position and relationships of the planets, Houses, sign Ascendant, and other signs of the Zodiac, all areas of life and the energies present in them are considered on the map. Thus, Astrology makes use of some fundamental astrological elements that constitute the root of the study of the individual chart:

Astrological Houses and Astral Chart Reading

At the time of birth, planets were positioned in specific signs and houses. When an astrologer interprets your birth chart, they mix up the meaning of each of the planets present on the map and the House where they are positioned. It is this interaction between the various astral elements that allows you to map the obstacles or challenges you may face.

When planets visit a House, they light up that part of the map and energize that same House. Through this information, it is possible to glimpse which areas of life are highlighted, giving clues to act and make the best possible.

What Does the Placement of Planets on the Astral Chart Mean?

The placement of planets reveals behaviors. The way you face and react to life events. The analysis of the position of the planet Chiron also allows for an analysis of karmic (experiences that the soul brought from past experiences to the present).

In the birth chart, planets are represented in Houses and by signs. The positioning of the planets on the map corresponds to the movement in degrees, minutes, and seconds that each of the planets occupied at the exact moment it was born.

How do you mark the Position of Planets on the Birth Chart?

The birth chart is formed by a wheel (called a flat wheel) with 360º. All displacements or positions of the planets are marked in degrees, minutes, and seconds. One degree corresponds to 60 minutes and one minute to 60 seconds.

The planets are related and are marked according to the position of the other elements present on the map:

1. Position of the 12 Signs  

On the birth chart wheel, there are 12 signs. Each sign occupies an area of 30º (360º divided by 12 signs). 

2. Position of the Houses

The area occupied by the Astrological Houses on the map varies according to birthplace (city and country). Houses are determined by geographic coordinates of birthplace. 

3. Ascendant Sign Position

The time of birth is essential information for calculating the birth chart. This is because it is the time of birth that marks the Ascendant (or ascensional sign), and, this, the beginning of the counting of the Houses.

When the hour and minutes of birth are unknown, it is not possible to accurately mark the 12 Houses on the chart (some astrologers make adjustments when the time is known in order to produce the map). This means that there is very important information that is hidden and cannot be analyzed. The study of the map is reduced to very generic data.

Signs, Planets and Houses - How do they relate to each other?

In the birth chart, the planets are positioned in a House and a sign. The planets use the energy of the sign to express themselves in the Houses, that is, in a certain area of ​​life. For example, have Mars in Capricorn in the House 10, means that the potential of Mars uses the energy of Capricorn to express itself in the career and in the way it the person deals with the issues of professional success. Like this:

  • The signs represent the characteristics of the personality.
  • The Houses represent the areas of life where things happen.
  • The planets represent strength, highlighted energy.

Among the planets, there are the planetary aspects that indicate the relationships between the different areas of life (or Houses), the energies between the planets and the energies between the signs. 

In addition to these points, some astrologers use other astrological references in their studies. These are called ficticious points (points that do not physically exist, have no matter, and are calculated in relation to the placement of other elements). These include Fortuna and the Lunar Nodes.

  • Fortune - synthesizes the positioning of the sun sign, the lunar sign and the sign ascendant.
  • Lunar Nodes - consist of the axis formed by the intersection of the Earth's orbits around of the Sun and Moon around the Earth. They are the North Lunar Node and the Node Lunar Sul (Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail, respectively, at Chinese Astrology).

How to Make My Birth Chart?

You can create your birth chart using a competent astrologer or using the tools available online. If you are really up for it, you can also create your astrological chart with the help of specialized literature.

Learn more about the planets of traditional and modern astrology and why Chiron is used, above all, in karmic astrology.