Sagittarius Zodiac Sign - Personality, Energies and Attitudes

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. Member of the Mutable quality, Masculine and Fire element.

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. Member of the Mutable quality, Masculine and Fire element. The symbol of Sagittarius is the arrow pointing upwards, the centaur, and its ruling planet is Jupiter. The Sun enters the sign Sagittarius around the 23rd of November and leaves around the 21st of December. This is the last month of autumn in the northern hemisphere and the characteristics of the nature of the Sign Sagittarius are closely related to this time of recollection and thanksgiving for the blessings given in the previous time. In Sagittarius, the soul seeks the meaning of life and existence.

Characteristics of the Sign Sagittarius

  • Date - November 23rd to December 21st (+/-)
  • Keyword - I LOOK FOR
  • Descriptors - Motivational / Restless
  • Attributes - Adventurous, cheerful, academic, brusque, humorous, cosmopolitan, curious, fun , scholar, enthusiastic, energetic, outgoing, philosophical, outspoken, generous, honest, inspiring, impatient, upright, insensitive, jovial, optimistic, insightful, positive, sincere, traveler, true
  • Impulse - Search for the truth
  • Anatomy - Hips, thighs
  • Ruling Planet - Jupiter
  • Symbol - Arrow and centaur
  • Duality - Male
  • Polarity - Positive
  • Element - Fire
  • Quality - Mutable
  • House - Ninth
  • Color - Orange
  • Crystals - Amethyst, garnet, smoky quartz

Sagittarius - The Optimist

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign, in positive mode, is a mix of adventure, fun and intelligence. As a sign of the Fire Element, they are masters of contagious energy and joy of living. After Virgo, it is the most honest sign of the Zodiac. 

On the downside, Sagittarius hides in its truth to get others to do what it wants. They can even become rude and cruel when they feel threatened, their will is not satisfied or in the face of some setback.

Sagittarius in Mythology

The Greek legend associates Sagittarius with the gentle and compassionate centaur Chiron: half man, half horse. Unlike the other centaurs, Chiron was intelligent, civilized, kind, and learned. One day, when he was trying to fend off other centaurs who were causing trouble, Heracles, son of Zeus, accidentally hit Chiron. When he found him helpless and wounded with his poisoned arrows, the hero felt deep regret.

Chiron was immortal but suffered from the agony of pain. Seeing his suffering, Prometheus, a mighty titan, helped him, raising him to the skies like the constellation of Sagittarius. Chiron is considered by mythology as a great healer, astrologer and a respected oracle. The bow and arrow represent his ability to tell the truth, bluntly.

Positive Energies of the Sign Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a dual sign, that is, extremely adaptable, with two distinct character facets. As a Fire Element Sign, they are masters of enormous energy and joy in life. They are optimistic and intellectual. It is a lucky sign and doesn't mind sharing its good fortune.

They are open-minded and jovial. They are the kind of person to whom interesting things happen. There's always a story to tell about anything. Their shrewd intelligence makes them develop a deep interest in various topics. They value ​​time, theirs, and others' time. That's why they only devote their attention to people they find stimulating and with whom they can learn something.

They are honest and frank people. When dealing with Sagittarius in a favorable way, their motivations are clear. They don't play games and are honest and sincere with themselves and their feelings. They are truly inspiring and manage to make others feel on top of the world. They help and advise generously. 

Sagittarians typically have a great sense of humor and refuse to totally lose their childlike innocence. Their agility and mental openness make their thirst for knowledge find no borders. They engage in wisdom-filled debates and powerful reporting.

They are fearless adventurers and have the soul of travelers. They love learning about new cultures. Trips can be short or long, but take advantage of them to discover a little more about the people, culture, and curiosities of the locals, who eagerly collect in their passports.

Harmonic Potential

Adventurous, cheerful, academic, cosmopolitan, curious, fun, erudite, enthusiastic, energetic, open-minded, expansive, philosophical, outspoken, generous, honest, inspiring, upstanding, intellectual, intelligent, jovial, optimistic, insightful, positive, prosperous, sincere, sense of humor, traveler, true.

Negative Energies of the Sign Sagittarius

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign is so driven by the truth that they forget that the world is not all black and white. On the downside, Sagittarius has an emotional intelligence deficit. This makes them insensitive to opinions and feelings other than their own. 

They manage to be very critical, offensive, impatient and brusque. It uses the “truth”, that is, its truth, as a shield against aggressive behavior. They often forget that this negative attitude has very unpleasant consequences, not only for the person attacked but also for themselves. It can even become rude and cruel when they feel threatened, their will is not satisfied or in the face of some setback. The other party can give in to emotional exhaustion and cause their physical or emotional withdrawal, ending up devastating their family, friendship and professional relationships.

On the downside, Sagittarius may develop a tendency to live beyond their means. If they travel, it has to be first class. More than just enjoying the comfort, it's about showing that they're successful.

Disharmonic Potential

Abrupt, impatient, insensitive.

How to Improve?

If you are a Native of the Sign Sagittarius

  • Work your capacity for empathy. If you don't, you're likely to end up alone or surrounded by insensitive people.
  • Reflect your intentions and words before speaking to blame someone. Seek to see the other side of the truth and what moves others.
  • Understand that you can't always find understanding people on the other side willing to manage your attacks. You may end up alone.
  • Remember that there are many truths. And it's not always yours that counts.
  • Make sure you don't argue or issue opinions just because you think so. Sometimes the facts overlap and you can lose your reason, which you would hate.

Living with a Native of the Sign Sagittarius

  • If you deal with a Sagittarius in an unfavorable way you are likely to feel tired of being criticized and judged. In that case, try to ignore the negative arguments and step away from the discussion.
  • Use your reason rather than emotion when dealing with an irate Sagittarius. If they're arrogant, call them to reason. But gently. After all, Sagittarius Zodiac Sign values ​​being direct and frank.
  • Sagittarius does not usually act mean. If you really appreciate this person, keep this in mind when it reveals itself in a more negative way.
  • Help them question their own motives. Which leads them to act in a certain way and to attack others so forcefully. Make them understand that they don't always own reason and that people are much more complex than their opinion of them or their behavior.
  • If you have to deal with rude or disloyal behaviour, don't feed the conversation. Ignore and walk away.

The Sign Sagittarius in Love

Sagittarius is completely devoid of malice, and everything it does is done honestly. Pretending and falsehood terrify it. Beneath its tact faults, lies an extremely intelligent and high-standard mind.

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign is attracted to danger  - in sports, work and relationships. An element of risk excites and challenges the natives of this sign. 

They are frank and sincere: what is in the mind and heart of this native, is almost instantly on its lips. In love, they are fickle and hardly compromise. They immerse themselves in romance with careless abandon. And as quickly they fall in love, they end a relationship without the slightest regret. 

They are generally happy and fun people, and they do everything they can to make others feel special. The natives of this sign are open-minded, generous and very romantic lovers. They cultivate independence in relationships and appreciate a partner who is also autonomous. They do not like possessive or jealous partners and will not maintain the relationship if they are forced to deal with it regularly. The natives of Sagittarius need unions that give them freedom. They love spontaneous adventures and romantic gestures.

On the more negative side, they can be a dominating presence. They don't like negative or needy people, proceeding to do everything they can to drive them away. They tend to get angry quickly and at their worst, they can be unfaithful. But if they are given enough support and freedom, they become sensible, honest, and devoted companions. The key is to keep them interested.

The Child of the Sign Sagittarius

The Sagittarius child never grows up. It will always be like that, a childlike spirit throughout life. Craving attention, you can't ever leave your child unanswered. Return the displays of affection with equal enthusiasm. 

Your Sagittarius child hates to be alone. You might think it's quieter in its little room, with the lights off and the atmosphere quiet. The place for naps. But it's not the case. Your baby prefers to be in the middle of the room, full of people talking and a lot of confusion. There, it finds the security it is looking for to sleep its restful sleep. 

Challenging and self-assured, the Sagittarius child needs rules, but it also needs to understand what motivates them. If you don't calmly explain to it why you expect certain behavior, you won't get results even if that angers you.

Astrology Zodiac Signs - Dates, Meanings and Compatibility

  • Aries - March 21st to April 20th
  • Taurus - April 21st to May 21st
  • Gemini - May 22nd to June 21st
  • Cancer - June 22nd to July 22nd
  • Leo - July 23rd to August 23rd
  • Virgo - August 24th to September 23rd
  • Libra - September 24th to October 23rd
  • Scorpio - October 24th to November 22nd
  • Sagittarius - November 23rd to December 21st
  • Capricorn - December 22nd to January 20th
  • Aquarius - January 21st to February 19th
  • Pisces - February 20th to March 20th

Your Sun sign is the sign of the Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, etc.) in which the Sun was at the time you were born. The start and end dates for the 12 signs are approximate, as the day of the month when the Sun enters the various signs can change from year to year. On the other hand, it is impossible to pretend that everyone who is born on the same date has the same personality, thinks alike, or has similar relationships and experiences. The star sign is a clue to unveil the nature and the most relevant traits of the personality, while being generic and partial. Only your birth chart will allow you to obtain individualized information about your way of being and potential for development.