Ascendant Sign - What it Means for Astrology?

The Ascendant Sign shows how we present ourselves to the world. Discover the meaning and how the Ascendant is expressed in each of the Signs of the Zodiac.

In the birth chart, the Sun Zodiac Sign (determined by the day and month of your birthday), the Moon Sign, and the Ascendant Sign (determined by the time of your birth) are very important information for discovering the main characteristics of the astrological personality. In other words, these three elements are like the "astrological identity" of each one of us.

The Ascendant Sign shows how we present ourselves to the world, how we communicate, and contributes to our physical appearance. Discover the meaning and how the Ascendant is expressed in each of the signs of the Zodiac.

What is the Ascendant Sign?

The Ascendant Sign (or rising sign), is the sign of the Zodiac that is on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. The Ascendant shows what we really are and is the starting point for interpreting a natal chart. It indicates the basics of personality and shows how we adapt to the environment.

The Ascendant represents the beginning of the day of our birth and therefore the influence of the planets that ascend at that time is so important to Astrology.

The Ascendant sign initiates the First Astrological House and shapes our true inner nature. It also indicates the outermost layers of our personality such as physical characteristics and the first impressions we leave on other people.

The Importance of the Ascendant in the Birth Chart

While the Sun Sign refers to the inner "I", the one that only the closest people know about, the Ascendant Sign refers to the outer "I", the "I" that we make known to the world. It defines our reactions to the outside, including our personality and personal tendencies to be developed during life.

The Ascendant Sign is calculated based on the time and place of birth and is a fundamental element in the interpretation of the birth chart. When this information is unknown, reading is limited as part of the astrological personality cannot be unraveled.

How to Know my Ascendant Sign?

Since the Ascendant corresponds to the sign that was appearing on the horizon at the exact moment of birth, to find it, it is necessary, in addition to the birthday, to know the time and place of birth.

Joining these three pieces of information - date, time, and place - it is possible to calculate the Ascendant Sign and start unraveling astrological information about a certain person.

Ascendant Characteristics in Every Zodiac Sign


Ascendant Sign in Aries

With Aries Ascendant, the natives in question will be endowed with powerful ambition and an extraordinary flow of energy that will be utilized to achieve any goal they have.

However, adapting to any environment, whatever the social circumstances, is a difficult task. In the love sphere, there is in these natives a permanent need for an emotional relationship, as well as a great desire to understand and be fair with their partner.


Ascendant Sign in Taurus

When Taurus is the Ascendant, the basic instinct is to buy. As his self-confidence grows, it will be reflected in the possessions these people surround themselves with.

Routine and security are essential pillars in the lives of these natives, but stubbornness and possessiveness are equally rooted. Self-knowledge will be more difficult to acquire.

In the affective field, relationships with partners will be very intense and passionate. People with Taurus Ascendant are very demanding partners, with a lot of emotional energy that must be "rooted" through the relationship.


Ascendant Sign in Gemini

Surprisingly for such a volatile zodiac type, people with Gemini Ascendant want to have their feet firmly on the ground. Curious, these natives intensely explore their personalities and question their own attitudes.

A great sense of independence is present, and these people cannot easily deal with jealousy and possessiveness. In the love sphere, optimism and burning passion delight your partner. Common interests help cement the relationship.


Ascendant Sign in Cancer

When Cancer ascends, there is great satisfaction in taking care of and caring for other people. This is a protective attitude, not possessiveness.

Natives with Cancer as Ascendant are easily fascinated with exploring their own personality and inner self and want to choose their cause themselves.

In the affective sphere, they deliver an enormous amount of energy and vitality to those in their immediate circle. In love, they show great ambition towards their partners, even being able to make a social ascent for them.


Ascendant Sign in Leo

Anyone's organizational ability increases when Leo is on the Ascendant. On the other hand, it also increases the conviction that he knows everything better than anyone else.

The desire to be successful is also very strong, but it can lead to the repression of the creative instinct in favor of career success. A balanced Leo will be psychologically secure if ambition is balanced with a certain degree of humility.

The ideal partner for this native has a strong and independent mind. It's someone with whom Leo can discuss the most diverse subjects with vivacity.


Ascendant Sign in Virgo

When Virgo is the Ascendant, the natives are generally very well integrated psychologically, and as long as their potential is positively and constructively directed, there is a high probability that their lives will be extraordinarily positive.

Often, when Virgo ascends, conflicts related to self-criticism arise in the natives. A good way to develop self-confidence is for a person to value themselves. In personal relationships, despite the tendency to grumble, a marked emotional response, full of feelings of love and tenderness, should be expected.


Ascendant Sign in Libra

When Libra ascends, the natives have an absolute need to relate, and this becomes their basic psychological motivation. This attitude often makes them rush into stable relationships.

The notorious tendency of Libras to fall in love with love is great and spiced with lively sexuality and great enthusiasm for the physical aspects of love. There is in these natives a tendency to ignore personal defects rather than recognize and resolve them: personal satisfaction is no stranger to these natives.


Ascendant Sign in Scorpio

Scorpio's strong personality traits will be deeper and more meaningful when this sign is in the Ascendant. There will be a great sense of your purpose and a need to question all actions.

Natives with Scorpio Ascendant do not like to reveal themselves to others, but their capacity for self-analysis is great, and they are able to see their own problems clearly and honestly.

In the sphere of love, they will show their affection in a charming and tender way, but jealousy is possible and can be exacerbated by possessiveness.


Ascendant Sign in Sagittarius

The need for challenge, natural to the Sun sign Sagittarius, is accentuated when this sign is in the Ascendant. These natives do whatever it takes to explore their full potential and achieve their goals.

Very aware of the world around them, people with Sagittarius on their Ascendant easily develop deep character and unrivaled intellectual capacity.

In relationships, these natives need healthy friendships and intellectual sharing. Despite being sexually exuberant, they do not want a partner who only satisfies their sexual needs.


Ascendant Sign in Capricorn

Natives with Capricorn on the Ascendant have some difficulty seeing themselves clearly. This often results in strong swings of self-confidence and devaluation of their own success.

These natives deal badly with life's setbacks and pessimism can easily set in. Whenever they settle into a relationship, they become very caring and sensitive to their partner's needs, and often their emotions flow in a positive way.


Ascendant Sign in Aquarius

When Aquarius ascends, the natives generally become more independent, enigmatic and aloof, making it difficult to keep close to them.

Thirsty for self-knowledge, they are very stubborn and can instinctively resist the perception that they must change, even when they accept it intellectually.

In the affective sphere, they are usually generous people who are proud of their partner. However, natives with Aquarius on the Ascendant have serious difficulties in sacrificing their independence in favor of a stable relationship.


Ascendant Sign in Pisces

When Pisces ascends, the natives can become an integral part of their surroundings so easily that they almost disappear. These natives tend to let themselves be underestimated, rather than recognizing their own value to the community.

People with Pisces in the Ascendant sign have some difficulty in self-knowledge: they often seem to invent another imaginative "I", rather than trying to figure out what they really are. In relationships, these natives tend to be overly critical of their partner, which can be destructive at times.