12 Astrology Zodiac Signs - Dates and Personality

Your Sun sign dominates everything else. It represents your outer "I", the part that shows others and is hard to hide. Discover the main characteristics of each Zodiac Sign.

Astrology divides the circle of heavens into twelve segments, each corresponding to one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Your astrological sign is determined by the position of the Sun at your birth date. Within each sign, Astrology recognizes certain qualities and characteristics that can be expressed in multiple ways. Knowing them is a tool to get to know yourself better as a person and discover the meaning of your life.

The 12 Signs of the Zodiac

Knowing the personality traits of each of the signs of the Zodiac allows you to learn to analyze your personality, get to know others better, and identify the less positive aspects associated with each of the Sun signs. However, remember that it is not the planets that, by themselves, make us be or do something, they are not the cause of our behavior, our personality, or the events of our life. These are made and built by each of us along the way.

Below, you will find certain characteristics associated with the typical natives of each of the signs of the Zodiac. To learn more, go to the respective Sign page.



- March 21st to April 20th -

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and this is the most important clue to understanding your personality. A typical Aries likes to be first in everything. Ruled by Mars, Aries is the sign of the ego that needs to assert and express itself.

Being the first in the Zodiac, Aries natives are pioneers and innovators. They are spontaneous and direct and prefer action to thought and are brilliant at getting things done without causing any fuss. Patience is not one of their strengths and other people's laziness can make them lose their minds. The Aries native needs to learn that the ego cannot always be instantly satisfied.

Learn more about Aries



- April 21st to May 21st -

After the realization of SELF in Aries, Taurus returns us to the earth and connects us to the physical world. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love in Roman mythology (in Greek mythology corresponds to the goddess Aphrodite). A typical Taurus person embodies her attributes: sensual, materialistic, sensitive, and full of appetite. Taurus' behavior is placid, kind, peaceful, and sensible. He lives and lets live could be his motto and represents well the way he is in life.

Taurus likes to live surrounded by luxury and beauty. When he's on hard days, shopping, a real therapy for Taureans, can help him regain his good mood. The Taurus native is cautious and thoughtful and doesn't like to take risks. Security is another of his features. He needs to feel connected to something firm - like family - to structure his life. He hates being rushed or pressured into making decisions. All in good time. Resistance to change can lead to stubborn behaviors, but deep down, he just needs to feel secure.

Learn more about Taurus



- May 22nd to June 21 -

The Gemini symbol suggests duality and this is an important feature of this sign. This duality is reflected in various aspects of the life of the native of this sign. The typical Gemini is a person who is happy to do more than one thing at the same time. It is quite possible for the mind to be occupied with one subject while the hands are occupied with another task. The planet of Gemini, Mercury, regulates the hands and Gemini uses them a lot to express himself.

Gemini is the communicator of the Zodiac, as its key phrase "I SPEAK" demonstrates. The natives of this sign love to talk, argue, gossip. They can attack and defend at the same time, just to keep the conversation lively. They are curious and witty, always on the move, and can become the person of the seven-crafts. They are more apologists for generalization than for specialization, which makes them able to lend a hand to everything avoiding boredom, the conception of hell on Earth for Geminis.

Learn more about Gemini



- June 22nd to July 22nd -

Like all zodiac signs of the Water element, the natives of Cancer are sensitive, although their tough outer shell may not always reveal this. After all, this is nothing more than self-protection that hides a soft and vulnerable interior and where it retreats when it feels hurt or insecure. The Moon, the ruling planet of this sign, regulates its habits and typical Cancer values, above all, the predictability of its routine.

The natives of Cancer do not like confrontation and, in a situation of direct conflict, they tend to withdraw rather than fight. Its nature is indirect, prudent and evasive, which does not mean that it cannot achieve its goals and obtain results. Patience and tenacity are your greatest resources. The natives of this sign are the best at taking care of others. The Moon, your ruling planet, symbolizes family, motherhood, and home and these concerns are at the top of Cancer's priorities.

Learn more about Cancer



- July 23rd to August 23rd -

The sign Leo is the king of the Zodiac signs and likes to be treated with the reverence the title deserves. Leo is the only sign of the zodiac ruled by the Sun, and just as this star is at the center of the solar system, so are the natives of Leo they are the center of their own universe. Like the sun's warm rays, Leo has a brilliant and limitless personality.

Their creativity and need for attention, lead many natives of this sign to the performing arts or other artistic expressions where their performances are appreciated by a wide audience. Values ​​pride and personal dignity. When you feel useless or unappreciated, you can sink into inertia, which leads to depression or illness. More than any other sign, Leo flourishes when recognized and withers when he doesn't have the recognition or attention he thinks is fair.

Learn more about Leo



- August 24th to September 23rd -

Virgo is the Zodiac perfectionist. Ruled by Mercury, this native can gain a reputation for being overly critical or overly demanding. In contrast, the high bar he sets for others also uses him as a pattern of behavior for himself. Virgo is meant to serve. He has a strong work ethic, sometimes at the expense of his personal life. He's picky and a workaholic. At home, they are tidy and organized. Everything has to be in its place.

His skill for detail makes him easily excel at all the tasks he is involved in. For the typical Virgo, if anything is to be done, let it be done well. Otherwise, it's not even worth starting. This skill requires attention, accuracy, and patience, skills that abound in Virgo. With an intelligent and sharp sense of humor, Virgo tends to hide this more relaxed side. Expecting too much from others can all too easily lead a Virgo to disappointment and criticism.

Learn more about Virgo



- September 24th to October 23rd -

Balance and harmony. These are two characteristics almost immediately recognizable to the natives of Libra. Although these are important attributes, its main symbolism lies in the fact that it is the seventh sign of the Zodiac, and therefore the opposite of Aries, the sign of ego and individuality. Governed by Venus, Libra represents the opposite, that is, the principle of the importance of the significant other and of relationships.

Libra is communication, sharing, partnership. The typical native of this sign hates to be alone or to do things without company. You need to be connected to others by sharing ideas, in a true friendship relationship or in a loving relationship. Its powers of negotiation, arbitration, and mediation are unbeatable. Always looking for consensus, your typical question is "What do you think?" They are also quick to apologize when they do something wrong.

Learn more about Libra



- October 24th to November 22nd -

The natives of Scorpio are reputed to be complicated and mysterious, a reputation that hardly bothers them. Being the fixed water sign, they can present a cold and distant facade, far from the truth. Scorpio lives life with great intensity. His feelings are passionate and deep, despite his difficulty in seeing halftones. Everything is black and white. Either loves it or hates it. A situation is either good or bad. It's all or nothing. There are no half measures.

Scorpio is the sign of the sixth sense and has a hard time dealing with other people's indifference. In Modern Astrology, Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, god of the underworld, Scorpio is curious about the occult and mystery. Mars (considered the ruling planet of this sign by Classical Astrology), is its co-running planet in Modern Astrology. In a negative way, Scorpio can become a vengeful and jealous person, unable to make compromises.

Learn more about Scorpio



- November 23rd to December 21st -

Sagittarius is full of energy and enthusiasm. Ruled by Jupiter, this is the sign of the zodiac travelers in such a way that, most of the time, they feel so good at home as in the places they have just arrived. Optimistic by nature, the Sagittarius native doesn't waste much time in vague considerations about what might have been. He always looks ahead to the horizon of the future.

Your frankness can scare the other signs of the zodiac. Sometimes they can be too direct and not mince words causing unnecessary embarrassment. Honest and upfront, they hate lies. You rarely see a sad or crying Sagittarius. These moments are lived in retreat or on a friendly shoulder. For the world, the native of this sign is always happy and happy with life. Sagittarius is also the sign of the higher mind. He seeks meaning and wisdom with the same appetite with which he travels.

Learn more about Sagittarius



- December 22 to January 20 -

A typical Capricorn is intrepid, firm, grounded, and purposeful. The natives of this sign of the zodiac are ambitious and never lose sight of their goals, no matter what stones they find along the way. However, everything has to make sense. Without purpose, the effort is in vain. They believe in hard work, dedication, and planning.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of frontiers, and they like to know where they are. Just as they believe in the need for time for big achievements, they are also cautious in relationships. They bet on the gradual conquest of trust instead of quickly assuming intimacy. The Capricorn child looks like an adult in a small stitch. The sense of duty and responsibility are attributes that are early recognized in the natives of this sign.

Learn more about Capricorn



- January 21st to February 19th -

Aquarius is a sign of Air, the element of mind and the natives of this sign have above average intelligence. It is corrected by two planets: Uranus and Saturn. Aquarius is the sign of intellect, ideology, political and social concerns, humanitarian and ecological causes. The natives of Aquarius are objective and overlap the interests of the group with the individual. However, Aquarius is very fond of his individuality, and here lies his paradox. Concerned with all the issues that concern society and that affect everyone in general, he does not fail to value his own identity.

Aquarians tend to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed by emotional displays and may disconnect from their feelings. Intimacy is not easy for them although they may crave coziness. Rational and objective, they need to be intellectually stimulated. Love relationships can evolve more easily from friendship than from a game of physical attraction. Whenever possible, the natives of Aquarius maintain a friendly relationship with former lovers and companions.

Learn more about Aquarius



- February 20th to March 20th -

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the king of the sea. It is very rare for the native of Pisces to not feel an affinity for water. Being close to the sea, practicing water sports, caring for an aquarium, or simply listening to the rhythm of the waves. Pisces often struggle with the realities of everyday life. Like the sea, his personality knows no limits and he is terrified of being deprived of his freedom. Finding meaning in life is the Pisces native's greatest challenge. Once he's found his way, he can achieve great things, but when that doesn't happen and he can't set goals, he feels like a boat adrift.

Extremely sensitive Pisces absorb the energy charges around them like a sponge. His openness towards other people's emotions makes him need to protect himself against malicious people. The typical Pisces has a great desire to please and will mold itself to what is expected of him. When he doesn't find stability or rules, he feels lost which allows him to take refuge in his fantasy world.

Learn more about Pisces

Your Sun sign is the sign of the Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, etc.) in which the Sun was at the time you were born. The start and end dates for the 12 signs are approximate, as the day of the month when the Sun enters the various signs can change from year to year. On the other hand, it is impossible to pretend that everyone who is born on the same date has the same personality, thinks alike, or has similar relationships and experiences. The star sign is a clue to unveil the nature and the most relevant traits of the personality, while being generic and partial. Only your birth chart will allow you to obtain individualized information about your way of being and potential for development.