Pluto in Astrology - Meaning, Signs and Birth Chart

Pluto in Astrology symbolizes the deep unconscious, crime and depravity but also renewal, transformation and healing.

Total destruction, new opportunities, renewal and healing. This is how Pluto is described in Astrology. A "modern" planet (not discovered until 1930), it was soon associated with the events of the decade: the rise of a new generation of dictators and the development of nuclear technology. Pluto is co-ruler of Scorpio, whose traditional ruling planet is Mars. It has an intense, obsessive, and compulsive personality.

Glifo Plutão

"The crescent of the soul hovers over the cross of matter. This is surmounted by the spirit, symbolizing the descent of spirit through the soul of matter, and the inconsistent mind feeling the fire of renewal."

Astral Characterization

  • Primordial Quality - Not assigned
  • Element - Not assigned
  • Temperament - Not assigned
  • Rules/ DignityScorpio
  • Day of the week - Not assigned
  • Colors - Dark red, magenta, violet, black
  • Detriment/ ConflictTaurus
  • Exaltation - To be determined
  • Fall - To be determined
  • Virtue - Not Assigned
  • Addiction - Not Assigned
  • Number - Zero
  • Obstacles of Past Life - Abuse of power, lack of confidence in one's beliefs, sacrifice of others for individual purposes
  • Associations - Transformation, death, birth and rebirth, forced change, underworld, hellish experiences, death threat, wealth, big business, kidnapping, homicide, investigation, impracticability, earthquakes, eruptions, volcanoes
  • Keywords - Birth-death-resurrection, power, abuse, taboo, regeneration, obsession, compulsion, unconscious mind, dictator, orgasm, religious dialogue, psychoanalysis

Brief Astronomy Facts about Pluto

Pluto is one of the “modern” planets, together with Uranus and Neptune. This expression refers to planets that were unknown in antiquity, at a time when it was only possible to glimpse them with the naked eye and there were no instruments for observation. Pluto was discovered by the American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh in 1930. Because it is very small, it is currently considered a dwarf planet, until 2006 was considered a planet. 

Given the great distance from this dwarf planet, its observation from Earth is quite difficult. Pluto takes 248 Earth years to make a complete turn around the Sun, just over 6 days and 9 hours to complete a turn on its own axis of rotation and around 20 years to move through a single sign of the Zodiac. Despite being smaller than our Moon, Pluto has a tenuous atmosphere.

Pluto Symbology in Astrology

The symbolism of the "modern" planets in modern Astrology is quite independent of the myths connected with the world of the gods. However, in the case of both Neptune and Pluto, myths adorn the astrological interpretation.

Pluto, the Roman version of the Greek lord of the underworld, Hades, symbolizes the deep unconscious, crime and depravity. In mythology, Hades wore an invisibility helmet when coming out of hell, which was of great advantage in his numerous seduction campaigns. Likewise, Pluto speaks of what is invisible or apparent.

The discovery of Pluto was seen by Astrologers as an omen of the events of 1930, including the rise of a new generation of dictators. It also reflects the birth of new energies with immense capacity for destruction, such as atomic energy.

Pluto in Astrology


Pluto symbolizes the urge to confront everything deep and mysterious in the human psyche. This planet represents everything that is toxic: in the mind, in relationships, in society, in the world. But, also, everything that needs to be eliminated: evil, envy, violence, contempt for others, discrimination, rancor, injustice, values that despise some in favor of others, the theory of superiority.

Pluto's role in Astrology is to highlight everything that is bad and wrong, giving us the opportunity to confront that reality and transform it. It's like an electric shock, a warning, a sign that tells us that we are going down a bad path and that we should think about whether that's where we really want to go.

Pluto sheds light on the soul. It forces us to think, to look inside, to reflect, to search in the depths of the subconscious for the answers. It urges us to look for the most hidden causes, to search the soul. It makes us think about our true nature, our deepest feelings and the values ​​by which we govern our lives. In the way we relate to others, in the family, and in society.

In the most difficult times, of personal darkness and social catastrophe, Pluto leads the person and society to experience the issues of life in greater depth, leading to renewal, rebirth and healing. This planet leads to the creation of a new reality to replace the one that ends, but almost always in a violent way.

Pluto in Astrology - Transformation and Emotional Healing

However, Pluto's role in Astrology is not limited to fear, loss, or total annihilation. In 1930, there was a great advance in the field of psychotherapy. Starting therapy is an exploration of our underworld, a deep analysis of our subconscious (buried emotions) which, in this way, opens up to emotional healing.

Deep knowledge in the right hands, has an enormous transformation capacity positive. However, on Pluto, even this kind of thing involves suffering and time. Pluto can also mean wealth as its name derives from "plutos", the Greek word for wealth.

How is Pluto Expressed Through the Signs?

Given their long orbits, which makes their placement irrelevant, the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Aquarius, and Pisces are not considered in Pluto's sphere of influence.


Pluto in Cancer

Approximate Position in Cancer - 1914-1939

Pluto going through Cancer corresponded to a dramatic period for humanity, spanning the time of the two world wars. Destruction, death, genocide, the rise to power of malevolent figures, were events that left deep marks and negatively influenced several generations.

Learn more about Cancer


Pluto in Leo

Approximate Position in Leo - 1939-1957

With Pluto in Leo, the "EU Generation" was born. With the end of World War II, society changed. The nuclear family fragmented with the strong desire for individuality. The desire for autonomy and freedom of individual expression contributed to the creation of a new social conscience and expression.

Learn more about Leo


Pluto in Virgo

Approximate position in Virgo - 1957-1972

Issues related to the health and pollution of the planet have gained prominence. The woman managed to gain some power over her body with contraception. Free love revolutionized the traditional conception of the family and the nature of relationships.

Learn more about Virgo


Pluto in Libra

Approximate Position in Libra - 1972-1984

Transforming relationships was the challenge of Pluto's presence in Libra. The social revolution continued through this phase, drastically altering the social fabric and the way of being in relationships.

Learn more about Libra


Pluto in Scorpio

Approximate Position in Scorpio - 1984-1995

Pluto in Scorpio has infected the world with a new disease that has killed many and sparked panic: AIDS. Faced with the unexpected, the ongoing social change, and the lack of ability to fight evil, individuals turned to the spiritual world.

Learn more about Scorpio


Pluto in Sagittarius

Approximate Position in Sagittarius - 1995-2008

With Pluto in Sagittarius, idealism increased. However, old ideologies persisted and the world continued to be an unfair place for thousands of people. Old habits still need to be challenged and transformed.

Learn more about Sagittarius


Pluto in Capricorn

Approximate Position in Capricorn - 2008-2022

A new opportunity to transform society arises. This time, the need to make the world more egalitarian, where all peoples, from all continents, gain access to decent living conditions and social justice. The environmental concern becomes the day's agenda. The need to find emotional well-being is increasingly present in all cultures.

Learn more about Capricorn

Planets in Astrology

Each planet has its domain and symbolism. Modern Astrology also considers, in the elaboration of the birth chart, the newly discovered planet Chiron. In Astrology all signs are masculine or feminine. Find out more about the symbolism of each of the planets in Astrology, by selecting the planet to consult below:

  • The Sun - Identity, Individuality, the Father
  • The Moon - Instincts, Subconscious, Mother
  • Mercury - Mentality, Communication
  • Venus - Love, Values, Female Universe
  • Mars - Action, Man, Desire
  • Jupiter - Wisdom, Expansion
  • Saturn - Challenge, Moderation
  • Uranus - Originality, Revolution
  • Neptune - Spirituality, Illusion
  • Pluto - Transformation, Underworld
  • Chiron - Integration, Healing

Each planet dominates a specific aspect of our life. Your Sun Sign, that is, the sign of the Zodiac where the Sun was positioned at the time we were born, governs the most intimate facet of our "I". However, the remaining planets in the Solar System also contribute to the characterization of our Astrological Personality. For example, if Mercury, the planet that governs communication, was positioned in Leo when you were born, your communication style is likely to be passionate and enthusiastic - characteristics traditionally attributed to this sign.