The Sun in Astrology - Meaning, Signs and Birth Chart

Discover the various facets of the Sun in Astrology, mythology, characteristics, and how the astrological personality of the Zodiac Signs.

In all cultures, the Sun has a symbolism that suggests life, perpetual fertility, and the creation of life. Celebrated and glorified over millennia, the Sun has a distinct mythical meaning and has become the inspiration for astrology.

For science, this star is just an incandescent sphere, source, and support of the system of planets that orbit around it. Life on Earth is only possible thanks to the existence of the Sun and this dictated its fundamental importance in numerous solar cults and in the ancestral mythology of many Western and non-Western cultures. 

Glifo Sol

"The glyph of the Sun symbolizes the Divine, the totality of energy existing in the cosmos. It represents the creative energy of the soul, the vital force, the spirit, the eternal, the infinite. It is the energy that holds together the different parts of the personality."

Astral Characterization

  • Primordial Quality - Hot and Dry
  • Element - Fire
  • Temperament - Choleric (enthusiasm, energy and quick actions; determined, courageous and ambitious personality)
  • Rege/ Dignity - Leo
  • Day of the Week - Sunday
  • Color - Yellow
  • Detriment/ Conflict - Aquarius
  • Exaltation - Aries
  • Fall - Libra
  • Virtue - Hope
  • Addiction - Indolence
  • Number - 1
  • Obstacles of Past Life - Abuse of authority
  • Associations - Father, Head of State, creativity, games, valuables, luxury, sumptuousness
  • Keywords - Self-expression, vital force, joy, creativity, conscience, power, mastery, generosity, brilliance, purity, affection, magnanimity, potential, vitality, individuality, identity, recognition

The Sun in Mythology

In Greek mythology, Helium the Sun is descended from the Titans Hyperion and Thea. Later, Apollo assumed the attributes of Helium and became the chief Sun-god of Mount Olympus.

In ancient Egypt, Ra, the Sun-god, was the supreme creator deity, who assumed different forms at birth (Khepri - represented by a sacred scarab, which rotated the Sun's ball along the horizon) and when it was set (Tuna). It was also Horus, the falcon-headed god, later identified by the Greeks as Apollo.

The sun symbolizes truth and integrity: “Know thyself” is the motto in the sacred oracle of the god Apollo at Delphi, Greece. 

The Sun in Astrology - Expression of "I"

In Astrology, the Sun - which is technically a star and not a planet - represents the life force, vitality, and need for self-expression of the "I". It is the energy that unites the different parts of the personality. It represents the search for personal individuality, which is expressed through the sign where the Sun is positioned in the birth chart

The quality, polarity and element of the sign where the Sun is positioned are decisive for the way in which the "I" is able to express itself. Like this:

  • Sun in negative Signs - self-expression can be shy or inhibited, although that doesn't mean it's blocked just that it manifests smoothly.
  • Sun in positive Signs - exuberant self-expression is a natural characteristic. 
  • Sun in Signs of the Water Element - difficulty in expressing aggression and taking the lead.
  • Sun in Fire Element Signs - expression with a certain amount of aggressiveness and leadership posture are innate qualities.
  • Sun in Earth Element Signs - assertiveness but without aggressiveness. 
  • Sun in Signs of the Air Element - ability to express self-confidence but difficulty in keeping steady. 
  • Sun in Cardinal Element - is always the most outgoing in any group of elements.

Sun in Astrology - Creative Principle

The Sun in Astrology is the expression of the creative principle, influenced by the element of the sign in which the Sun is positioned. Like this:

  • Sun in Water Element Signs - the creative spirit is expressed emotionally, generating feelings.
  • Sun in Fire Element Signs - the creative principle expresses itself in an active and spontaneous way, generating life.
  • Sun in Earth Element Signs - the creative principle is expressed in a practical and productive, generating actions and new things. 
  • Sun in Signs of the Air Element - the creative principle is expressed in an intellectual and inspirational way, generating thoughts and words.

Sun in Astrology - Vitality

The placement of the Sun in an astrological chart indicates the degree of vitality available to the personality. In astrology, the Sun also indicates how the personality deals with disappointments. Like this:

  • Sun in Negative Signs - vitality flows smoothly and steadily.
  • Sun in Positive Signs - vitality flows from intense and abundant form.
  • Sun in Water Element Signs - vitality consumes immense energy; they can be devastated in the face of a negative situation because, as a general rule, self-confidence is not enough to easily deal with disappointments.
  • Sun in Fire Element Signs - vitality is physical and optimistic, they have a great resilience in the face of disillusionment.
  • Sun in Earth Element Signs - they endure patiently until better days arrive.
  • Sun in Air Element Signs - vitality is intellectual; they may have to wait for something new to emerge that spurs them on to overcome the disillusionment.

Sun in Astrology - Masculine Principle

The Sun indicates how the active, masculine part of the personality can flow. The masculine energy is an integral part of the personality of the man as well as the woman. When the Sun is positioned in a positive sign, the personality's capacity for affirmation is strong and the masculine energy comes into confrontation with the world. In negative (or passive) signs, energy flows inwards, into the interior of the personality.

Sun in Astrology - The Father

The Sun represents the father figure or authority figure. The way a man plays his father role is described by his sun sign, in nuances that characterize the way he relates to his children and how he sees his parental role. The element of the sign is the determining factor. Like this: 

  • Sun in Water Element Signs - sensitive, protective.
  • Sun in Fire Element Signs - affectionate, spontaneous.
  • Sun in Earth Element Signs - disciplined, responsible.
  • Sun in Air Element Signs - communicative, flexible.

However, each person's personality is a mixture of different planetary energies that appear in their birth chart. In this way, the presence of these other planetary energies can accentuate or diminish certain traits traditionally associated with the sun sign. For example, the influence of Saturn on personality points to a cold and stern father, whereas Pluto suggests a domineering father.

Sun in Astrology - Astral Map Arrangement

On the astral map, when the Sun is well positioned, the disposition is noble, benevolent, dignified and human. It is a faithful friend and a generous enemy. When the Sun is misplaced, the disposition is frivolous, vain, arrogant, pretentious, and given to bad character. 

How is the Sun Expressed Through the Signs?

The challenge associated with the Sun is to discover how we can express our potentials to the fullest. It also allows us to know how to restore our personal balance after a hardship. At its best the Sun manifests itself brilliantly in our personality, at its worst it can turn into arrogance or vanity. 


Sun in Aries

Spontaneous self-expression. Egocentric, selfish, dynamic, petulant and outgoing. Sun in Aries indicates a personality that quickly recovers from disappointments but abandons tasks halfway through.

Learn more about Aries


Sun in Taurus

Practical self-expression. Pragmatic, conservative, reliable, persevering and stoic. Sun in Taurus is not shaken by setbacks and never gives up.

Learn more about Taurus


Sun in Gemini

Communicative self-expression. Restless, sociable, intellectual, versatile, tense. Sun in Gemini, it doesn't let itself go down with difficulties and has the gift of doing several things at the same time.

Learn more about Gemini


Sun in Cancer

Reticent self-expression. Very emotional, protective, possessive, introverted. Sun in Cancer may give up after a setback but, in general, it persists.

Learn more about Cancer


Sun in Leo

Exuberant self-expression. Extroverted, enthusiastic, benevolent, jovial, proud and authoritative. Sun in Leo quickly overcomes difficulties and is a committed master. 

Learn more about Leo


Sun in Virgo

Competent self-expression. Practical, perfectionist, analytical, productive, functional and organized. Sun in Virgo is committed and is not shaken by setbacks.

Learn more about Virgo


Sun in Libra

Affectionate self-expression. Sociable, dependent, artistic, kind and fair. Sun in Libra avoids problems, doesn't like to be criticized, and finishes what starts.

Learn more about Libra


Sun in Scorpio

Secret self-expression. Intense, insightful, mysterious, passionate and strong. Sun in Scorpio is unaffected by setbacks and focuses on what he does.

Learn more about Scorpio


Sun in Sagittarius

Adventurous self-expression. Spontaneous, curious, inquisitive, philosophical and dynamic. Sun in Sagittarius recovers from adversity, but it can suffer.

Learn more about Sagittarius


Sun in Capricorn

Controlled self-expression. practical, authoritarian, conservative, dogmatic, reliable and obedient. Sun in Capricorn does not give up on a problem and is responsible.

Learn more about Capricorn


Sun in Aquarius

Unconventional self-expression. Innovative, progressive, inquisitive, radical, unpredictable, and humanitarian. Sun in Aquarius hates setbacks and is committed to what it does.

Learn more about Aquarius


Sun in Pisces

Vague self-expression. Impressive, sensitive, wavering, vague, and falsely passive. Sun in Pisces gives up after a setback and is undecided.

Planets in Astrology

Each planet has its domain and symbolism. Modern Astrology also considers, in the elaboration of the birth chart, the newly discovered planet Chiron. In Astrology all signs are masculine or feminine. Find out more about the symbolism of each of the planets in Astrology, by selecting the planet to consult below:

  • The Sun - Identity, Individuality, the Father
  • The Moon - Instincts, Subconscious, Mother
  • Mercury - Mentality, Communication
  • Venus - Love, Values, Female Universe
  • Mars - Action, Man, Desire
  • Jupiter - Wisdom, Expansion
  • Saturn - Challenge, Moderation
  • Uranus - Originality, Revolution
  • Neptune - Spirituality, Illusion
  • Pluto - Transformation, Underworld
  • Chiron - Integration, Healing

Each planet dominates a specific aspect of our life. Your Sun Sign, that is, the sign of the Zodiac where the Sun was positioned at the time we were born, governs the most intimate facet of our "I". However, the remaining planets in the Solar System also contribute to the characterization of our Astrological Personality. For example, if Mercury, the planet that governs communication, was positioned in Leo when you were born, your communication style is likely to be passionate and enthusiastic - characteristics traditionally attributed to this sign.