Cancer Zodiac Sign - Personality, Energies and Attitudes

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac. Member quality Cardinal, Female and Water element.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac. Member of the Cardinal quality, Feminine, and Water element. The symbol of Cancer is the crab's claws and its ruling planet is the Moon. The Sun enters the sign Cancer around the 22nd of June and leaves around the 22nd of July (summer solstice). This is the first month of summer in the northern hemisphere and the characteristics of Cancer are influenced by the ripening of energies that began to dawn in spring. This is the stage when everything needs attention and nourishment to reach its maximum potential for development, which is reflected in the Cancerian's instinct to protect others.

Characteristics of the Cancer Sign

  • Date - June 22nd to July 22nd (+/-)
  • Keyword - I FEEL
  • Descriptors - Sensitive / Temperamental
  • Attributes - Amiable, ambitious, cheeky, creative, affectionate, collector, caregiver, homegrown, emotionally intelligent, available, discreet, defensive, empathetic, harmonious, intuitive, insecure, kind, generous, gracious, loyal, observant, protective, thoughtful, resistant, reactive, reserved, sensitive
  • Impulse - Support
  • Anatomy - Breasts, stomach
  • Ruling Planet - Moon
  • Symbol - Crab Pincers
  • Duality - Female
  • Polarity - Negative
  • Element - Water
  • Quality - Cardinal
  • House - Fourth
  • Color - Silver
  • Crystals - Moonstone, silver, pearl
  • Opposite Sign - Capricorn

Cancer - The Protector

Cancer is the kindest, most sensitive, and most available of the Zodiac signs. It is gifted with creativity and intuition. Under the influence of the Moon, they are people who are very emotional. It is a sensitive sign, that is genuinely concerned with the well-being of others. Sometimes they are too generous and forget their own needs for the benefit of others. 

The unfavorable side of Cancer can manifest itself as insecurity and excessive sensitivity. They can be easily influenced, so you need to learn to master your inner insecurities and balance the weight between your emotions and those of others.

Cancer in Mythology

According to the legend, Crios was a giant crab that guarded the sea nymphs of the kingdom of Poseidon. It was imposing and immortal and completely dedicated to its role as protector. One day, some nymphs escaped and Crios sent Vamiri, a giant squid, to retrieve them. Instead, Vamiri decided to devour them.

When he returned, Crios did not forgive the treachery and fought her to the point of killing her. Wounded and in agonizing pain, he was rescued by Poseidon who alleviated his pain by putting him in heaven as the constellation of Cancer. From heaven, Cancer reminds us of the protective nature of this sign, its care, and its vulnerable strength.

Positive Energies of the Sign Cancer

The native of Cancer is primarily guided by the heart, not the head. It is extremely sensitive to emotions, good-natured and cheeky, easily winning the affection of others. It is totally dedicated to its family and children.

The Cancerian's emotional intelligence is unsurpassed and this means it is extremely empathetic. Combined with keen intuition, they are the best guardians in the entire Zodiac. The benefits of emotional intelligence are essential for more balanced and gratifying social and love relationships. They are, therefore, caregivers par excellence. They are always attentive and available to meet the needs of others, even if it means taking a secondary role. 

It is also a homely sign, which finds in its home the peace and harmony it needs to remain emotionally balanced and healthy. For this native, often associated with motherhood, his home is a sanctuary. Family (and friends, which he considers the extended family) are the pillars of his life. Its well-being is always at the forefront and guides all the decisions it has to make.

Loves having friends over, but not by surprise. Cancerians like to be prepared for their guests. Creative, stimulating, warm, and generous (sometimes too generous), it welcomes people and easily relates to strangers. Its pantry is always full of everything he needs (or not at all). But for Cancer, prevention is better. Today it may not be necessary, but tomorrow, you never know. Many people can show up without counting and there can be no shortage of supplies to feed them all.

Another characteristic of Cancer is its great appetite for collecting. Since childhood, it keeps everything. Any object has an emotional meaning and is stored in the chest of memories. It can hardly be separated from that pebble collected on a beach vacation many years ago.

Harmonic Potential

Amiable, ambitious, cheeky, creative, affectionate, collector, caring, homey, emotionally intelligent, stimulating, available, discreet, empathetic, harmonious, intuitive, kind, generous, gracious, loyal, observant, protective, thoughtful, resilient, sensitive.

Negative Energies of the Sign Cancer

Two characteristics that stand out negatively regarding the influence of Cancer on personality are heightened sensitivity and personal insecurity. Ruled by the Moon, the moods of this sign are fickle. 

Cancer is the mirror of the Zodiac. Absorbs and reflects everything that others feel and what they themselves feel. As they merge what they feel with the feelings of others, they should avoid being around negative people. Otherwise, they suffer too much and sink into a state of emotional anguish from which it is difficult for them to get out.

Cancer natives protect each other, this is due to their need for security. They can be strong and resistant, overcoming all obstacles they face in life. However, not without consequences for their inner stability. Despite this, outwardly, they behave like rocks. Solid, firm, and always available to protect, defend, provide support, and help. 

Cancer is an ambitious sign that overworks. This ambition (unlike Capricorn) is not motivated by social and economic status but by the need for security. Ambition is driven by the fear of not having enough to ensure that they and their family are met. For this reason, they are conservative in their decisions and weigh the risks very well.

Loyal and protective, they demand the same in return. When they feel betrayed or unprotected, they withdraw and develop bitter feelings that he hardly overcomes. In extreme situations, it closes up and avoids the approach of others.

Disharmonic Potential

Bitter, defensive, insecure, pushy, moody, spiteful, reactive, reserved.

How to Improve?

If you are a native of Cancer

  • Learn to control your emotions. Try to fuse what you feel with some logic to avoid rushing when you speak or act.
  • Pause to think before acting.
  • Avoid toxic and pessimistic people who contaminate your emotions.
  • Know yourself and protect yourself against opportunists. Learn to define and create boundaries. Protect your personal bubble.
  • Don't be afraid to stand up and do what you think is right, without being dependent on others' approval.
  • Combat your feelings of anger and resentment. Work out what you have to resolve and forget about the situation, whatever you decide.
  • When someone hurts or disappoints you, just tell them that, instead of walking away.
  • Life isn't always perfect, but don't be afraid to live it and be happy.

Living with a Native of Cancer

  • Don't react immediately to dramatic behavior. Let the moment pass and then talk rationally about what happened.
  • At work, emotional reactivity can be a problem. Help your colleague to manage their emotions better.
  • Don't take Cancer's brusque and defensive behavior wrong. Sometimes they just need someone to tell them that it's too tiring dealing with a suspicious person who lives on the defensive.
  • Be aware that, for Cancer, safety is everything.

The Sign Cancer in Love

Considered one of the most sentimental signs of the Zodiac, the natives of Cancer are eternally in love and have an almost maternal instinct to take care of whoever is on their side. However, Cancer's emotions never let them feel safe enough to let themselves completely relax and live in love. The possibility of rejection frightens them, which prevents them from giving themselves entirely to deep relationships. 

As lovers, they are usually sensual and tender partners, generous and eager to please. Cancer in love tends to be faithful and as long as it is responded to with kindness, it will not abandon the relationship. When something goes wrong, it tends to hold grudges and imprison past feelings. 

The Child of the Cancer Sign

Your Cancer baby will change its mood as often as you change its diaper. The child of this sign keeps a lot of memories, and very early since feelings and emotions are always under the skin. Much admired by the world, it loves everything that is colorful and moving. 

Your little baby's busy mind is always recording everything it hears and sees. Its little eyes vibrate with everything that goes on in front of it. It loves being talked to and interacting with everyone. It hates being alone or feeling forgotten. Very sensitive, it can easily go to tears and, immediately afterward, offer you a smile full of joy and tenderness.

Astrology Zodiac Signs - Dates, Meanings and Compatibility

  • Aries - March 21st to April 20th
  • Taurus - April 21st to May 21st
  • Gemini - May 22nd to June 21st
  • Cancer - June 22nd to July 22nd
  • Leo - July 23rd to August 23rd
  • Virgo - August 24th to September 23rd
  • Libra - September 24th to October 23rd
  • Scorpio - October 24th to November 22nd
  • Sagittarius - November 23rd to December 21st
  • Capricorn - December 22nd to January 20th
  • Aquarius - January 21st to February 19th
  • Pisces - February 20th to March 20th

Your Sun sign is the sign of the Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, etc.) in which the Sun was at the time you were born. The start and end dates for the 12 signs are approximate, as the day of the month when the Sun enters the various signs can change from year to year. On the other hand, it is impossible to pretend that everyone who is born on the same date has the same personality, thinks alike, or has similar relationships and experiences. The star sign is a clue to unveil the nature and the most relevant traits of the personality, while being generic and partial. Only your birth chart will allow you to obtain individualized information about your way of being and potential for development.