Scorpio Zodiac Sign - Personality, Energies and Attitudes

Scorpio is the eighth Sign of the Zodiac. member of Fixed Quality, Feminine and Water Element.

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac. Member of Fixed quality, Feminine, and Water element. The symbol of Scorpio is the animal's pincer and arrow, which suggests its transcendent nature. Scorpio is ruled by the planet Mars (in traditional astrology). The Sun enters the sign Scorpio around the 24th of October and leaves around the 22nd of November. It is the second month of autumn in the northern hemisphere and the characteristics and personality of the Scorpio Sign reflect the fall of the leaves and the promise of a new beginning in the natural world. In Scorpio, the soul recognizes its creative and regenerating power.

Scorpio Zodiac Sign Characteristics

  • Date - October 24th to November 22nd (+/-)
  • Keyword - I CREATE
  • Descriptors - Passionate / Destructive
  • Attributes - Passionate, calculating, cautious, controlling, jealous, charismatic, discreet, determined, fearless , empathic, enigmatic, philanthropic, intuitive, relentless, magnetic, manipulative, obsessive, objective, persuasive, possessive, resentful, reserved, realistic, reactive, sincere, vengeful
  • Impulse - Transform
  • Anatomy - Reproductive organs
  • Ruling Planet - Pluto (in Modern Astrology)
  • Corregent Planet - Mars
  • Symbol - Scorpion pincer and arrow
  • Duality - Feminine
  • Polarity - Negative
  • Element - Water
  • Quality - Fixed
  • Home - Eighth
  • Color - Black
  • Crystals - Turquoise, labradorite, topaz
  • Opposite Sign - Taurus

Scorpio - The Committed

Scorpio is an extremely intuitive sign, a characteristic that it shares with the other signs of the Element Water, Cancer and Pisces. They are determined people, who know exactly what their goals are and how to make them happen. They hate the superficiality of character and want to control it. They are free spirits, eager for change.

Scorpio's unfavorable side is revealed in the thirst for power and, at its most negative aspect, in revenge. Scorpio is not just resentful. It keeps the desire for revenge for years and does not easily forget who did it wrong.

Scorpio in Mythology

The Greek myth associated with Scorpio involves the god Orion and the goddess Artemis. One day, the smug and brutish Orion boasted that he was the ultimate hunter and that he would kill every animal on Earth to prove it.

Artemis, the goddess of hunting, was in love with him and therefore had no intention of stopping him. This angered Apollo, Orion's twin brother who, with the help of Gaia, the Earth goddess, created a fierce scorpion to kill him. The two fought and the scorpion won. In recognition of his good deed in preventing the extinction of all animals, Zeus honored him by placing him in the sky as the constellation Scorpio.

Positive Energies of the Sign Scorpio

Scorpio is related to power. This does not automatically mean that they are powerful, but that they are on Earth to learn to use power sensibly. No other sign of the Zodiac has such a capacity for good. In its favored mode, this sign is a disinterested philanthropist, who relentlessly seeks to end the evil of the world. 

Scorpio Zodiac Sign is unstoppable when it sets out to do something. Its strength becomes almost obsessive. Nothing and nobody can stop it. This feature gives them an immense capacity for achievement when they are truly committed to making something happen. 

Scorpio is extremely intuitive and can see far beyond the other signs. It is an excellent judge of character and has the ability to develop enormous empathy. On the upside, this ability makes everyone's trust easily won. They are deeply affable, sincere, and generous in their attention to the needs of others. In order not to hold a grudge, they need to understand exactly what motivated the other person's action. Only then can they forget and forgive.

Scorpio has a magnetic and enigmatic personality. It never truly makes its feelings known. Full of charm and charisma, it easily catches everyone's attention. They are fascinating and sincere. They don't flash into a room expecting to get attention. Instead, they prefer to persuade, seduce and convince, through their magnetism.

This personal power of theirs makes them have an unusual manipulative ability. Some natives of this sign struggle with this. However, just honestly analyze what drives you. Is it your own interest or the good of another?

Harmonic Potential

Passionate, cautious, charismatic, discreet, determined, fearless, empathetic, free spirit, enigmatic, philanthropic, fascinating, intuitive, magnetic, objective, powerful, persuasive, reserved, realistic, sincere.

Negative Energies of the Sign Scorpio

The unfavorable side of Scorpio Zodiac Sign wants more power and total domination. The native of this sign is not limited to being resentful. Seeks revenge and total destruction. When it feels threatened, it immediately goes on the attack mode. And its intention is not to frighten, it is to annihilate. They keep the desire for revenge for years and don't forget who did them wrong

Manipulators, controlling and reserved, use their keen intuition to discover and master the weaknesses of others. Then just use this information to their advantage. If you have to resort to manipulation strategies, that's fine. As long as you can unmask and expose less than honest situations. 

When Scorpio refuses his potential power, it can feel very frustrating. It falls into a dark place, anxious and tense. It becomes a shadow of what could be. Resentment against others builds up. It blames them for not realizing its full potential, instead of thinking about what it can do to reveal itself in a positive way.

Scorpio's emotions are kept under lock and key, which makes them even more intense. They can be very jealous and possessive of their loved ones. They may suffer from feelings of insecurity, which are masked with an arrogant attitude.

Disharmonic Potential

Calculist, controlling, jealous, destructive, ruthless, manipulative, obsessive, possessive, resentful, reactive, vindictive.

How to Improve?

If you are a Scorpio Native

  • Use your enormous power and charisma to accomplish great feats and harness your best qualities.
  • Apply your brilliant intuition and achievement energy to create your power. These are characteristics so strong in your personality that you have no need to use and expose the frailties of others to achieve your purposes.
  • Confront and accept your wishes.
  • Be brave and honest with yourself. Only then will you be able to discover your true nature to be happy and feel fulfilled. Focus on the big positive attributes of your personality that will take you wherever you want.

Living with a Native of the Sign Scorpio

  • Try not to get in the way of a Scorpio on an unfavorable path. If you work with a person with these negative traits, don't tease them or feed their thirst for power.
  • Treat Scorpio with empathy. Show them your full potential to make good things happen. 
  • Don't let yourself fall into the web of envious comments.
  • Avoid getting into a spiral of revenge and envy. Do not feed these negative and often self-destructive feelings.

The Sign Scorpio in Love

Natives of Scorpio naturally attract loyal and devoted admirers. Their shallow calm belies their scorching inner nature. Scorpio is sincere and honest, and flattery is not worthy of it. No matter how agitated their emotions are, they rarely show them. However, the natives of this sign have an unsettling sweetness. They are affectionate, loyal, charismatic and seductive. 

In a negative way, they are masters of emotional blackmail and love power games. If they think they have been betrayed, they declare psychological warfare, to the point of making their comrades doubt their own sanity. They can be extremely jealous and rude. Sometimes insecure, they become possessive and paranoid. 

The Child of the Sign Scorpio

Scorpio babies are physically strong and robust, in keeping with their extraordinary willpower. You will notice that your child never refuses a good fight and does not like to give in or compromise. All wars they engage in are for winning. Being with you or with friends at school, the Scorpio child doesn't even like to lose beans.

With intense eyes and flirty nature, it's not easy to resist baby Scorpio's wishes. As long as the adult is in charge, there should be no problem… The Scorpio child needs strong discipline, learning to play as a team, and respecting authority. Which may not always be easy, given his truly magnetic personality, brilliant mind, and seductive moves.

Astrology Zodiac Signs - Dates, Meanings and Compatibility

  • Aries - March 21st to April 20th
  • Taurus - April 21st to May 21st
  • Gemini - May 22nd to June 21st
  • Cancer - June 22nd to July 22nd
  • Leo - July 23rd to August 23rd
  • Virgo - August 24th to September 23rd
  • Libra - September 24th to October 23rd
  • Scorpio - October 24th to November 22nd
  • Sagittarius - November 23rd to December 21st
  • Capricorn - December 22nd to January 20th
  • Aquarius - January 21st to February 19th
  • Pisces - February 20th to March 20th

Your Sun sign is the sign of the Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, etc.) in which the Sun was at the time you were born. The start and end dates for the 12 signs are approximate, as the day of the month when the Sun enters the various signs can change from year to year. On the other hand, it is impossible to pretend that everyone who is born on the same date has the same personality, thinks alike, or has similar relationships and experiences. The star sign is a clue to unveil the nature and the most relevant traits of the personality, while being generic and partial. Only your birth chart will allow you to obtain individualized information about your way of being and potential for development.