Mars in Astrology - Meaning, Signs and Birth Chart

Mars is the passion at the service of action. It is creative force, determination and desire for conquest.

Mars represents how we face the challenges we face throughout life. The desire to survive. Mars is the passion at the service of action. It is creative force, determination and desire for conquest. It's pure energy. Mars imposes itself and gets what it wants, especially when that means defending its interests and self-preserving. This is how Mars is represented in Astrology.

Glifo Marte

"The glyph of Mars symbolizes the circle of spirit, or essence of Being, surmounted by the arrow of desire and dynamic activity. Spirit is guided toward specific goals, as Mars is the first planet of individual willpower."

Astral Characterization

  • Primordial Quality - Hot and Dry
  • Element - Fire
  • Temperament - Choleric (enthusiasm, energy and quick actions, determined, courageous and ambitious personality)
  • Rules/ Dignity - Aries, Scorpio
  • Day of the week - Thursday
  • Color - Crimson
  • Detriment/ Conflict - Libra
  • Exaltation - Capricorn
  • Fall - Cancer
  • Virtue - Courage
  • Addiction - Anger
  • Number - IX
  • Obstacles of Past Life - Excessive aggression, bullying, inability to control anger

Brief Astronomical Facts on Mars

For many centuries, Humanity has dreamed of visiting other planets and encountering extraterrestrial civilizations. Mars, the “red planet”, due to its proximity, was the most obvious target of this dream of exploring new worlds. Mars is about half the size of Earth and on it, exist the highest mountain and the deepest valley of all the planets in the solar system. Mars has two moons and an orbital period of 687 Earth days.

About Mars in Mythology

In Roman Mythology, Mars was the god of war and lover of Venus. Even today, the symbols of the two planets are male and female. As the god of war, Mars regulates conflicts, combats, conquests and weapons. Mars is sex drive and masculinity. He's brash and fast. His nature is to attack, advance, win, slash or hurt.

Mars in Astrology


Mars is assertive, or aggressive and provocative. Generate our sense of urgency in dealing with issues and solving situations. In psychological terms, Mars shows how we get angry or not. Mars can denote an impulsive personality, which is always conflict, as a personality unable to get angry or even easily intimidated.

A blocked Mars feels helpless, powerless and is frustrated or apathetic. On the other hand, a well-positioned Mars has a competitive character, which imposes itself. When pressed, Mars can feel the urge to step over everything and everyone to achieve its goals.

But Mars is not fake. Its intentions have been known since the beginning of the battle. This aggressive impulse can be more or less evident depending on the sign where the planet is positioned on the astral map.

  • Mars in Signs of the Water Element - willpower may seem weak, though both Scorpio and Cancer are strong-willed.
  • Mars in Signs of the Fire Element - together with the characteristics of Fire, under the influence of Mars, they become stormy personalities. The need for self-assertion quickly turns to aggression. In love, people with Mars in Fire tend to fall in love horribly but briefly.
  • Mars in Signs of the Earth Element - Mars' innate fury cooks more slowly but when it explodes, it's worth seeing. Inertia can become a problem. However, the Earth signs are programmed for self-preservation and fight if they have to.
  • Mars in Signs of the Air Element - the personality becomes temperamental, given to complaints or gratuitous tantrums. Spend more time on planning than on action. The need for self-preservation reveals itself in the form of cunning. People with Mars in Air tend towards mental rather than physical passion.

Mars in Astrology - Astral Map Position

The presence of Mars in the astral map highlights its basic characteristics. Mars is a planet of passion in all aspects of life. Everything is felt with intensity. Positive and negative affirmations.

Mars, well-positioned in the birth chart, shares many of the positive characteristics of Aries, the ruling sign. Its disposition is courageous and fearless, but impulsive and irritable. It is a fearless fighter who is not easily intimidated. Never backs down from a challenge and puts all its energy into its natural desire for achievement. Badly positioned, Mars becomes violent, out of control, conflictual, disloyal and a traitor.

How is Mars Expressed Through the Signs According to Astrology?


Mars in Aries

Arrogant self-assertion. Bold, competitive, aggressive, impatient. Mars in Aries never gives up fighting for what it wants. It is attracted to dominant partners.

Learn more about Aries


Mars in Taurus

Persistently affirmative. Tense, stubborn, unyielding, determined. Mars in Taurus is patient but has a bad deed. It is attracted to sensual personalities.

Learn more about Taurus


Mars in Gemini

Verbally affirmative. Impatient, tense, restless. Mars in Gemini tends to run away from problems. It likes well-spoken personalities.

Learn more about Gemini


Mars in Cancer

Careful. Emotionally demanding. Suspicious, protective, cranky, looking for stability. Mars in Cancer never gets straight to the point. It is attracted to protective partners.

Learn more about Cancer


Mars in Leo

Dramatic statement. Self-confident, creative, lustful, proud, moody. Mars in Leo always seeks to reach the top position on the podium. It is attracted to people with power.

Learn more about Leo


Mars in Virgo

Quietly affirmative. Cautious, restrained, hardworking, committed, practical. Mars in Virgo focuses on the details of things. It is attracted to practical and uncomplicated partners.

Learn more about Virgo


Mars in Libra

Rarely affirmative. Peaceful, quiet, easygoing, adaptable. According to Astrology, the presence of Mars in Libra makes this native do its best to please. It is attracted to outgoing personalities.

Learn more about Libra


Mars in Scorpio

Strongly affirmative. Attractive, sensual, jealous, energetic, dynamic, libidinous. Mars in Scorpio does not admit rivals. It is attracted to enigmatic personalities and mystery.

Learn more about Scorpio


Mars in Sagittarius

Strongly affirmative. Enthusiastic, dynamic, exaggerated, fearless. Mars in Sagittarius is addicted to travel. It is attracted to personalities who live and think without strings attached.

Learn more about Sagittarius


Mars in Capricorn

Ambitiously affirmative. Practical, determined, persistent, sensual. Mars in Capricorn hates incompetence. It is attracted to successful personalities.

Learn more about Capricorn


Mars in Aquarius

Loosely affirmative. Idealist, radical, unpredictable, rational, idealist. Mars in Aquarius channels passion to ideals. It is attracted to nonconformist personalities.

Learn more about Aquarius


Mars in Pisces

Loosely affirmative. Imaginative, distracted, theoretical. In astrology, Mars in Pisces has a strong sexual drive and is driven to emotional martyrdom. It is attracted to dreamy personalities.

Learn more about Pisces

Planets in Astrology

Each planet has its domain and symbolism. Modern Astrology also considers, in the elaboration of the birth chart, the newly discovered planet Chiron. In Astrology all signs are masculine or feminine. Find out more about the symbolism of each of the planets in Astrology, by selecting the planet to consult below:

  • The Sun - Identity, Individuality, the Father
  • The Moon - Instincts, Subconscious, Mother
  • Mercury - Mentality, Communication
  • Venus - Love, Values, Female Universe
  • Mars - Action, Man, Desire
  • Jupiter - Wisdom, Expansion
  • Saturn - Challenge, Moderation
  • Uranus - Originality, Revolution
  • Neptune - Spirituality, Illusion
  • Pluto - Transformation, Underworld
  • Chiron - Integration, Healing

Each planet dominates a specific aspect of our life. Your Sun Sign, that is, the sign of the Zodiac where the Sun was positioned at the time we were born, governs the most intimate facet of our "I". However, the remaining planets in the Solar System also contribute to the characterization of our Astrological Personality. For example, if Mercury, the planet that governs communication, was positioned in Leo when you were born, your communication style is likely to be passionate and enthusiastic - characteristics traditionally attributed to this sign.