Neptune in Astrology - Meaning, Signs and Birth Chart

Neptune in Astrology is associated with the absence of borders, with the world of feelings, with escape, with letting go with the tide. But also to dreams and fantasies, to confusion or charm.

Neptune in Astrology is associated with the absence of borders, with the world of feelings, with escape, with letting go with the tide. But also to dreams and fantasies, to confusion or charm. Neptune is in conflict with Virgo, the sign of work and service, order, and minimalism.

Glifo Neptuno

"The glyph of Neptune represents the semicircle of the soul that is crossed by the cross of matter, mirroring the relationship between spirit and the material world. The three teeth symbolize different aspects of consciousness: the unconscious mind, everyday consciousness and the cosmic consciousness."

Astral Characterization

  • Primordial Quality - Not Assigned
  • Element - Not assigned
  • Temperament - Not assigned
  • Rules/ DignityPisces
  • Day of the week -  Not Assigned
  • Color - Sea Green, Indigo, Violet
  • Detriment/ Conflict Virgo
  • Exaltation - Leo
  • Fall Aquarius
  • Number - VII and XI
  • Obstacles of Past Life - Inability to evolve spiritually, deceive, escape from reality, unrealistic, misuse of and paranormal powers
  • Associations - Photography, cameras, dance, poetry, music, alcohol and drugs, religion, telepathy, anesthetic
  • Keywords - Transcendent, inspiration, illusion, ecstasy, death, escapism, revelation, addiction, nebulosity, charm, deceit, mysticism, disintegration, impressionable, confusion, guilt, intangible, sacrifice

Brief Astronomy Facts About Neptune

Neptune is one of the “modern” planets, together with Uranus and Pluto. This expression refers to planets that were unknown in antiquity, at a time when it was not possible to see them with the naked eye. 

It is the farthest planet from the Sun, so it receives little light and cannot heat its atmosphere. Its intense blue color is due to methane and an as-yet-unknown compound. Neptune has the fastest winds in the solar system.

Its orbital period is 168.4 Earth days and it takes about 13-14 years to move through a single sign. Given the huge margin of time, its action affects an entire generation on Earth.

Neptune was discovered in 1846 by the German astronomer Johann Galle. It is the corrective planet of the sign Pisces. 

Neptune in Astrology


The symbolism of the "modern" planets in modern Astrology is quite independent of the myths linked to the mythological gods. However, in the case of both Neptune and Pluto, myths adorn the astrological interpretation. 

The historical associations associated with Neptune are complex. It owes its symbolism to socialism and compassion for the lower classes to the publication of the “Socialist Manifesto" in the same year of its discovery.

For Astrology, Neptune embodies the will to transcend the boundaries that separate the soul from the whole. This planet moves between two extremes: between the most highest spiritual awareness to the abyss of deception and disillusionment. Along the way, it encompasses imagination, fantasy and dreams.

Without limits, the Neptunian personality is very vulnerable to outside influences and can be easily deceived. They may feel out of place in an insensitive and opportunistic world. But Neptune is also the planet of illusions and, therefore, of con artists and false gurus.

Neptune is the planet of mysticism, of enchantment and charm, of the capacity to bewitch. It has in itself the impulse to transcend itself from the routine, the vulgar, to reach higher levels of consciousness, close to the divine. Aspires to enlightenment, to be superior.

Neptune in Astrology - Unconditional Love

Neptune seeks romantic and unconditional love. It has the ability to accept the other just as it is, with its faults and virtues.

Neptune in Astrology - Self Sacrifice

Like the Pisces personality, Neptune lives clinging to the victim-martyr-savior impulse. You want to save the world or a person even at the cost of self-sacrifice. Result? You live between feeling like a victim or feeling like a martyr, which can become tiring for others, and quite emotionally draining for yourself. Its unrealism makes it easily exploited by less well-intentioned people, especially when they disguise their true intentions under the cover of love.

Neptune in Astrology - Astral Map Arrangement

On the astral map, when Neptune is well positioned, the disposition is serene and dreamy, with an inclination towards the arts and the musical expression. When misplaced, the layout of this planet is vicious, escapist and unrealistic.

How is Neptune Expressed Through Signs?

Due to its long and distant orbit from the Sun, Neptune will only reach Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer for many years to come. For this reason, these signs are not included in the list below.


Neptune in Leo

Neptune in this sign aspires to borderless creativity. However, ideas can be fuzzy or impractical.

Learn more about Leo


Neptune in Virgo

Neptune in this sign aspires to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

Learn more about Virgo


Neptune in Libra

Neptune in this sign aspires to romantic love but is a victim of illusion and deception. Relationships can be fragile if they are based solely on the ability to seduce. In the positive version, it can create interdependent relationships.

Learn more about Libra


Neptune in Scorpio

Neptune in this sign encourages the expansion of consciousness and encourages spiritual rather than religious practices. Hidden secrets revealed may accentuate the escapist tendency of this planet.

Learn more about Scorpio


Neptune in Sagittarius

Neptune in this sign aspires to sublime consciousness expansion and encourage spiritual rather than religious practices. There is potential for spiritual vision but the risk of falling into false gurus or inadequate deities.

Learn more about Sagittarius


Neptune in Capricorn

Neptune in this sign wants to give shape to inspiration. It can fall into deception and the veneration of false gods, where the end justifies the means.

Learn more about Capricorn


Neptune in Aquarius

Neptune in this sign aspires to humanism and dreams of a better and fairer world. The danger lies in the possibility of confusing ideologies with rational thinking.

Learn more about Aquarius


Neptune in Pisces

Neptune in this sign aspires to total fusion, a return to origins. The danger lies in the impossibility of distinguishing between escapism and true spiritual inspiration.

Learn more about Pisces

Planets in Astrology

Each planet has its domain and symbolism. Modern Astrology also considers, in the elaboration of the birth chart, the newly discovered planet Chiron. In Astrology all signs are masculine or feminine. Find out more about the symbolism of each of the planets in Astrology, by selecting the planet to consult below:

  • The Sun - Identity, Individuality, the Father
  • The Moon - Instincts, Subconscious, Mother
  • Mercury - Mentality, Communication
  • Venus - Love, Values, Female Universe
  • Mars - Action, Man, Desire
  • Jupiter - Wisdom, Expansion
  • Saturn - Challenge, Moderation
  • Uranus - Originality, Revolution
  • Neptune - Spirituality, Illusion
  • Pluto - Transformation, Underworld
  • Chiron - Integration, Healing

Each planet dominates a specific aspect of our life. Your Sun Sign, that is, the sign of the Zodiac where the Sun was positioned at the time we were born, governs the most intimate facet of our "I". However, the remaining planets in the Solar System also contribute to the characterization of our Astrological Personality. For example, if Mercury, the planet that governs communication, was positioned in Leo when you were born, your communication style is likely to be passionate and enthusiastic - characteristics traditionally attributed to this sign.