What is Retrograde Motion and How it Affects You

Seen from Earth, planets sometimes seem to retreat into the sky. Know the effect of retrograde motion on your life.

Seen from the Earth, the planets sometimes seem to retreat in the sky, as if they were reversing their orbit. The retrograde motion or movement slows things up being this phenomenon known as retrograde. In an astrological map, a retrograde planet is represented by an "R". Its effect is to guide the energies inside, making them less aware, or reflect karmic obstacles (events of the past).

The Effect of the Retrograde Motion

The effect of retrograde movement is more evident in transits. A planet in retrograde can transit (i.e. appear to go over) a certain degree of the zodiac up to three times. Each time this happens, the influence of the retrograde planet becomes more evident, as if a learning moment or opportunity was presenting in an increasingly intense way until it is perceived. This energy can be better explored when a retrograde planet becomes "direct", that is, begins to walk forward.

The Retrograde Motion on the Astral Map

The retrograde motion slows things up. This type of movement can mean that a planet crosses through up to three times the same point, thus intensifying the process related to that planet. There are three opportunities to realize the challenge or benefit provided by traffic. The first time, the initial crisis is lived; in the second, as the planet in transit "will retreat" through the transiting planet, the perception increases and the action begins; when the planet returns to walk forward, the crisis is resolved and the solution found.

When the planet becomes retrograde or direct, it "parks", that is, it gives the impression to stand a few moments on top of a degree. If this degree is sensitive in the Astral map, the effect of stationary traffic will be powered.

A retrograde planet indicates the need to review the subjects that it governs. Mercury retrograde is the strongest, since this is the planet that governs thought, ideas, communication, exchanges and negotiations, displacements and other practical issues that affect all people.

The Nature of Planetary Traffic

The time that the planets take to transit other planets or angles, varies and may have different effects.

(3 days)
- Physical energy
- Libido
- Health and vigor
- Defense of personal interests and conflicts with figures of authority
(3 hours)
- Mood changes
- Habits
- Emotions
- Temporary Feelings
- People from the past
(between 1 day
and 1 month or more)
- Mental Clarity
-Communication (blocked or problematic when mercury is retrograde)
- Mental inconstancy
- New Information
(between 1 day
and 1 month or more)
- Fall in Love
- Brief Attractions
- Consumerism
(between 1 week and 1 month or more)
- Energizing effect on other planets
- Physical Energy
- Intense Activity
- Accesses of Anger
- Burns
- Polite
- Shooting
- Activates the affairs of the house
(5 months to 1 year)
- Growth
- Expansion or excess
- Prosperity
- Opportunity or inflation
- Loss
- Trips
- Law and problems with the law
(up to 18 months)
- Wounds
- Cure processes
- Integration
- Disintegration
(up to 1 year)
- Structure and restructure
- Lessons
- Restrictions
- Responsibilities
- Consolidation
- Blocks
- Delays
- Loss
- Fall
- Blows
- Collisions
- Depressions
(1 to 2 years)
- Change
- Catalytic events
- Cataclysms
- Unexpected
- Transformation
- New perspective
- Chaos
- Explosions
- Electrocution
- Accidents with machines
- Terrorism
- Revolution
(1 to 2 years)
- Lighting
- Illusion
- Mistake
- Confusion
- Exhaustion
- Disintegration
- Inundation
- Drowning
- Self Sacrifice
- Martyrdom
(1 to 2 years)
- Inevitable change
- Transformation
- Psychological pressure
- Regeneration
- Disintegration
- Control and power
- Fights
- Obsession
- Mistake
- Emotional impulses
- Death
North Node
(few weeks)
- New expression of planetary energy
South Node
(few weeks)
- New presentation of the old planetary energy for reprocessing purposes
- Lessons passed on

Planets in Astrology

Each planet has its domain and symbolism. Modern Astrology also considers, in the elaboration of the birth chart, the newly discovered planet Chiron. In Astrology all signs are masculine or feminine. Find out more about the symbolism of each of the planets in Astrology, by selecting the planet to consult below:

  • The Sun - Identity, Individuality, the Father
  • The Moon - Instincts, Subconscious, Mother
  • Mercury - Mentality, Communication
  • Venus - Love, Values, Female Universe
  • Mars - Action, Man, Desire
  • Jupiter - Wisdom, Expansion
  • Saturn - Challenge, Moderation
  • Uranus - Originality, Revolution
  • Neptune - Spirituality, Illusion
  • Pluto - Transformation, Underworld
  • Chiron - Integration, Healing