Descendant Sign - What it Means for Astrology?

Know the meaning of the Descendant Sign, why it is important in the birth chart, as it influences your personality and sign characteristics.

The Descendant Sign corresponds to the sign that was in the degree of the ecliptic (projection of the earth's orbit in the celestial sphere) at the exact moment of its birth. The Descendant reveals information about how we relate, portraying relationships in general. Through the Descendant Zodiacal Sign, we can analyze the type of people that appear in our lives, with whom we tend to create real connections or the qualities we would like to see in our romantic partner.

The energies we project are the beginning of the path to self-knowledge and self-realization. Therefore, knowing our Descendant and investigating the personality traits we repress teaches us to raise our true potential, but also to know the points of our personality to improve.

Ascendant and Descendant Zodiac Signs

Among the elements of the Horoscope, the meaning of the Descendant is seen as a complement to the Ascendant Sign. In the birth chart, the Ascendant sign is positioned in the first house and the Descendant, on the cusp of the seventh - the House of Relationships, so it is highly related to it. Together, both work to form a complete picture of our personalities. Unlike the Ascendant Sign, which gives us information about our social personality, the Descendant reveals information about how we relate to others, especially at a loving level.

The sign of the Zodiac where the Descendant appears in the birth chart reveals information about each person's personality potential and abilities, as well as how they relate to others. The Ascendant is calculated based on three pieces of information – date, time and place of birth.

Meaning and Energy of the Descendant in the Birth Chart

In Astrology, the Descendant has the function of pointing out the paths that allow our personal evolution. How? By giving clues about the qualities we need to acquire and/or develop from personal experiences and the learning provided by interaction with the world and with others.

The Descendant suggests what we have to do and what experiences we need to go through for our personality to develop as a whole. Thus, in astrology, the Ascendant/Descendant axis is seen as a basic guideline for our path in this life. The Descendant tells us what we should do and what we need to discard in our daily lives to feel safe, balanced, and in harmony with our true selves. 

How to Know my Descendant Sign?

The first step in calculating your Descendant is knowing your Ascendant Sign. Since the Ascendant defines the First House in the birth chart, the Descendant is in the opposite position of the Zodiac wheel, at the peak of the Seventh House. Therefore, the Descendant will always be the one that is directly in opposition to the Ascendant Sign. So, knowing the Ascendant, it's easy to know the Descendant:

Ascendant SignDescendant Sign
Ascendant AriesDescendant Libra
Ascendente TaurusDescendant Scorpio
Ascendente GeminiDescendant Sagittarius
Ascendant CancerDescendant Capricorn
Ascendant LeoDescendant Aquarius
Ascendant VirgoDescendant Pisces
Ascendant LibraDescendant Aries
Ascendant ScorpioDescendant Taurus
Ascendant SagittariusDescendant Gemini
Ascendant CapricornDescendant Cancer
Ascendant AquariusDescendant Leo
Ascendant PiscesDescendant Virgo

Characteristics of the Descendant in every Zodiacal Sign


Descendant Sign in Aries

Natives with Descendant in Aries live in constant search for an active partner in every sense of the word. Although Aries, as a Descendant, is attractive, it sometimes expresses cold and insensitive attitudes that can damage relationships. Furthermore, these natives have a great fear of commitment.


Descendant Sign in Taurus

The Descendant in Taurus has as a personal goal to find someone who is firm, faithful and loving who can represent the support pillar of the relationship. However, jealousy, pride, and stubbornness are your main obstacles to harmony in relationships. For these natives, warm contact with other people is very important, but it is difficult for them to express it openly. They love comfort but rarely allow themselves to experience it.


Descendant Sign in Gemini

Gemini in Descendant hate controlling relationships. It takes a creative, free-spirited, seductive, and lively partner to change the game. On the opposite side, there is a certain possession with the partner, or even with several partners at the same time! Another paradox is that although falsehood brings problems, it is quite common for a Gemini Descendant to resort to lies.


Descendant Sign in Cancer

Natives with the Descendant sign in Cancer yearn to find a reliable, sensitive, and homely partner. However, on the hidden side of these people's personalities is the lack of understanding regarding instability. This native lacks a constant need to receive guidance and advice from someone he considers superior. A Cancer Descendant's greatest fear is showing their own authority and strength.


Descendant Sign in Leo

Natives with Descendant in Leo enjoy the company of original and dynamic people. Conventional people are not very well regarded. However, their natural fondness for standing out from time to time makes people who are very prone to getting attention irritating to these natives.


Descendant Sign in Virgo

For the Descendant sign in Virgo, the perfect partner is someone tidy, attentive to detail, cautious, and persistent. These natives appreciate humility and compassion, but there is a tendency in them to make self-destructive criticisms. A Virgo Descendant's ability to be prone to detail is something to be admired. However, for that reason, these natives have a hard time concentrating on simple day-to-day tasks.


Descendant Sign in Libra

The Descendants' greatest asset in Libra is diplomacy. For these natives, it is better to have a partner who, instead of other qualities, shows their abilities to each other. However, these people tend to tire of relationships easily, and they greatly appreciate their space and freedom.


Descendant Sign in Scorpio

In Scorpio Descendant, emotions are sometimes a bit contradictory: sometimes too intense, sometimes easily overwhelming. These natives are easy learners through partners and associates, but for them, personal work needs to be constant and, at times, it can become exhausting.


Descendant Sign in Sagittarius

Having the Descendant in Sagittarius indicates the need to have a relationship in which space and personal freedom are respected. Still, there is a kind of childish component to the expression of personalities, but the balance can be restored when differences are taken seriously. For these natives, personal truths matter more than anything, and they are unwilling to compromise when arguments arise - a classic for Sagittarius.


Descendant Sign in Capricorn

Natives with the Descendant sign in Capricorn have a great appreciation for the sense of responsibility, sacrifice, and power in the relationship. However, the craving for authority can become an obstacle for these natives, as we all need freedom and space to grow. This Descendant is one of the most difficult to deal with.


Descendant Sign in Aquarius

Natives whose Descendant is Aquarius, look for someone adventurous, curious, and intelligent in their life. For these people, a relationship has to bring them bold stimuli. However, lack of flexibility and commitment to rejection are their biggest obstacles in the love sphere.


Descendant Sign in Pisces

In the descendant sign in Pisces, there is a strong tendency to idealize partners. However, the lack of pragmatism in everyday life often damages their relationships. On the other hand, fear of failure appears irrationally in the lives of people with a Pisces Descendant, which often prevents them from moving forward.