Rooster Chinese Zodiac - Dates, Personality and Compatibility

The Rooster is one of the animals of the 12-year cycle of the Chinese Astrology Zodiac. Get to know the dates, personality characteristics and how they relate to other Chinese signs.

Rooster Chinese Zodiac Sign like to show off. This is the tenth sign of the Zodiac in Chinese Astrology. They are independent people, good communicators and can be fun. However, they are very much in on themselves and most of their stories are about themselves.

The Chinese Zodiac is composed of 12 animals that are organized in the following order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Serpent, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The Chinese calendar follows the cycles of the Moon, and on the first day of the Chinese New Year, one of the 12 animals takes its place for that year.

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Characteristics of the Rooster Sign

  • Symbol - 雞
  • Element - Metal
  • Regent Planet - Venus
  • Hours - 17h -19h (time linked to the beginning of nightfall, when the sun begins to set on the horizon)
  • Month - September
  • Season - Autumn
  • Color - White, color associated with autumn and maturity. Linked to purity, freshness, cleanliness. In China this color is used in mourning, but it also means luck, especially the white birds, symbol of good luck
  • Orientation - West
  • Yin/Yang Polarity - Yin, element that tends to express introverted, internalized, deep, intimate and calm behaviors
  • Attributes - Protector, honest, exuberant, fun, sensitive, friendly, sociable, elegant, caring about appearance, conversational, compassionate, wise, exhibitionist, brave, straightforward, inattentive, cheerful, charming, independent, responsible, persevering, sensible, creative, tendency to spend
  • Lucky Days - 4 and 26 of any Chinese lunar month
  • Lucky Months - 2nd, 5th and 11th Chinese lunar months
  • Lucky Numbers - 5, 7, and 8 and the numbers that contain them (such as 57, 77, 87)
  • Unlucky Numbers - 1, 3 and 9
  • Greater Affin age - Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Snake, Pig
  • Minor Affinity - Rat, Rabbit, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog
  • Sign Western Correspondent - Virgo

The Rooster Sign in Mythology

There are many legends and stories about the animals chosen to be part of the Chinese astrological system. One of these legends refers to the desire of the Jade Emperor to know the animals that inhabited the Earth. He decided that some of them would be brought before him. To facilitate the selection, the Emperor defined two criteria: they would have to be useful animals to Man or be one of the first to arrive at the Heavenly Palace on the day of choosing the animals.

In the beginning of time, the rooster was an aggressive and violent animal. When the Emperor was choosing the animal signs, the rooster was not considered. Annoyed, he asked the horse how he had been chosen.

The horse replied that it had been suggested by Man as payment for his services in tilling the land and in the war effort. The rooster confessed that he too would like to be a sign. The horse replied that it was simple: it was enough to prove its usefulness to the Humans. "Everyone else does - the ox plows the land, the pig provides the meat, the dragon controls the rain. You have a wonderful voice, why don't you use it?"

The rooster thought about his friend's words and made a decision. He started using his voice to wake people up in the morning so they wouldn't be late for work. Moved, people asked the Jade Emperor to consider the rooster in the competition. Although flying animals were banned from participating in the selection, the Emperor made an exception. During the big race, the dog and the rooster advanced side by side until, as they approached the finish line, the rooster flew to get ahead of the dog and gain the place of the tenth sign.

Dates of the Rooster Chinese Zodiac Sign

The Chinese Zodiac is associated with the way time is measured in traditional Chinese culture, that is, in 60-year cycles. This calendar results from the multiplication of the twelve animals and the five elements. This cycle is very important and makes each one of the 60 years a special and unique period.

Each animal governs, in rotation, a given year, in a continuous 12-year cycle that starts with the Rat and ends with the Pig. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, one of the 12 animals takes its place for that year. In addition to characterizing people born during that year, the animal also influences the attributes of the year - which affects us all. The years governed by the sign Rooster are as follows:

  • January 26 1933 to February 13 1934 - Water Rooster
  • February 13 1945 to February 01 1946 - Wood Rooster
  • January 31 1957 to February 17 1958 - Fire Rooster
  • February 05 1981 to January 24 1982 - Metal Rooster
  • January 23 1993 to February 09 1994 - Water Rooster
  • February 09 2005 to January 28 2006 - Wood Rooster
  • January 28 2017 to February 15 2018 - Fire Rooster
  • February 13 2029 to February 02 2030 - Earth Rooster

The Rooster Native Personality


The Rooster is the tenth sign of the Chinese Zodiac and is associated with Yin qualities such as peace and reflection. This native likes to be the center of attention and the cordial way it receives people wins over. It has a strong, independent spirit and hardly takes advice. It is frank and direct when asked for its opinion and when expressing ideas.

The native of the sign Rooster has an enormous capacity to adapt and reacts quickly to changes that happen in its environment. It knows how to be friendly and charming and, because of that, it can convince people to its causes, with some ease.

This native pays a lot of attention to appearance and enjoys what it chooses to wear. It doesn't leave the house anyway. Everything has to be spotless and in the right place. People of this sign hate confrontations and conflicts of any kind. They trust their discernment and prefer to go their own way, assuming all the consequences of their choices.

It is a direct person, who speaks bluntly and who expresses their opinion, no matter who it hurts. For some people, this attitude is not well accepted, but that doesn't make the Rooster measure its words either. As long as they are convinced of their opinion, there is no way to move it. It tends to hide its true feelings and mood with a talkative appearance and lively conversation.

Love and Relationships

In love, the native of the sign Rooster is a conqueror and an enchanting companion. Its independent nature makes it feel some difficulty in committing when it is compelled to give up its freedom. Roosters are very demanding in a relationship, but give little in return which can make everyday life complicated.

For the Rooster, love is serious business. When it finally chooses a partner, it hopes it will be for life. It manages to be a charming company and, thanks to an intense social life, it will not lack opportunities to put its seduction skills into gear.

It is an intense and passionate lover and possesses infinite sexual energy but little imagination. It enjoys the moment of conquest and loves being in love. Doesn't like to be trapped and always needs its space and freedom to feel really happy and fulfilled in love.

  • Signs more compatible with Rooster - Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Snake, Pig
  • Signs less compatible with Rooster - Rat, Rabbit, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog

Compatibilities of the Rooster Chinese Zodiac Sign

Chinese Astrology understands that certain combinations of Zodiac animals do better than others and that some signs are naturally antagonistic and therefore have a disharmonious relationship.

The compatibility between animals in the Chinese Horoscope takes into account the characteristics of each animal. Those whose characteristics match each other well and may tend to have good compatibility. The opposite is equally valid.

Rooster with...
RatDifficult relationship because they both like to command. Unless one gives in, conflict is almost certain.
OxThese two are a good combination. The Rooster sets things in motion and the Ox finishes them.
TigerThis is a combination with future, although they are very critical of each other.
RabbitThis is not a good combination. The Rabbit's detachment irritates the Rooster and his arrogance drives the Rabbit away.
DragonDramatic but positive relationship. Both natives have strong personalities but are different enough to make the relationship interesting.
SnakeThese two understand each other well and, despite the friction, manage to reach an agreement.
HorseThe Horse hates to argue and the Rooster loves to do it. This difference in attitude makes the relationship between the two very complicated.
GoatIn this relationship, there are more points in disharmony than in harmony. The Rooster never gives the sensitive Goat rest and it gets irritated by the Rooster's exuberance.
MonkeyIn terms of a romantic relationship, these two don't have much in common. It can be a warm relationship but without passion or enthusiasm.
RoosterOverall this is not a good combination. They can spend their lives questioning and criticizing each other.
DogThe Dog doesn't have the patience to wait for the Rooster's tempers to calm down, and the Rooster gets irritated by the Dog's patience. It's not a good combination.
PigThe relationship between these two is warm. They get along well but there will never be passion. They share similar interests and may have an interesting relationship.

The Sign Rooster and the Career

The native Rooster thinks clearly and logically but doesn't like to be confronted with quick decisions or take on tasks it doesn't feel properly prepared for. It needs time to think and to structure ideas.

When organizing their work depends or is the responsibility of others, it can be extremely critical. They need to be independent and have an opinion about their work and how it can or should be done.

The Rooster native has some tendency to spend money carelessly. If that's the case, try to put the same rigor in managing your finances as is put at work.

Best careers - Engineer, beautician, surgeon, business director, hairdresser, public relations, news announcer, commercial, restaurant owner, farmer, athlete, teacher, journalist, travel writer, dentist, surgeon, soldier, firefighter, security guard, police.

The Rooster Chinese Zodiac Sign and Health

In general, the natives of this sign are healthy. As it is very direct and independent, this can cause some problems in social relationships or at work.

It's important that they get enough rest, watch their diet, and stick to a regular exercise plan. Their good mood and sociability help them to have a happy life.

The Five Types of Rooster

In the Chinese astrological system, each sign of the zodiac is associated with one of the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. For example, a Wood Rooster appears once in the 60-year cycle. A person's personality characteristics are influenced by various influences, including the sign and element of the year of birth. Thus, there are five types of Roosters, each with its own characteristics:

Wood Rooster

Characterization - Sustainment, Creativity, Growth

The extroverted Wood Rooster can be highly creative. It is also prone to living life excessively and may overindulge in its endeavors.

Fire Rooster

Characterization - Passion, Intelligence, Movement

This native is dramatic and exuberant and has what it takes to be successful without being able to curb his aggressive streak. It has an unusual ability to predict the future and makes plans accordingly, which can make it a little reckless as it blindly trusts intuition.

Earth Rooster

Characterization - Balance, Reliability, Consolidation

The native of the Earth Rooster is a bit brusque, sparing on words. Very decisive, it may not be appreciated for its opinions which, for some, may be too frank. It takes responsibilities seriously and can be very ambitious in personal and professional goals.

Metal Rooster

Characterization - Usefulness, Strength, Reliability

This Rooster sets very high standards of behavior and performance for itself and others. When people don't measure up to their limits, they get disappointed. It has no patience for fools nor does it like to waste time on uninteresting questions.

Water Rooster

Characterization - Communication, Sensitivity, Intuition

This is one of the few Rooster types that can work in a group. It is the quietest and reserved type of Rooster.

Chinese Zodiac Signs

  • Rat - Quick-witted, Versatile, Kind
  • Ox - Diligent, Dependable, Determined
  • Tiger - Resourceful, Versatile, Kind
  • Rabbit - Intuitive, Kind, Responsible
  • Dragon - Confident, Independent, Enthusiastic
  • Snake - Enigmatic, Intelligent, Wise
  • Horse - Animated, Active, Energetic
  • Goat - Calm, Gentle, Adaptable
  • Monkey - Sharp, Fun, Curious
  • Rooster - Protector, Hardworking, Courageous
  • Dog - Lovely, Honest, Prudent
  • Pig - Sensual, Generous, Diligent