Pig Chinese Zodiac - Dates, Personality and Compatibility

The Pig is one of the animals in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese Astrology Zodiac. Get to know the dates, personality characteristics and how they relate to other Chinese signs.

The Pig Chinese Zodiac Sign ranks twelfth in the Chinese Zodiac after the Dog and before the Rat. The Pig has a firm yet affectionate personality. Regardless, its character has something innocent and naive, combined with a huge desire to know other places, cultures and experiences.

The Chinese Zodiac is composed of 12 animals that are organized in the following order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The Chinese calendar follows the cycles of the Moon, and on the first day of the Chinese New Year, one of the 12 animals takes its place for that year.

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Characteristics of the Pig Sign

  • Symbol - 豬
  • Element - Water
  • Regent Planet - Mercury
  • Hour - 21h-23h (hours of the end of afternoon, when the sun disappears behind the horizon)
  • Month - November
  • Season - Winter
  • Color - Black, a color associated with honor, dignity and success in the face of difficulties
  • Orientation - North-Northeast
  • Yin/ Yang Polarity - Yin, element that tends to express introverted, internalized, deep, intimate and calm behaviors
  • Attributes - Diligent, compassionate, sensual, greedy, moralistic, virtuous, calm, honest, affectionate, reserved, innocent, naive, tolerant, dreamy, optimistic, adaptable, flexible, diligent, efficient, serious, responsible, imaginative, romantic, studious, thoughtful, spendthrift, generous, energetic, independent
  • Lucky Days - 17 and 24 of each Chinese lunar month
  • Lucky Months - 2nd, 7th, 10th and 11th Lunar Months
  • Lucky Numbers - 2, 5, 8 and numbers that contain them (such as 25 and 58 )
  • Unlucky Numbers - 1, 7 and numbers that contain them (such as 17 and 71)
  • Greater Affinity - Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Rooster, Dog
  • Minor Affinity - Ox, Tiger, Snake, Goat, Pig
  • Sign Western Correspondent - Scorpio

The Pig Sign in Mythology

There are many legends and stories about the animals chosen to be part of the Chinese astrological system. One of these legends refers to the desire of the Jade Emperor to know the animals that inhabited the Earth. He decided that some of them would be brought before him. To facilitate the selection, the Emperor defined two criteria: they would have to be useful animals to Man or be one of the first to arrive at the Heavenly Palace on the day of choosing the animals.

In ancient times, there was a high Chinese dignitary who had no children. Being in old age, he worried about the continuity of his name and to whom to leave his fortune. Finally, at age 60, he had a son. Grateful, he celebrated his birth and invited visionaries, who told him that his son would have a promising future.

The boy grew up selfish and spoiled by his parents. When his father died and became the master of all the fortune, he sold it at a loss to be able to support his opulent lifestyle. When the money ran out, he died in poverty. Arriving in Hell, he complained to the Jade Emperor about his misfortune and the injustice he had been subjected to in life, given the way he died.

After asking some questions, the Emperor concluded that, although the man was born in a cradle of gold and with all the conditions to prosper, he had wasted his life. He decided to punish him, ordered him to be reborn as a pig that would "feed on straw". However, the celestial officer misunderstood the Emperor's instructions and understood that the pig would become an animal sign. Thus, the man was reborn as a pig and the animal became the last sign of the Chinese Horoscope.

Dates of the Pig Chinese Zodiac Sign

The Chinese Zodiac is associated with the way time is measured in traditional Chinese culture, that is, in 60-year cycles. This calendar results from the multiplication of the twelve animals and the five elements. This cycle is very important and makes each one of the 60 years a special and unique period.

Each animal governs, in rotation, a given year, in a continuous 12-year cycle that starts with the Rat and ends with the Pig. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, one of the 12 animals takes its place for that year. In addition to characterizing people born during that year, the animal also influences the attributes of the year - which affects us all. The years governed by the Pig are as follows:

  • January 22 1947 to February 09 1948 - Fire Pig
  • February 08 1959 to January 27 1960 - Earth Pig
  • January 27 1971 to February 14 1972 - Metal Pig
  • January 31 1995 to February 18 1996 - Wood Pig
  • February 18 2007 to February 6 2008 - Fire Pig
  • February 05 2019 to January 24 2020 - Earth Pig
  • January 23 2031 to February 10 2032 - Metal Pig

The Pig Native Personality


The Pig Chinese Zodiac Sign is the twelfth sign of the Chinese Zodiac and is associated with honor and dignity. The personality of the native of this sign is honest and affectionate. Although it has a sociable nature, it only reveals its innermost feelings to its closest friends. Otherwise, it's hard to know what's really going on in their heart.

In the most difficult situations, they stay by the side of those who need their support, when everyone else disappears. Their character is reserved, innocent and somewhat naive. Although tolerant, they don't stop fighting if they believe it's worth it.

The personality of the native of the sign Pig is tolerant and calm and gives freedom of expression to others. They are quite tolerant of opinions that differ from their own and an excellent listener. They're not in the habit of making value judgments and, therefore, are much sought after for confidences. They're optimists, who always expect the best from situations and people.

Love and Relationships

In love, the native of the sign Pig appreciates freedom, affection and trust. They need to maintain their space and give their partner the same freedom. They can feel trapped when their partner demands constant proof of your dedication and puts the genuineness of your feelings to the test.

This native needs to get to know the person next to them well before committing to a more serious relationship. Since it has a lot of trust in other people, it can be tricked. However, it quickly understands what is going on and manages to get up again.

Affectionate and confident, it lives its relationships with a strong sense of freedom. It hopes that this trust will be reciprocated and seen by its partner as a positive aspect of the relationship. Its fertile imagination and enthusiasm are the weapons for loving conquest, but also its assets to keep a group of loyal and dedicated friends.

  • Signs more compatible with Pig - Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Rooster, Dog
  • Signs less compatible with Pig - Ox, Tiger, Snake, Goat, Pig

Compatibility of the Pig Chinese Zodiac Sign

Chinese Astrology understands that certain combinations of Zodiac animals do better than others and that some signs are naturally antagonistic and therefore have a disharmonious relationship.

The compatibility between animals in the Chinese Horoscope takes into account the characteristics of each animal. Those whose characteristics match each other well and may tend to have good compatibility. The opposite is equally valid.

Pig with...
RatWhat the Rat gets the Pig spends. If both live well with it, it could work.
OxThe Pig has a reputation as a spender and this is a habit that the Ox does not tolerate. The Pig finds the Ox boring. This is a relationship that requires a lot of work on both sides to function.
TigerThese two signs don't mix very well. They are very critical of each other and blame each other for anything that goes wrong.
RabbitThe good relationship between these two natives proves the theory that opposites attract. They manage to have a balanced relationship, whether in business or on a sentimental level.
DragonThe Dragon inspires the Pig but can leave him singed so the Pig must safeguard himself a little.
SnakeThese two natives have a hard time understanding each other's points of view. It's not a promising combination.
HorseThis is a good combination. The Horse's attitude and social standing please the Pig.
GoatThis is a relationship that apparently has everything going for it. Despite initial understanding, this relationship may not last.
MonkeyBoth natives like to relax and have fun. They are an excellent alliance for indulgence. However, it is not a good combination if there are serious problems.
RoosterThe relationship between these two is warm. They get along well but there will never be passion. They share similar interests and may have an interesting relationship.
DogThe Pig is a spender which can cause some resistance on the side of the money-savvy Dog. However, this relationship can work.
PigThese two natives may be friends but nothing more. As both are too complacent, they never managed to build a healthy love relationship.

The Pig and the Career

As a rule, the native of this sign is not an ambitious person and values the balance between personal and professional life. As it does not engage in the struggle for power or social prestige, it is a loyal co-worker who does not attack from behind.

It works well in groups, where it can share ideas and unleash its imagination. It likes to assess the amount of work at hand and break it down into smaller tasks, which it completes one by one.

The natives of the Pig Chinese Zodiac Sign are people who are passionate about knowledge and reading and, therefore, they do well in professions that require study and reflection. Your human characteristics can also guide you to professions where you place your talent in the care of others.

Best careers - Doctor, nurse, lawyer, solicitor, musician, writer, scientist, gardener, landscape architect, teacher, therapist, librarian, social worker, ambassador.

The Pig and Health

The natives of the sign Pig are usually in good health. However, as it is a good eater, you may need to pay more attention to the excesses of the diet and compensate for being around the table with regular physical exercise.

Your naivete can cause you some emotional upsets. However, it has in itself the stamina to make a comeback, despite the moments of weakness and melancholy.

The Five Types of Pigs

In the Chinese astrological system, each sign of the zodiac is associated with one of the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. For example, a Wood Pig appears once in the 60-year cycle. A person's personality characteristics are influenced by various influences, including the sign and element of the year of birth. Thus, there are five types of Pigs, each with its own characteristics:

Wood Pig

Characterization - Sustainment, Creativity, Growth

Wise and ambitious, this is the most powerful type of Pig ever. It's shaped for success and it's hard for anyone to take advantage of it.

Fire Pig

Characterization - Passion, Intelligence, Movement

Bold and adventurous, this type of Pig likes to take controlled risks but with great consequences.

Earth Pig

Characterization - Balance, Reliability, Consolidation

This Pig is homely and prudent, and likes the safety of the predictable.

Metal Pig

Characterization - Usefulness, Strength, Reliability

Spiriting and fun, this Pig likes to have a great time and to be out and about. Very sociable and friendly, it likes to spend the afternoons around the table, full of good food and drink, with its friends. It is an appreciator of the good things and pleasures in life.

Water Pig

Characterization - Communication, Sensitivity, Intuition

This type of complacent Pig native needs to be forced to get out of bed and make a living. It has immense personal charm, despite its penchant for addiction and laziness.

Chinese Zodiac Signs

  • Rat - Quick-witted, Versatile, Kind
  • Ox - Diligent, Dependable, Determined
  • Tiger - Resourceful, Versatile, Kind
  • Rabbit - Intuitive, Kind, Responsible
  • Dragon - Confident, Independent, Enthusiastic
  • Snake - Enigmatic, Intelligent, Wise
  • Horse - Animated, Active, Energetic
  • Goat - Calm, Gentle, Adaptable
  • Monkey - Sharp, Fun, Curious
  • Rooster - Protector, Hardworking, Courageous
  • Dog - Lovely, Honest, Prudent
  • Pig - Sensual, Generous, Diligent