Dragon Chinese Zodiac - Dates, Personality and Compatibility

The Dragon is one of the animals in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese Astrology Zodiac. Get to know the dates, personality characteristics and how they relate to other Chinese signs.

The sign Dragon ranks fifth in the Chinese Horoscope. Its powerful appearance has made this animal one of the most important in Chinese popular culture. Charismatic and exuberant, the sign Dragon has an attractive and magnetic personality. It doesn't go unnoticed in the crowd. It needs space to express herself and lives among love stories sprinkled with seduction, enchantment and passion.

The Chinese Zodiac is composed of 12 animals that are organized in the following order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Serpent, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The Chinese calendar follows the cycles of the Moon, and on the first day of the Chinese New Year, one of the 12 animals takes its place for that year.

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Characteristics of the Sign Dragon

  • Symbol - 龍
  • Element - Wood
  • Regent Planet - Jupiter
  • Hour - 07h-09h (early hours of the day)
  • Month - April
  • Season - Spring
  • Color - Yellow, color associated with progress, fame and personal achievement. In Imperial China, this color was reserved for the Emperor
  • Orientation - Southeast
  • Yin/Yang Polarity - Yang, element that suggests extroverted, expansive, enthusiastic, expressive and communicative behaviors
  • Attributes - Independent, exuberant, energetic, confident, loving, successful, charismatic, lively, extroverted, creative, enthusiastic, proud, self-assured, brave, charitable, well meaning, attractive, charming, authoritative, responsible, diligent, leader, showy, fun, eccentric, sophisticated, selfish, conservative, possessive
  • Lucky Days - 1 and 16 of any Chinese lunar calendar month
  • Lucky Months - 3rd, 4th and 7th Chinese lunar months
  • Lucky Numbers - 1, 6 and 7 and the numbers that contain them (such as 11, 16 and 67)
  • Unlucky Numbers - 3 and 8
  • Greater Affinity - Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Monkey, Rooster, Pig
  • Minor Affinity - Dragon, Goat, Dog
  • Sign Western Correspondent - Aries

The Dragon Sign in Mythology

There are many legends and stories about the animals chosen to be part of the Chinese astrological system. One of these legends refers to the desire of the Jade Emperor to know the animals that inhabited the Earth. He decided that some of them would be brought into his presence. To facilitate the selection, the Emperor defined two criteria: they would have to be useful animals to Man or be one of the first to arrive at the Heavenly Palace on the day of choosing the animals.

The dragon, an ambitious animal, wanted the tiger's place as king of beasts. As there was no way to distinguish themselves, when they competed with each other, the Jade Emperor assumed the role of judge between them.

When the dragon heard this news, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to beat the tiger in terms of physical appearance. Back then, the dragon had no horn. This ornament belonged to the rooster. Then, the centipede suggested to the dragon that he should borrow that animal. The rooster, despite being resistant at first, trusted his centipede friend who assured him of the dragon's good intentions.

When the dragon and the tiger appeared before the Emperor to be judged, they both looked impressive. The Emperor decided that the dragon would be king of water and the tiger would be king of earth. As the tiger was already an animal sign, the dragon was bestowed with equal status. However, the dragon did not want to return the horn to the rooster, but to keep it as a symbol of its new status. Furious, the rooster went after the centipede, that hid underground.

Dates of the Dragon Sign

The Chinese Zodiac is associated with the way time is measured in traditional Chinese culture, that is, in 60-year cycles. This calendar results from the multiplication of the twelve animals and the five elements. This cycle is very important and makes each one of the 60 years a special and unique period.

Each animal governs, in rotation, a given year, in a continuous 12-year cycle that starts with the Rat and ends with the Pig. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, one of the 12 animals takes its place for that year. In addition to characterizing people born during that year, the animal also influences the attributes of the year - which affects us all. The years by the Dragon sign are as follows:

  • February 08 1940 to January 26 1941 - Metal Dragon
  • January 27 1952 to February 13 1953 - Water Dragon
  • February 13 1964 to February 01 1965 - Wood Dragon
  • February 17 1988 to February 05 1989 - Earth Dragon
  • February 05 2000 to January 23 2001 - Metal Dragon
  • January 23 2012 to February 9 2013 - Water Dragon
  • February 10 2024 to January 28 2025 - Wood Dragon

Dragon Native Personality


Dragon is the fifth sign of the Chinese zodiac and is associated with progress, fame, and personal achievement. This native's personality is lively and refreshing. Always enthusiastic about the news and the unexpected, this native hardly goes unnoticed.

Very self-assured, it likes to be the center of attention. It is a lively company, full of energy and exuding confidence in its abilities. It is a powerful personality that leaves no one indifferent. Its character can be confused with exhibitionism.

It is a present and loyal friend who steps forward to resolve conflicts or to offer help as a mediator. It is very demanding when it has to fulfill a task and wonders when others do not behave in the same way.

Resolute and frank, it is a person blessed with luck. It can be irascible and stubborn and sometimes too outspoken, which can turn some people off. However, it believes in acting with good intentions and that the result will be positive.

Love and Relationships

The Dragon sign is attractive and endearing and knows how to win someone over. Despite this, it tends to have several relationships as it has difficulty settling down. This native enjoys sex, a lot, and can drive any partner to exhaustion unless it's paired with another passionate Dragon.

In love, it can seduce a number of admirers at the same time even though this is not its real intention. It doesn't do well in relationships that are overly emotionally dependent and with partners that require constant evidence of affection. The indecision tires them out and they start a new conquest with the same spirit as they started the previous one.

They rarely feel nostalgia for the past or harbors remorse, even when relationships fail. They need space to express themselves freely, to dedicate themselves to their ideas, and someone who doesn't feel threatened by their exuberance or jealous of the legion of fans.

  • Signs more compatible with Dragon - Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Monkey, Rooster, Pig
  • Signs less compatible with Dragon - Dragon, Goat, Dog

Sign Dragon Compatibilities

Chinese Astrology understands that certain combinations of Zodiac animals do better than others and that some signs are naturally antagonistic and therefore have a disharmonious relationship.

The compatibility between animals in the Chinese Horoscope takes into account the characteristics of each animal. Those whose characteristics match each other well and may tend to have good compatibility. The opposite is equally valid.

Dragon with...
RatGood relationship. They manage to support each other and give attention to each other.
OxThis is a powerful combination. Together these two personalities can go a long way.
TigerThis team can change the world. Constant fun and excitement awaits them.
RabbitThis is a harmonious relationship, particularly in business. The Rabbit's tranquil spirit helps to calm the Dragon's fire.
DragonThey are more likely to live in dispute with each other. In this case, they can't get along. However, if they can learn to work together, it can work, but it is unlikely to happen.
SnakeThis is a good combination. Their personalities manage to develop in harmony and understand each other.
HorseIt's an interesting pair, which complements each other, despite the discussions and struggles. They have a lot of fun together sharing a range of interests.
GoatFor the native of the Dragon sign, the Goat is a little indifferent. This hurts the latter, despite their attraction to the Dragon's personality.
MonkeyA brilliant and powerful combination. Both natives develop active and versatile personalities. They form an excellent alliance in business and in love relationships.
RoosterDramatic but positive relationship. Both natives have a strong personality but are different enough to make the relationship interesting.
DogThe relationship of these two natives will hardly work. Whether in business or in a love relationship, they are too incompatible personalities.
PigThe Dragon inspires the Pig but can leave him singed so the Pig must safeguard itself a little.

The Dragon Sign and the Career

The Dragon's self-confidence and determination lead it to take risks and try its luck even when circumstances may not be the most favorable. They like to take risks and do things their way. The work pace is accelerated, which can make their colleagues feel some difficulty in keeping up with them.

They look for the authority and positions where you can exercise it. It knows how to earn the respect of others, which earns it the reputation of being a leader. This native needs to be constantly stimulated, to have new challenges. It can't stay long in a boring position where it doesn't feel opportunities for personal and professional growth.

The best careers - Journalist, copywriter, arts, live reporter, business management, entrepreneur, actor, teacher, advisor, lawyer, engineer, architect, broker, salesperson, fashion designer, stylist, film producer, tycoon, president.

The Dragon Sign and Health

Very energetic, Dragon natives should pay attention to their health to avoid physical and mental exhaustion. As a rule, they work in such a way that they don't even realize they need to eat or rest.

The skin is sensitive and needs to be cared for in all seasons of the year to avoid irritation. Furthermore, in general, the Dragon is a healthy person who, despite this, should not neglect care with food and exercise. As they love outdoor spaces, this can be a good incentive for walking or spending some quality time with the family.

The Five Types of Dragon

In the Chinese astrological system, each sign of the zodiac is associated with one of the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. For example, a Wood Dragon appears once in the 60-year cycle. A person's personality characteristics are influenced by various influences, including the sign and element of the year of birth. Thus, there are five types of Dragons, each with its own characteristics:

Wood Dragon

Characterization - Sustainment, Creativity, Growth

The native of Dragon of this type always presents itself elegantly and with great care. Every detail matters and they spend a lot of time appreciating the beautiful. It is sophisticated, charming and a true conquering lover.

Fire Dragon

Characterization - Passion, Intelligence, Movement

This is the most fun and showy type of Dragon. It may have a bad temper, although its enormous social skills end up solving all the less happy situations.

Earth Dragon

Characterization - Balance, Reliability, Consolidation

This is the only type of Dragon that can work well in a team. Conservative and traditional, it knows its potential very well and is not easily manipulated, just when it wants to.

Metal Dragon

Characterization - Usefulness, Strength, Reliability

This type of Dragon was born to stand out from the crowd. Loves to be adored and admired. It is an eccentric, who spreads its good mood wherever it is, without paying much attention to the mood of others. Alone, it makes the party.

Water Dragon

Characterization - Communication, Sensitivity, Intuition

This Dragon is an idealist who firmly believes in its personal abilities. This personality type can be selfish and assume they have the solution to every problem in the world. However, they truly care about others.

Chinese Zodiac Signs

  • Rat - Quick-witted, Versatile, Kind
  • Ox - Diligent, Dependable, Determined
  • Tiger - Resourceful, Versatile, Kind
  • Rabbit - Intuitive, Kind, Responsible
  • Dragon - Confident, Independent, Enthusiastic
  • Snake - Enigmatic, Intelligent, Wise
  • Horse - Animated, Active, Energetic
  • Goat - Calm, Gentle, Adaptable
  • Monkey - Sharp, Fun, Curious
  • Rooster - Protector, Hardworking, Courageous
  • Dog - Lovely, Honest, Prudent
  • Pig - Sensual, Generous, Diligent