The Ascendant and Descendant Signs in Astrology

The Ascendant/Descendant axis represents the whole astral personality of each one of us and helps us to understand that we have two sides: how we see ourselves and how other people see us.

The Ascendant/Descendant axis represents two sides of the same coin. That is, together they represent our astral personality. In astrology, this concept helps us understand that we have two sides; the way we see ourselves and the way others see us. 

Understand the meaning of Ascendant and Descendant in Astrology. How they relate to each other to compose the astrological personality and allow to build a harmonious, secure, and self-conscious personality.

The Ascendant/Descendant Axis in Astrology

The Ascendant sign (or rising sign) and the Descendant sign are located on opposite sides of the birth chart, with one facing each other on the same axis of the Zodiac wheel. The Ascendant corresponds to First House and the Descendant to Seventh House.

The Ascendant is the sign that is on the most eastern horizon (east, rising) at the exact moment of birth. The Descendant is the sign that is found below the western horizon (west), at the same time.

The Ascendant/Descendant axis can govern Houses opposite but, in Astrology, instead of dividing, it connects, relates, and complements two halves, apparently, separate and opposite, making them a single entity.

Ascendant/Descendant Signs - How do they Shape my Identity?

How does the Ascendant Influence my Personality?

The Ascendant begins at First House, the House where the “I”, our most intimate being, lives. This corresponds to the way we see ourselves, our self-image, and everything we are. It is our deepest essence. The Ascendant brings together the qualities we recognize and accept in ourselves, the facets of our personality that we are proud to show the world. 

The Sun may be at the center of your astrological personality - your ego, your consciousness, your individuality, your identity - but your Ascendant is the image you project or want to project on others. It is your visible face. What you want to show and how you want to be seen.

It's how you look, how you dress, how you look after yourself, how you adorn your personality. It's the expressions on your face, the way you move, how you express yourself, how you relate to others. the look you have on the world. It is the characteristics of your personality that make you proud, the image you have of yourself, and the way you would like others to see you. 

The Ascendant is like a mask that we create for ourselves and that represents what we are or what we would like to be. A mask that changes and evolves throughout life according to our experiences and searches for personal improvement. It is, at heart, our identity. The qualities we most appreciate in our personality.

How Does the Descendant Influence My Personality?

The Descendant, on the other hand, initiates the Seventh House, the House that governs relationships. It is the opposite of your Ascendant. The sign is on the opposite axis in your astral chart. It is what we think we are not. These are the qualities we reject, repress, deny, ignore or refuse to recognize in our personality. 

The Descendant is the opposite of everything we identify with, what irritates us, disagrees with, and drives us mad. However, interestingly, it is possible that you feel attracted to the qualities of your opposite sign when you interact with people of the same sign. We can explain this magnetism by the force of attraction of opposites: "opposites attract". 

Believe it or not, your Descendant is part of your personality, the person you are. Therefore, in Astrology, the symbolism associated with the Descendant sign is an important aspect in the interpretation of the birth chart. You can try to deny them, but those characteristics are present in your personality. Everyone with whom you relate can confirm this to you. We see ourselves from our Ascendant, but other people see us through our Descendant. 

The image that other people build about us may not correspond to the image that we work so hard to project. Those who live with us every day and know us, sometimes better than ourselves, are able to tell us what characteristics of our opposite reside in us. So, even if we reject them, they are present, they are part of us and our character. What Astrology tells us is that we gain more from accepting this fact than from ignoring it.

The Descendant suggests what we have to do and what experiences we need to go through in order for our personality to develop as a whole. Thus, in Astrology, the Ascendant/Descendant axis is seen as a basic guideline for our life course. The Descendant tells us what we should do and what we need to discard in our daily lives to feel safe, balanced and in harmony with our true self. 

The Ascendant/Descendant axis reminds us that it is our challenge to know and reconcile the two halves of our personality. That we need to incorporate the two identities and accept that we have characteristics that we would rather not have. By accepting our “dark side”, we are able to build a unique identity that lives in harmony with itself, without feelings of guilt or self-rejection. 

The people around us, who care for us and love us just as we are, are a precious help for us to reach a successful conclusion. When we face and resolve problems with these people, we bring the two points closer together.

When we finally recognize and accept the aspects that we least like about our way of being, we don't need anyone else to show us how we really are. Our true “I” emerges and reveals itself, to us and to others. The image we have about ourselves is the same as what others have about us. Learn more about how the Descendant manifests in signs.

What Are the Opposite Signs?

  • Aries - Libra
  • Taurus - Scorpio
  • Gemini - Sagittarius
  • Cancer - Capricorn
  • Leo - Aquarius
  • Virgin - Pisces
  • Libra - Aries
  • Scorpio - Taurus
  • Sagittarius - Gemini
  • Capricorn - Cancer
  • Aquarius - Leo
  • Pisces - Virgo