Virgo and Virgo Compatibility

Discover how Virgo and Virgo behave in their relationships and which signs of the zodiac they have more or less affinity with.

Virgo + Virgo

In a Virgo and Virgo relationship, the affinity is total. They understand each other like no one else and, as long as they manage to control their critical streak, they can be an extremely successful duo in love, friendship and work.


Virgo and Virgo Compatibility

Virgo Astral Profile and Compatibilities

Virgo seeks a utopia: perfection. Although it knows that this attribute belongs to the Gods, this native never fails to work to achieve it in all tasks. Virgo falls in love rarely, but when love happens, they are able to be faithful to that relationship for a long time. Virgo love doesn't use seduction but seriousness, doesn't use fantasy but truth. Their relationships are built on solid, objective foundations, resulting in a high degree of trust and knowledge.

According to astrology, Virgo enjoys a greater affinity with Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer and Pisces. These signs comprise Virgo's personality and can give you balance and stability. Virgo's astral compatibility is less intense with Aquarius and Leo. With Sagittarius, there is great sexual chemistry. However, the affinity between these two personalities is low, which makes the relationship difficult outside the bedroom.

Virgo - August 24th to September 23rd

Quality: Cold and DryTemperament: Melancholic
Element: EarthOpposite Sign: Pisces
Modality: MutableGreater Affinity: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces
Polarity: Feminine (or Yin)Minor Affinity: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius

According to Astrology, the signs of the Zodiac that share the same energetic charge, the Primordial Element (Fire, Earth, Air, Water), energize each other, while signs of different Elements may have greater difficulty in relating to each other. Fire follows the motto “it is better to travel with hope than to arrive”; Earth prefers “arrival”; Air works “as a function of intellect and logic”; Water follows "the ebb and flow of the tide of feelings". Together, the four Elements represent opposites but also the complementarity of astrological archetypes.

Compatibility of Virgo and Virgo

Virgo is an Earth, Mutable sign, ruled by Mercury, the star of rigor, precision and communication. They have a favorable, faithful, and loving temperament and the ability to make others feel special and wanted.

A Virgo and Virgo relationship can be very satisfying for both natives. Their personalities are similar, which means that they understand each other well, but on the other hand, there is no one who pulls them out of their respective comfort areas. The affinity is total.

Both are balanced, love perfection and order. They have the same temperament, introverted and sensitive. They are both obsessive in the desire to dominate their surroundings through the exhaustive search for perfectionism. Common interests can be an important connection point for this pair. They can spend hours analyzing a subject or exploring new motives of interest.

Virgo usually doesn't have a very sociable personality. Shy and demure, it hates being the center of attention. Its vocation is the family and the dedication it devotes to the people in its most intimate life cycle. But, even at this point, these two are in agreement. They can spend a lot of time at home, dedicated to their tasks and, therefore, take care of their home like few others.

They like to have a peaceful and usable environment, without complicated accessories or things they don't use. However, they are sophisticated personalities and like to have few things, but the ones they do have are of quality.

Virgo has an organized personality who likes and respects orders and rules. In certain circumstances, their serious character can limit your creativity, a tendency that can be reinforced when two Virgo natives get together. Despite the calm that one breathes in a Virgo/Virgo relationship, it can hide some tension.

The desire to control everything and everyone and to keep everything in the strictest of perfection hides a feeling of anxiety. Of fear in the face of chaos and uncertainty. On the other hand, Virgo can be extremely critical, especially to the people they love the most. Virgo does not see this behavior as a confrontational attitude, but rather as an interest in the other person's well-being. If they don't criticize, it's because they are indifferent to it.

Virgo is a sign that highly values work and a professional career. In addition to the economic stability that having a profession provides, there is the intellectual stimulus. At work, Virgo and Virgo manages to complement each other. Both with a great critical and analytical spirit, they are a successful duo in all professions that demand rigor of thought, prudence, efficiency and absolute dedication.

In a Virgo and Virgo relationship, the woman will tend to become a protective mother and the man, a tireless worker, will dedicate itself to taking care of the family's finances in order to provide all the necessary comfort.

Signs Compatibility

Discover your astrological compatibility, based on your Zodiac sign.

How Earth Signs Relate to Each Other

Long, slow and sensual - when they finally get along. These two are absolutely faithful, and would find it difficult to part.

The combination of Earth Elements has the necessary requirements for the durability of a relationship. Earth is an Element that values all conventional forms of dating. However, despite its apparent conservatism and some reluctance to manifest physical affection, this element appreciates sensuality and is prone to carnal pleasures.

However, Earth people care about balance in relationships just as they care about stability in their lives. In fact, the structure on which they base their lives rarely changes shape. This translates into the constant routine that takes place in your daily life.

In relationships, Earth also expects its partner to follow this pattern: it needs to feel that it can trust the person next to her. This is good for a relationship between two Earth personalities, as they both have a distinct sense of loyalty and duty that forces them to adjust to the routine.

The problem that defines this relationship is the consequence of too close a connection with safety and routine, which can make it tedious. However, this is a very promising alliance, as they are people who demand the same from life and who draw the same plans for the future. Based on values such as loyalty and protection, when these two align, they are perfectly in tune.

The Earth Element and the Astral Personality

The Earth Element personality is patient and persevering and has a very particular relationship to time. Unlike the Fire Element, Earth needs to settle down, to take root, basing the development of all aspects of your life there.

The temperament of this Element is Melancholic, not exuberant in its expression, but very concrete in its actions. Its focus of attention is objective reality, which gives it a lot of solidity and security. You tend to deal better with facts than ideas. It is generally resourceful and a good investigator.

In emotional terms it is not very demonstrative and, like a Choleric, it is rigid in its sensitivity. However, the Cold quality makes them quite susceptible, tending towards sadness, pessimism and, when emotionally unbalanced, depression.

  • To learn more about how the Earth Element can help characterize the personality of signs, follow this link.

Astrology and Compatibility Between Zodiac Signs

Affinities in relationships manifest themselves in a variety of ways and Astrology can give some clues about how the signs interact with each other. Astrology tells us that the greatest compatibilities arise when two people belong to the same astrological element, as they share the same vision of reality and have a similar way of being and living.

Likewise, the attraction between two opposite signs can be instantaneous and the relationship tends to be harmonious. However, this does not mean that there are no affinities between people belonging to signs of different elements. Where there is love, affection and understanding, life happens. How the relationship evolves depends on many factors, astrological profiles being just one of them.

Zodiac Signs Compatibility

This is a result of the astrological profiles of the signs that you chose based on the analysis of the compatibility between temperaments, energies and characteristics. This analysis is based on general data, being valid for all types of relationships, whether love, friendship or work.

A detailed and personalized study is only possible through a synastry report. Although the profiles of the signs allow us to deduce whether they are more or less compatible with each other, only through the birth chart is it possible to make a realistic interpretation and draw true conclusions.

Remember that relationships are influenced by multiple variables, astrological being just one of them. The force of will, commitment and free choice condition the way in which relationships can or cannot progress in a favourable way. Any relationship, regardless of the influence of the stars, can work as long as there is a desire for it to happen, on both sides.