Leo and Libra Compatibility

Discover how Leo and Libra behave in their relationships and which signs of the zodiac they have more or less affinity with.

Leo + Libra

Leo and Libra are two signs with high compatibility with each other. They are accomplices, companions, friends and confidants. Libra knows how to seduce Leo, and Leo is enchanted. Leo loves Libra's personal charm and sweetness, and they both know how to improve each other's self-esteem.


Leo and Libra Compatibility

Leo Astral Profiles and Compatibilities

The Leo is the fire that has expanded and takes care of everything. It reflects the strength of life, the joy of living, the ability to love, the arts and personal talents to be developed. This native lives in search of great love and prepares all its life to find it. But it doesn't want a calm and gentle love; it accepts nothing less than an eternal, burning passion, as in the first encounters.

According to Astrology, Leo has greater astral compatibility with Aries and Libra. Aries gives courage and encourages Leo's adventurous spirit, while Libra accentuates its charm and grace. Leo also gets along well with Sagittarius and Gemini. Leo is less akin to Cancer and Virgo, signs with very different personalities than Leo. However, the Leo and Cancer combination can work if the male is Leo and the female is Cancer. Leo and Capricorn's relationship is equally difficult. Both want to be in charge, they have difficulty negotiating and their personalities have little in common.

Leo - July 23rd to August 23rd

Quality: Hot and DryTemperament: Choleric
Element: FireOpposite Sign: Aquarius
Modality: FixedGreater Affinity: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Polarity: Masculine (or Yang)Minor Affinity: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces

Libra - September 24th to October 23rd

Quality: Hot and WetTemperament: Sanguine
Element: AirOpposite Sign: Aries
Modality: CardinalGreater Affinity: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Polarity: Masculine (or Yang)Minor Affinity: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

According to Astrology, the signs of the Zodiac that share the same energetic charge, the Primordial Element (Fire, Earth, Air, Water), energize each other, while signs of different Elements may have greater difficulty in relating to each other. Fire follows the motto “it is better to travel with hope than to arrive”; Earth prefers “arrival”; Air works “as a function of intellect and logic”; Water follows "the ebb and flow of the tide of feelings". Together, the four Elements represent opposites but also the complementarity of astrological archetypes.

Compatibility of Leo and Libra

Leo is a Fire sign, Fixed and ruled by the planet Neptune, a star associated with the absence of borders, the world of feelings, escape, letting go with the tide. But also to dreams and fantasies, to confusion or charm. Libra is ruled by Venus, a masculine sign, with the most refined, civilized and diplomatic personality in the entire Zodiac. It is a bridge builder and a strategist.

Leo and Libra have an understanding that can be considered auspicious. In a way, these two need each other and understand each other like few others. They complement each other and, together, they manage to highlight what each one has to offer and enjoy the good things in life. The compatibility between them is perfect.

If Leo is royalty, then Libra is its perfect courtier. Skilled in the art of diplomacy, conversation and seduction, Libra knows how to bring out the charm and grandeur of its Leo partner or friend. Furthermore, Libra knows how to do it without overshadowing its proud partner. Leo, on the other hand, lets itself be seduced by the beauty, sweetness, personal charm and natural luminosity that Libra emanates.

In this relationship, both natives know how to enjoy each other's company. They understand, respect each other and are able to talk about everything. Both love social life, the lively environments, being with other people, having groups of friends at home and entertaining. Leo will be the flame of the party and Libra the perfect host.

Leo and Libra make a combination that results in work, friendship and as a romantic partner, but also in intimacy. Their similar nature makes them compatible on most issues they need to resolve together.

In a romantic relationship, these two can seem distant, since they are not given to large expressions of affection in public, but both get along well with it. This distance is due to their way of being demure, when it comes to matters of the heart, and not an actual disunity. In private, Leo is affectionate and attentive to its partner's needs and Libra melts at the attentions. However, Leo may feel some impatience with Libra's hesitations. But Libra, master of seduction, knows how to calm Leo, all you need to do is praise it with your sweetest and most serene air.

A Leo and Libra union requires an active social life, varied interests and change. Both love freedom and understand trust as the foundation of all relationships. Either way, they have the inner resources they need to build a successful life together without ever losing touch with the outside world. On the contrary, the union between these two gains a lot from stimuli outside the relationship.

Signs Compatibility

Discover your astrological compatibility, based on your Zodiac sign.

How the Fire and Air Signs Relate to Each Other

Desire ignites quickly, but Air can screw it up by talking too much, or passion burns out just as quickly. Lasting love commitments are difficult, but not impossible.

Among the many combinations of elements, the Fire and Air alliance can be promising. In a way, they need each other. If Fire is allowed to reign over his future aspirations and express his innate faith in himself, then he will need Air as a stimulus and to occasionally bring him to his senses. Likewise, if Ar wants to explain its theories and intellectual opinions without losing sight of the human factor, it needs Fire to infuse a certain warmth into its fundamentally impersonal expositions.

However, for a relationship between Fire and Air to work, it needs an active social life, with varied interests and constant changes, which is the key word for such a combination. Both need plenty of room to breathe, which makes it take them a long time to decide on an experience as a couple.

Disagreements arise when Fire embarks on a new idealistic adventure, which Air, the more sociable element, considers as selfish and pompous. So, although the relationship may initially have an abundant source of enthusiasm and lively interaction, over time it can become a void.

The Fire Element and the Astral Personality

The Fire native is dynamic, enterprising, physically active and full of energy. Overwhelmed by enthusiasm, it has a tendency to exaggerate and overexpress himself. With a Choleric temperament, the genius of these natives is easily inflamed – everyone who lives with a person of this Element is well aware of their typical outbursts of bad temper.

In emotional terms, Fire's temperament is not very demonstrative and its “dryness” can make it rigid and even insensitive. Impatience makes it ungracious in its expressions, reaching to rudeness and hostility.

It reacts with great intensity to external threats or challenges, and it can be conflictual or even violent. In extreme cases, the combination of lack of sensitivity and the ease with which they express your anger can make them cruel.

  • To learn more about how the Fire Element helps to characterize the personality of signs, follow this link.

The Air Element and the Astral Personality

Air signs are, above all, mental and intellectual. Air is a master at relating concepts. The Air Element brings together the Wet characteristic that conveys a great mental flexibility, this flexibility in thinking about things and reflecting. They are all-encompassing personalities with a broad vision, unlike Earth Element people who tend to focus on the detail.

In relationships, the Air personality is sensitive and seductive and emphasizes intelligence. For natives of this Element, the best companions are those of the Earth sign. These teach them the means to realize their ideas which, without their help, would remain purely abstract.

  • To learn more about how the Air Element can help characterize the personality of signs, follow this link.

Astrology and Compatibility Between Zodiac Signs

Affinities in relationships manifest themselves in a variety of ways and Astrology can give some clues about how the signs interact with each other. Astrology tells us that the greatest compatibilities arise when two people belong to the same astrological element, as they share the same vision of reality and have a similar way of being and living.

Likewise, the attraction between two opposite signs can be instantaneous and the relationship tends to be harmonious. However, this does not mean that there are no affinities between people belonging to signs of different elements. Where there is love, affection and understanding, life happens. How the relationship evolves depends on many factors, astrological profiles being just one of them.

Zodiac Signs Compatibility

This is a result of the astrological profiles of the signs that you chose based on the analysis of the compatibility between temperaments, energies and characteristics. This analysis is based on general data, being valid for all types of relationships, whether love, friendship or work.

A detailed and personalized study is only possible through a synastry report. Although the profiles of the signs allow us to deduce whether they are more or less compatible with each other, only through the birth chart is it possible to make a realistic interpretation and draw true conclusions.

Remember that relationships are influenced by multiple variables, astrological being just one of them. The force of will, commitment and free choice condition the way in which relationships can or cannot progress in a favourable way. Any relationship, regardless of the influence of the stars, can work as long as there is a desire for it to happen, on both sides.