Leo and Leo Compatibility

Discover how Leo and Leo behave in their relationships and which signs of the zodiac they have more or less affinity with.

Leo + Leo

The Leo and Leo relationship is not the most brilliant in the Zodiac, but it has everything to work out. In fact, these two will never have a dull moment. If they decide to compete with each other instead of joining forces, their union can become a vanity fair.


Leo and Leo Compatibility

Leo Astral Profiles and Compatibilities

The Leo is the fire that has expanded and takes care of everything. It reflects the strength of life, the joy of living, the ability to love, the arts and personal talents to be developed. This native lives in search of great love and prepares all its life to find it. But it doesn't want a calm and gentle love; it accepts nothing less than an eternal, burning passion, as in the first encounters.

According to Astrology, Leo has greater astral compatibility with Aries and Libra. Aries gives courage and encourages Leo's adventurous spirit, while Libra accentuates its charm and grace. Leo also gets along well with Sagittarius and Gemini. Leo is less akin to Cancer and Virgo, signs with very different personalities than Leo. However, the Leo and Cancer combination can work if the male is Leo and the female is Cancer. Leo and Capricorn's relationship is equally difficult. Both want to be in charge, they have difficulty negotiating and their personalities have little in common.

Leo - July 23rd to August 23rd

Quality: Hot and DryTemperament: Choleric
Element: FireOpposite Sign: Aquarius
Modality: FixedGreater Affinity: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Polarity: Masculine (or Yang)Minor Affinity: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces

According to Astrology, the signs of the Zodiac that share the same energetic charge, the Primordial Element (Fire, Earth, Air, Water), energize each other, while signs of different Elements may have greater difficulty in relating to each other. Fire follows the motto “it is better to travel with hope than to arrive”; Earth prefers “arrival”; Air works “as a function of intellect and logic”; Water follows "the ebb and flow of the tide of feelings". Together, the four Elements represent opposites but also the complementarity of astrological archetypes.

Compatibility of Leo and Leo

Leo is a Fire sign, Fixed and ruled by the planet Neptune, a star associated with the absence of borders, the world of feelings, escape, letting go with the tide. But also to dreams and fantasies, to confusion or charm. Leo is always looking for an ideal and exciting relationship. 

In a Leo and Leo relationship, the fire and opulence of the novel find their maximum exponent. These two will never have a moment of monotony. When truly in love, the natives of this sign do everything to surprise and please the loved one. If they manage to fuel the flame of passion, this relationship has everything to be very satisfying for both of them.

Leo has a loving personality and when paired with another person of the same sign, they understand each other perfectly. With two equal personalities, everything suggests that the relationship will work. However, the native Leo likes to be the center of attention and shine more than everyone else, which, in a Leo/Leo union, can throw them into a thankless competition. Jealous and possessive, they do not allow their partner to stand out more.

However, when they combine their energies, optimism and strength to win, this pair can become invincible. Sexually, they have the imagination and the ease to try all the techniques that increase attraction. After all, Leo lives eternally in the fire of passion and sensuality. When these die out, motivation disappears.

At work, this alliance can result in very successful businesses. Both have the energy and will to fight against everything and everyone in order to achieve their goals.

As they have the same defects, they can enter a struggle for prominence. The pride of this native can cause many relationships to fall apart. Still, forgiveness and empathy are two characteristics of this sign, making reconciliations as frequent as breakups. In a Leo and Leo relationship, even if the possibility of separation is on the table, family and economic interests can overlap.

Signs Compatibility

Discover your astrological compatibility, based on your Zodiac sign.

How Fire Signs Relate to Each Other

The combination of two Fire Elements most often results in a Romeo and Juliet type of relationship: it starts so naturally that it feels like it’s been happening for a lifetime. However, the magnificent environments and initial fascination of this alliance are far removed from the mundane aspects of life.

Fire people are dynamic, enterpeneurs, physically active and enthusiastic. For them, it's very important to believe in what they do. They need to feel motivated to act. When something or someone no longer makes sense, there is no reason to persist. They may give up or succumb to depression.

The Fire Element signs have several characteristics in common, one of them being the tendency to do what they want and draw all the attention to themselves. This attitude can cause great obstacles in relationships, especially between two people of Fire. Stubborn, they easily get into a dispute over attention and egos and the difficulty in giving in can condemn the relationship (professional, romantic or friendship) to failure.

The Fire Element and the Astral Personality

The Fire native is dynamic, enterprising, physically active and full of energy. Overwhelmed by enthusiasm, it has a tendency to exaggerate and overexpress himself. With a Choleric temperament, the genius of these natives is easily inflamed – everyone who lives with a person of this Element is well aware of their typical outbursts of bad temper.

In emotional terms, Fire's temperament is not very demonstrative and its “dryness” can make it rigid and even insensitive. Impatience makes it ungracious in its expressions, reaching to rudeness and hostility.

It reacts with great intensity to external threats or challenges, and it can be conflictual or even violent. In extreme cases, the combination of lack of sensitivity and the ease with which they express your anger can make them cruel.

  • To learn more about how the Fire Element helps to characterize the personality of signs, follow this link.

Astrology and Compatibility Between Zodiac Signs

Affinities in relationships manifest themselves in a variety of ways and Astrology can give some clues about how the signs interact with each other. Astrology tells us that the greatest compatibilities arise when two people belong to the same astrological element, as they share the same vision of reality and have a similar way of being and living.

Likewise, the attraction between two opposite signs can be instantaneous and the relationship tends to be harmonious. However, this does not mean that there are no affinities between people belonging to signs of different elements. Where there is love, affection and understanding, life happens. How the relationship evolves depends on many factors, astrological profiles being just one of them.

Zodiac Signs Compatibility

This is a result of the astrological profiles of the signs that you chose based on the analysis of the compatibility between temperaments, energies and characteristics. This analysis is based on general data, being valid for all types of relationships, whether love, friendship or work.

A detailed and personalized study is only possible through a synastry report. Although the profiles of the signs allow us to deduce whether they are more or less compatible with each other, only through the birth chart is it possible to make a realistic interpretation and draw true conclusions.

Remember that relationships are influenced by multiple variables, astrological being just one of them. The force of will, commitment and free choice condition the way in which relationships can or cannot progress in a favourable way. Any relationship, regardless of the influence of the stars, can work as long as there is a desire for it to happen, on both sides.