Sagittarius Horoscope

Sagittarius Horoscope

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. Member of the Mutable quality, Masculine and Fire element. The symbol of Sagittarius is the arrow pointing upwards, the centaur, and its ruling planet is Jupiter. The Sun enters the sign Sagittarius around the 23rd of November and leaves around the 21st of December.

The Greek legend associates Sagittarius with the gentle and compassionate centaur Chiron: half man, half horse. Unlike the other centaurs, Chiron was intelligent, civilized, kind, and learned. One day, when he was trying to fend off other centaurs who were causing trouble, Heracles, son of Zeus, accidentally hit Chiron. When he found him helpless and wounded with his poisoned arrows, the hero felt deep regret.

Chiron was immortal but suffered from the agony of pain. Seeing his suffering, Prometheus, a mighty titan, helped him, raising him to the skies like the constellation of Sagittarius. Chiron is considered by mythology as a great healer, astrologer and a respected oracle. The bow and arrow represent his ability to tell the truth, bluntly.