Ritual to Get Over Your Ex and Get a Fresh Start

Quer esquecer uma pessoa que ama ou amou? A relação acabou mas ainda tem sentimentos que a deixam agarrada a um passado sem futuro? Experimente a Simpatia para Esquecer o Amor e conquiste a sua felicidade.

Do you want to forget a person you love or loved? The relationship ended but still have feelings that leave you clinging to a past without a future? Experience the ritual to get over your ex, a step-by-step guide that will help you let go of your ex, heal, and meet someone new.

Spells are simple and easy-to-perform rituals that, for those who believe and have faith in their healing power, can be used to overcome a heartache or loss. This is the case of the ritual to get over your ex used to erase the negative memories left by a bitter and destructive relationship and calm emotions. Freed from the negative energies that have invaded our lives, we have the strength and courage to move forward and seek happiness elsewhere, with someone else.

On the other hand, certain rituals and spells also help to improve self-esteem and invite meditation. A calm mind, centered on the present, allows us to be grateful for what we've achieved and to value what we have more than focusing on what we've lost. Basically, it is about healing the wounds of the heart and the emotional hurts so that we can embark on a new adventure, with our eyes set on the future, and without letting ourselves be influenced by the dislikes and negative experiences of the past.

Does the Ritual to Get Over Your Ex Work?

The basic ingredient in every ritual is faith; without it, it is impossible to perform any magical act, since this is the element that transmits the necessary mental and spiritual energies. In the Ritual to Get Over Your Ex, the invocations must be carried out with the conviction that there is no possibility of return. The relationship is over and there is no going back.

Before You Begin, Prepare for Your Rituals

To perform your spells you can prepare a small altar at home where you are at peace and quiet. You can also take a cleansing bath. Fill the bathtub with warm water (which represents the Water Astrological element), add flowers and salt (which represents the Earth Astrological element). Light a candle (which represents the Fire Astrological element) and soak for 15 minutes. When leaving the bath, let the skin dry naturally (Air Astrological element).

Ritual to Get Over Your Ex

When you do your spells to forget someone, do it always thinking about the well-being you want to attract to yourself. Get rid of any negative feelings of anger or revenge. Wish only the best for everyone. Only then will it work.

The best day to do this ritual is Saturday, the day of Saturn.

You will need:

  • 1 red candle
  • Water
  • Paper
  • 1 plastic box
  • 1 metal container
  • 1 wooden tong
  • matches or lighter

How to proceed?

  1. Fill the plastic box and take it to the freezer.
  2. Once frozen, place the ice pack in the metal container.
  3. Melt the center of the ice block with the help of matches or lighter until a hole forms where you can fit the base of the candle. Light the candle.
  4. Forget on paper the name of the person you want to forget and the reasons why you want it to happen.
  5. Hold this paper with the tweezers and burn it in the candle flame while reciting "May the ice cool my feelings and the fire purify my heart. I don't hold grudges. This love will be a good memory." Let the candle burn completely.
  6. When the water has evaporated, bury the candle remains.
  7. Give thanks for the gift you will receive.

Anxiety Self Help Ritual To Help Your Mental Health

Now that you've done your ritual to get over your ex, let's take care of your mental health. A breakup or the end of a relationship can be extremely draining. If you need to regain your energy and vitality, try this spell that you can perform whenever you feel anxious or exhausted.

You will need:

  • Green clay
  • 1 plant with violet, magenta, lavender, pink or lilac flowers
  • 1 vase
  • 15 vanilla scented candles

How to proceed?

  1. Place the clay in the bottom of a vase and add the soil from a flowering plant in one of the above colors.
  2. In a quiet, open-air location, form a circle, interspersing a petal with a candle. Light the candles.
  3. Place yourself in the center of the circle and place some clay on your forehead, neck, wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles. Stay inside the circle until the clay is dry. Inhale and exhale slowly. Feel each movement and let your mind relax.
  4. When the clay feels dry, extinguish the candles one by one and leave the circle. Wash with running water.
  5. Meditate on the meaning of this ritual. When washing the clay, the water takes fear and anxiety with it. Your mind is free, calm and aware of the present moment.
  6. Give thanks for the gift you will receive.