Law of Attraction and the Power of Your Thoughts

According to the Law of Attraction, everything that goes on in our lives, whether positive or negative, is determined by the principle that "we attract whatever happens to us."

For the theorists of the Law of Attraction, this is part of a larger system of Creation, being a process that integrates the life experience of all people, even those of those who are not aware of its existence. Everything that goes on in our life, whether positive or negative, is determined by a set of forces that, simply put, boils down to the principle that "we attract everything that happens to us". At all times, the mind moves energies, materializing them in a certain direction and producing real effects.

The Law of Attraction, Feelings and Desires

Throughout our lives, we desire several things and formulate multiple goals. Some we managed to do, others we didn't. However, even when we conclude that our wish is too ambitious to be fulfilled, that we do not have the means to achieve it, our original wish does not fade away.

The functioning of the Law of Attraction responds not only to what is desired, but, above all, to the feeling that feeds this objective. What we want can also be to get rid of something that we fear or that hurts us, in addition to the various choices we unconsciously make. Sometimes knowing what to choose is not an easy task. Uncertainty, fear of change and personal insecurities make us think, consciously or unconsciously, about different scenarios at the same time.

The Law of Attraction states that thoughts - whether they are conscious or not - dictate the reality of people's lives, even when they don't have this perception. So, when you really want something and believe that it is possible, the desire ends up coming true. However, the opposite also manifests itself. That is, if we put too much attention and emotional energy on something we don't want, we'll also get it back.

For example, if someone wants to buy something, they can start thinking about the implications that this entails. What costs may be involved, what you will have to abdicate to fulfill that desire, and the inherent risks. If the person feels that he is "taking a step bigger than the leg", if he does not believe in the possibility of achievement, it is making a different choice than what he initially wanted. As a result, it will be the decision not to buy that will materialize, regardless of whether or not the person gives up on the original desire.

In the Law of Attraction, what really matters is the emotion that arose when we sent our desire to the Universe. In this example, the feeling of inability to acquire what you wanted. The person may feel frustrated and not believe that he will be able to buy what he wants, and that is what the forces of the Universe will work for.

Changing the Way of Thinking

For advocates of the Law of Attraction, it manifests itself in all aspects of life. From the smallest and fleeting desires to the greatest achievement goals. Anything that involves a great emotional charge generates energy. However, this Law does not work just because you want something very badly. It is necessary to be aware of what you think. If we focus on what we don't have, on difficulties, rather than on what we want and what we believe we have the potential to achieve, the power of the Law of Attraction is not tapped.

The forces of the Universe only respond affirmatively to what is asked of them. Cosmic energies are aware of what we feel, and if what we feel is frustration, we will receive even more frustration. If someone wants to receive more love, the Universe recognizes a feeling of lack of the feeling and will return with more need - as thoughts have an energy that attracts similar energies.

Using the Law of Attraction to Achieve What We Desire

When you want to use the Law of Attraction, remember that all wishes must be formulated with "I" at the beginning. What comes next sets off the forces that will materialize. Be fully aware of what you are wanting and asking for. If you're focused on positive or negative emotions, because that's what you're going to attract back.

Thoughts have an energy that attracts similar energies. Thinking about what we don't have manifests itself in not having.

Even when everything seems to fall apart around you, staying positive and believing that the negative phase is fleeting, being able to focus on the good in life is critical to directing your thought energies in the right direction. This means that it is not enough to think positively when formulating a wish; being optimistic must be a constant attitude towards life.

To control the Law of Attraction, you must observe four principles:

  1. Know very well what you want.
  2. Think about what you want with conviction.
  3. Feeling and behaving as if what you want is already on its way.
  4. Be open to receive it.

For the Law of Attraction to work in our favor, we need to reprogram our minds and change our way of thinking. Thinking about what we don't have manifests itself in not having. Having an optimistic attitude towards life and valuing what we have already achieved can be the basis for achieving great things, some of which we thought were impossible.