Honey Spell - Attract True Love to Your Life

Rituals with honey to perform according to your goals and intentions: invoking love into your life, strengthening the loving ties with your partner, keeping your relationship alive and spicing up the bond between the couple.

Honey spell, like others rituals for love, is a practical way to use your will, your mind and your emotions to fulfill your desires. The environment you create around you and the intention you keep in your heart are the fundamental ingredients for any ritual or spell. Love and magic are often intertwined. Love itself is an enchantment of the soul and heart.

In this article, you will find several spells with honey that you can fulfill according to your goals and intentions: invoking love for your life, strengthening the loving ties with your partner, keeping the relationship alive and spicing up the bond between the two.

  • Sympathy with Honey for Love
  • Sympathy with Honey for Loyalty
  • Sympathy with Honey for the First Date
  • Sympathy with Honey for Seduction

The Intent of Rituals and Honey Spell for Love

The honey spell for love, aim to reinforce existing bonds of affection, bring harmony to the couple and raise the relationship to another level, where both partners feel involved enough to take the next step. Honey is a gift from nature. A pure, sweet ingredient. In sympathies, it brings sweetness, affection and attention to relationships.

Before proceeding with any spell or ritual, think about what you are looking for in your love relationship and the reasons that lead you to do so. Your intention and what you hold in your heart are the strongest ingredients in any magic.

Spell with Honey for Love

Whether you want to spice up your relationship, add a little more charm to your love life or invoke love, this is a simple spell to craft.

You will need:

  • 1 piece of fresh ginger
  • 1 jar with honey
  • 1 rose quartz crystal
  • 1 hand full of dry or fresh rose petals
  • 2 red candles

How to proceed?

  1. Cut the piece of ginger in two and place the two halves in the honey jar along with the quartz crystal.
  2. Circle the rose petals in a circle and light the two red candles, one on each side of the circle.
  3. For the next two nights, light the candles again and let them burn slowly. Think about your intentions with a heart full of joy.

Spell with Honey for Loyalty

The most suitable time of month to do this ritual is at full moon.

You will need:

  • A used piece of clothing (small) or a piece of clothing, one of you and one of your partner
  • 1 pen
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 small red ribbon or thread
  • 2 sprouts of rosemary
  • 1 small jar with honey

How to proceed?

  1. Write your name on your garment and your partner's name on theirs.
  2. Gather the cinnamon sticks and wrap them with the two pieces of clothing, with the names facing outwards, making a bundle.
  3. Tie the two pieces of clothing together with the red ribbon.
  4. Add the rosemary sprouts to the honey jar and stir clockwise. As you do, fill your heart with tenderness and think about your intentions.
  5. Add the bundle of clothes to the honey jar and close it.
  6. On the seventh night after the spell, remove the bundle from the honey jar and bury it under a birch or apple tree.

Spell with Honey for the First Date

The first date is always a special moment and it can happen when you least expect it. If you are looking for someone special, open your heart to that event. This sympathy will fill you with strength, confidence and energy. Take care of yourself and leave the house, every day, as if this were your big day. You never know who you might stumble across along the way! You can do this sympathy at any time of the month and moon phase.

You will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of jasmine
  • 2 slices of ginseng root
  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried passion fruit
  • 1 teaspoon with honey

How to proceed?

  1. Add, in a recipient that can heat, all the ingredients, except the honey. Let it boil.
  2. Leave the tea to steep for no less than 10 minutes.
  3. Help yourself to a cup of this tea, sweetened with honey.

Spell with Honey for Seduction

Love is also pleasure and seduction. If you want to make your dates even more erotic, prepare this potion and share it with your partner. The most suitable time of month to do this sympathy is at full moon.

You will need:

  • 2 pinches of dried rose petals
  • 2 cardamom pods (pods of the ginger family) which you must crush and leave to marinate in a little water overnight
  • 2 teaspoons of Damiana (a medicinal plant that can be used as a sexual stimulant and to reduce anxiety)
  • 2 pinches of ground cinnamon or 1 stick of cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons of honey

How to proceed?

  1. Add the rose petals, cardamom pods, damiana and cinnamon in a pot and pour boiling water on top. Let the infusion rest for 10 minutes.
  2. Sweeten the potion with honey and serve yourself and your partner a cup each.