The Chariot Tarot Card - Major Arcana Meaning

Discover the meaning of The Chariot Tarot card, the indications she gives when it comes upright, reversed or combined with other cards and its possible application to the various facets of life and everyday issues.

The Chariot is the seventh card of the Major Arcana in occult Tarot decks. It symbolizes restlessness, anguish, but also self-confidence and action. Discover the meaning of The Chariot in the Tarot card, the indications it gives when it comes upright, reversed or combined with other cards and its possible application to the various aspects of life and everyday issues.

The Major Arcana number tells you what stage you are in for a particular situation or problem. Ask the Tarot your question and interpret the Arcana according to its number and its position in the deck. These cards follow a storyline that tells of the spiritual travels taken from the innocent wonder of The Fool to the oneness and fulfillment of The World. In other words, these cards tell the story of humanity's spiritual evolution into enlightenment and individuation - when his life experiences are complete, he returns to zero, The Fool. Despite the divinatory meaning of the cards, think of the Tarot as a journey. If you look at the cards that come out in this way, with each question you ask, it becomes easier to intuitively interpret the cards and see their messages as a life story.

The Chariot Tarot Card Description

  • Major Arcana VII
  • Zodiacal Affinity - Cancer
  • Keywords - Character, anguish, self-confidence, action, diligence, willpower, honesty, restlessness, perseverance.
  • Key Expressions - Controlling how you feel and what you think, being pulled in two opposite directions, learning to stay on the right path, sexual prowess, being successful, determination to win at all costs, desire of victory and conquest, living great adventures and the ability to take risks, taking charge of life and of one's own destiny, mental and physical journeys.
  • Advice - Be determined.
  • Reversed Meaning - Displays of arrogance and ego; important details can be ignored; travel may be delayed.

The Illustration

In the Tarot, the illustration on The Chariot card features a chariot drawn by two horses. It carries a crowned man with a scepter in his right hand. Both horses look in the same direction but, because of their position, each walks in a different direction.

Horses do not have reins, which symbolically is an important aspect of this illustration. They pull the car, without needing guidance, which symbolizes that, despite appearing to walk in opposite directions, they have the same goal and have managed to overcome their differences.

This card also reflects the need for balance between spirit and matter. In order to evolve and mature, both sides of the human personality must be in unison.

In Numerology, the number 7 is a key number, it is the most mysterious and spiritual one. It reveals an initiation journey, whether interior or exterior. In Kabbalah, it represents path number 18 on the Tree of Life: the understanding of severity.

The Symbology

The Chariot denotes the existence of battles to be fought, difficulties to be overcome and the need for a resistant character when what is intended is victory. Despite this dramatic note, The Chariot is a reflection of life itself, populated by moments of conflict, confrontation and battles, internal and external.

The Chariot encourages the consultant not to give up on their battles, not to lower their arms in the face of challenges that, at first sight, seem insurmountable. It also points out the favorable news and developments that will act as a stimulus, increasing optimism and the notion that it is possible to overcome obstacles.

The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning

Upright Chariot Meaning

  • Upright Love Meaning - Taking action on love, taking control of love life.
  • Upright Career Meaning - Strong ambitions, motivation and control at work.
  • Upright Finances Meaning - Determination to reach financial goals.

The concepts of self-confidence and action are fundamental in the symbology of The Chariot. This card reinforces the idea of ​​several other Tarot cards: each person has within himself the tools necessary to build the life he desires. However, it is necessary to act, fight passivity and believe that victory is possible when there is determination and if you believe that it is worth it.

This card can also signify a subtle warning of excessive pride. The figure of The Chariot, with its triumphant and crowned warrior, can be interpreted as a conquest but, on the other hand, as a lack of humility. Any of the readings is valid within the personal context of the person taking it.

Reversed Chariot Meaning

  • Reversed Love Meaning - Obsession with finding love, forcefulness in love.
  • Reversed Career Meaning - Lack of ambition, too aggressive in career goals.
  • Reversed Finances Meaning - Rushing into or hesitant about financial decisions.

The Chariot in the reversed position reinforces the idea of ​​arrogance. In a Tarot reading it can indicate a bloated and conceited ego that needs to be recognized. On the other hand, possible frustration can cause the person to lose track of reality and turn their anger against someone who doesn't deserve it.

This card may also suggest that life does not flow the way a person would like. Events may take longer than desirable to resolve, requiring even more persistence.

The Chariot Combinations with Other Tarot Cards

When in conjunction with The Hermit, The Chariot suggests making a sincere commitment. With The Moon, you can point to errors in judgment. With The Justice, indicates that this is the time to take an important step.

The Major Arcana Tarot

The Major Arcana, or Great Mysteries, are seen as symbols of great issues, moments or people. Each card represents a human archetype, evoking the most varied feelings, moral positions and behaviors.

Reading, Meanings and Interpretation of the Tarot Major Arcana

Tarot is used as a tool for self-discovery and self-knowledge. In this sense, more than guessing the future, it serves to read and interpret all the elements of our life: it describes the current moment, clarifies the motives, desires and intentions, pointing out the path and the energies present in our life.

The possible readings for each Tarot card are practically infinite. There is no unique interpretation for each card, for each layout of cards or for each reading method. Tarot is based on intuition. Each person who reads the message of a card, or a set of cards, intuitively unravels the meaning of the card's message and how it connects with their own reality and circumstances of life.

The word "arcana" comes from Latin and means "secret" and, in the Tarot, the Major Arcana are considered universal, symbolic and figurative: they are considered symbolic of great issues, moments or people. They are archetypes, that is, they represent the most diverse feelings, moral positions and human behaviors. When they appear in a reading, it indicates an important event or decision, whether practical, spiritual, or emotional. They also establish correspondence with the astrological signs and planets.